Division of Kinesiology and Health

College of Health Sciences


photo of Tami

Tami Benham-Deal, P.E.D.

Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Motor Development, Health Education, Youth Physical Activity


(307) 766-4286

Old Main, Room 312






Dr. Benham-Deal's research interests include:  Changes in young children's physical activity patterns over time;  Influence of education reform and standards-based education on health and physical education instruction, curriculum, and assessment; Effectiveness of professional development in aligning health and physical education standards to curriculum, instruction and assessment. 


P.E.D. Indiana University (1990)

M.S. Indiana University (1988)

B.S. Indiana University (1981) 


  • KIN 3034 - Lifespan Motor Development
  • KIN 5034 - Lifespan Growth and Psychomotor Development
  • KIN/HLED 5085 - Research Methods (Distance)
  • HLED 4120 - Assessment in School Health Education 


  • American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, member
  • Wyoming Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, board member
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, member
  • American School Health Association, member 


University of Wyoming Mortar Board “Top Prof” Award, 2015

University of Wyoming Mortar Board “Top Prof” Award, 2014

Hall of Fame Award, Wyoming Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 2013

College of Health Sciences 2013 Career Achievement Award, University of Wyoming

Benham-Deal, T. [PI] (07/09-06/11). Physical and health education in Wyoming schools. Wyoming Department of Education (funded $140,000).

Benham-Deal, T. (10/07-06/09).  Physical and health education in Wyoming schools.  Wyoming Department of Education (funded $160,000).

College of Health Sciences Innovations in Teaching Award, University of Wyoming, 2008

Endwright Distinguished Alumni Service Award, Indiana University, School of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 2006 



Benham-Deal, T., & Hodges, B. (2009).  Role of 21st century schools in promoting health literacy.  Washington, DC:  National Education Association Health Information Network http://www.neahin.org.


Alphonsa, S., Dai, B., Benham-Deal, T., & Zhu, Q. (2016).  Combined visual illusion effects on the perceived index of difficulty and movement outcomes in discrete and continuous Fitts’ tapping.  Psychological Research, 80(1), 55-68.

Benham-Deal, T., & Hudson, N.  (2013). Student Assessment.  In D. C. Wiley & A.C. Cory (eds.), Encyclopedia of School Health (pp. 623-625).  SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Benham-Deal, T., & Hudson, N.  (2013). Health Education, Formal.  In D. C. Wiley & A.C. Cory (eds.), Encyclopedia of School Health (pp. 270-272).  SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Alderman, B., Benham-Deal, T., Beighle, A., Erwin, H. & Olson, R. L. (2012). Contribution of physical education to young adolescents’ daily physical activity. Pediatric Exercise Science, 24, 634-648.

Benham-Deal, TB, Jenkins, JM, Deal, LO, Byra, A (2010).  The impact of professional development to infuse health and reading in elementary schools.  American Journal of Health Education, 41 (3), 155-166.

Alderman, BL, Benham-Deal, T, Jenkins, J. (2010).  Change in Parental Influence on Children's Physical Activity over Time. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 7, 60-67.

Benham-Deal, TB, Deal, LO, Hudson, N. (2010). The Road to Health Literacy - Principals Take the Wheel.  Principal, 89 (3), 20-25.

Benham-Deal, T., Jenkins, J., Wallhead, T., & Byra, M.  (2007).  The impact of state standards on physical education in Wyoming - A decade of change.  Physical Educator, 64 (2),

Marx, E., Hudson, N., Benham-Deal, T., Pateman, B., & Middleton, K. (2007).  Promoting health literacy through the Health Education Assessment Project. Journal of School Health, 77 (4), 157-164.

Benham-Deal, T., & Hudson, N.  (2006).  Are health educators in denial or facing reality?  Demonstrating effectiveness within a school accountability system.  American Journal of Health Education, 37 (2).

Benham-Deal, T.  (2005).  Preschool Children's Accumulated and Sustained Physical Activity.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 100, 443-450.


Benham-Deal, T. (2006).  Aligning Health and Reading with a HEAP of Books.  Washington DC: Council of Chief State School Officers, State Collaborative on Assessment of Student Standards, Health Education Assessment Project. 


Benham-Deal., T., & Deal, L. (2014, March).  Transforming Health Education for 21st Century Learners.  Podium presentation at the annual convention for the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) Convention, St. Louis, MO. [podium]

Benham-Deal, T., Hudson, N., & Klarenbeek, S. (2014, March).  HEAP - Gateway to 21st Century Learning in Health Education.  Half-day in depth session at the annual convention for the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) Convention, St. Louis, MO. [podium]

Hudson, N., Klarenbeek, S., & Benham-Deal, T. (2013, October).  Charting a New Course for HEAP.  Annual conference of the American School Health Association, Myrtle Beach, SC. [podium]

Benham-Deal, T. (2012, October).  Assessment in School Health Education: Making Connections Between Preservice and Inservice Preparation Preparation.  Annual conference of the American School Health Association, San Antonio, TX.

Kittinger, J., Benham-Deal, T., & Alderman, B. (2012, March). Adolescents' perception of parental and peer influence on physical activity. Poster presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) Convention, Boston, MA.

Benham-Deal, T. (2011).  Common Core Standards – Implications and Applications for Health and Physical Education. Annual conference of the American School Health Association, Louisville, KY.

Benham-Deal, T., Hudson, N., et al. (2011).  Common Core Standards, Health Education and the Health Literate Student. Annual conference of the American School Health Association, Louisville, KY, 10/11.

Alderman, B.L., Benham-Deal, T., & Olson, R. (2011).  Parental and Peer Influence on Middle School Children’s Physical Activity. Annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO.

Benham-Deal, T. (2011).  Common Core Standards – Integrating Health and Physical Education.  Bi-annual Meeting of the Council of Chief State Schools Officers’ State Collaborative on Assessment of Student Standards Health Education Assessment Project.  Atlanta, GA (invited).

Videto, D., Governali, J., Hodges, B.C., Benham-Deal, T., & Hudson, N.A. (2010). School Health Education in the 21st Century: A National Conversation.  Annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Indianapolis, IN, March 16-20, 2010.

Hudson, N., & Benham-Deal, T. (2010).  Using Cognitively Demanding Assessments in Health Education to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills. Annual Conference of the American School Health Association, Kansas City, MO, October 13-16, 2010.

Hudson, N., & Benham-Deal, T. (2009).  Student Health Literacy: Setting and Influencing the Education Agenda, Annual Conference of the American School Health Association, Denver, CO, October 28-31, 2009.

Hudson, N., & Benham-Deal, T. (2009).  Involving Higher Education in the Future of the Health Education Assessment Project, Annual Conference of the American School Health Association, Denver, CO, October 28-31, 2009.

Benham-Deal, T, & Deal, L. (2009).  Apps, Tags and Friends: Using Online Social Networking to Improve Health Literacy.  Annual Conference of the American School Health Association, Denver, CO, October 28-31, 2009.

Benham-Deal, T., & Hodges, B. (2009, January).  The role of 21st century schools in promoting health literacy.  Symposium on Health Literacy in the 21st Century:  Setting an Education Agenda.  Paper presented at the National Education Association - Health Information Network, Washington, DC.

Alderman, B.L., & Benham-Deal, T.B. (May, 2008).  Parental influence on children's physical activity.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.

Benham-Deal, T. (February, 2008). Setting the stage: Purposes of assessment and cognitive complexity. Invited paper presentation at the Bi-annual Meeting of the Council of Chief State Schools Officers' State Collaborative on Assessment of Student Standards Health Education Assessment Project, Little Rock, AR.

Hudson, N., & Benham-Deal, T. (2007, March).  Using Revolutionary Technology to Inform and Improve Classroom-Based Health Education. Paper Presentation at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Benham-Deal, T., & Deal, L. (2007, July). Improving Health Literacy with a HEAP of Books. Paper Presented at the American School Health Association National Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Hudson, N., & Benham-Deal, T. (2007, July).  Implementing the Education Recommendations of the IOM Report on Health Literacy. Paper presented at the American School Health Association National Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Benham-Deal, T., & Courtney, K. (2007, October). Lessons Learned from the FAST SCASS and the Classroom. Invited Paper Presentation at the CCSSO-SCASS Health Education Assessment Project/MEGA SCASS Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 


2013 Central District Presentation Part 1

2013 Central District Presentation Part 2

2013 Central District Presentation Part 3

2013 Central District Presentation Part 4

2013 Central District Presentation - No Audio


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UW Division of Kinesiology and Health

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Email: kines@uwyo.edu

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