Professor Chestek's Publications


Thinking in Circles: Using OODA to Sharpen Legal Analysis, 20 Wyoming Law Review 319 (2020). Westlaw

Of Metaphors and Magic Wands: Are Corporations Really People? 89 Mississippi Law Journal 1 (2019). Westlaw | SSRN 

Fear and Loathing in Persuasive Writing: An Empirical Study of the Effect of Negativity Bias, 14 Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD 1 (2017). WestlawPDF

You Can’t Sell What You Wouldn’t Buy: Storytelling in Voir Dire, 2015 The Coffee House (Wyoming Trial Lawyers Association) 14. WTLA

Of Reptiles and Velcro: The Brain’s Negativity Bias and Persuasion, 15 Nevada Law Journal 605 (2015). Westlaw | Hein Online | Lexis | Internet

The Life of the Law Has Not Been Logic: It Has Been Story, 1 Savannah Law Review 21 (2014). WestlawHein Online | Internet

Competing Stories: A Case Study of the Role of Narrative Reasoning in Judicidal Decisions, 9 Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD 99 (2012). Hein Online

Judging By the Numbers: An Empirical Study of the Power of Story, 7 Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors 1 (July 2010). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

The Plot Thickens: The Appellate Brief as Story, 14 Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute 127 (2008). Lexis | Hein Online

MacCrate [in]Action: The Case for Enhancing the Upper-Leval Writing Requirement in Law Schools, 78 University of Colorado Law Review 115 (2007). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Reality Programming Meets LRW: The Moot Case Approach to Teaching in the First Year, 38 Gonzaga Law Review 57 (2003). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Are Hospitals Truly Institutions of Charity?, 73 Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly 4 (2002). Lexis | Hein Online

Essay, The "Moot Case" Approach to Student Collaboration, The Second Draft, Volume 15, No. 2 (June 2001), p. 6. Legal Writing Institute (pdf)

Are Hospitals Purely Public Charities?, 7 Assessment Journal 24 (2000). Ebsco

Farmland Preservation Techniques: Some Food for Thought, 40 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 258 (1979). Hein Online


Your Client’s Story: Persuasive Legal Writing (co-author with Profs. Ruth Anne Robbins and
Steven Johansen) (
Third Edition Aspen 2024) Wolters Kluwer Aspen Publishing

Your Client’s Story: Persuasive Legal Writing (co-author with Profs. Ruth Anne Robbins and
Steven Johansen) (Second Edition Aspen 2019) Wolters Kluwer

Ruth Anne Robbins, Steve Johansen & Ken Chestek, Your Client’s Story: Persuasive Legal Writing, Wolters Kluwer, 2013. Amazon

Indiana Pleading and Practice (With Forms), co-editor (with Prof. Allison Martin) (six-volume looseleaf treatise published by Lexis/Nexis with in-depth coverage of the Indiana Trial Rules, updated twice annually).

WordPerfect for Windows 6 in the Law Office (Que Corporation 1996).

WordPerfect for Windows Power Macros (Que Corporation 1992).

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