College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417
Traits of Credibility - Part 6: The Dual Benefits of "Intelligent" Writing, 44 Wyoming Lawyer 50 (2021). Westlaw
Traits of Credibility - Part 5: Organization as a Sign of Intelligence, 43 Wyoming Lawyer 52 (2020). Westlaw
Traits of Credibility - Part 4: Candid Concession, 43 Wyoming Lawyer 52 (2020). Westlaw
Traits of Credibility - Part 3: The Tension Between Zeal and Good Will, 43 Wyoming Lawyer 48 (2020). Westlaw
Traits of Credibility - Part 2: Honesty, 44 Wyoming Lawyer 44 (2019). Westlaw
Traits of Credibility - Part 1: An Introduction to Ethos, 42 Wyoming Lawyer 56 (2019). Westlaw
Concluding on Rules with Multiple Levels of Sub-Rules: Backing Out the Same Way You Went In, 42 Wyoming Lawyer 44 (2019). Westlaw
Applying Legal Rules, 41 Wyoming Lawyer 50 (2018). Westlaw
Going Negative In Policy Arguments, 41 Wyoming Lawyer 50 (2018). Westlaw
Bad Metaphors, Part 2: Arcane Metaphors, 41 Wyoming Lawyer 46 (2018). Westlaw
Bad Metaphors: Part 1: Insulting Metaphors, 40 Wyoming Lawyer 50 (2017). Westlaw
Strategies Behind Quoting a Quote, 40 Wyoming Lawyer 52 (2017). Westlaw
Parallel Structure of Lists: The Basics and the Bold, 40 Wyoming Lawyer 48 (2017). Westlaw
Seven Foundational Skills of Effective Legal Writing, 39 Wyoming Lawyer 16 (2016). Westlaw
Elements v. Factors Part II, 39 Wyoming Lawyer 50 (2016). Westlaw
Elements v. Factors, 39 Wyoming Lawyer 46 (2016). Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Commas and Phrases, 38 Wyoming Lawyer 66 (2015). Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Commas and Clauses, 38, No. 2 Wyoming Lawyer 50 (2015). Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
I Can See Clearly Now: Inducted Rules and the See Signal in Legal Citation, 38, No. 6 Wyoming Lawyer 46 (2015). Wyoming Lawyer
That and Which, 37 Wyoming Lawyer 64 (2014). Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Me, Myself and I, 37, No. 4 Wyoming Lawyer 64 (2014). Wyoming Lawyer
Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers, 37 Wyoming Lawyer 60 (2014). Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
The Sociological and Cognitive Dimensions of Policy-Based Persuasion, 22 Journal of Law and Policy 35 (2013). Westlaw
Linguistic Hooks: Overcoming Adverse Cognitive Stock Structures in Statutory Interpretation, 8 Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD 1 (2011) (lead article). ALWD
Levels of Metaphor in Persuasive Legal Writing, 58 Mercer Law Review 919 (2007). SSRN ǀ Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw
Rhetoric Theory and Legal Writing: An Annotated Bibliography, 3 Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors 129 (2006). Internet ǀ Westlaw
The Next Frontier: Exploring the Substance of Legal Writing, 2 Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors 1 (2004). SSRN ǀ Westlaw
Alternative Substantive Approaches to Advanced Legal Writing Courses, 54 Journal of Legal Education 119 (2004). SSRN ǀ Hein Online ǀ Westlaw
Adam A. Milani and Michael R. Smith, Playing God: A Critical Look at Sua Sponte Decisions by Appellate Courts, 69 Tennessee Law Review 245 (2002). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw
Comment, Criminal Procedure: Considering the "Totality of the Circumstances" in Determining Probable Cause for a Search Warrant Based on Informant's Tip, 36 University of Florida Law Review 325 (Spring 1984). Hein Online
Metaphoric Parable: The Nexus of Metaphor and Narrative in Legal Persuasion, in Narrative and Metaphor in Law 65-89 (Cambridge University Press, Michael Hanne & Robert Weisberg, eds., 2018). Cambridge
Advanced Legal Writing: Theories and Strategies in Persuasive Writing (Wolters Kluwer 3rd ed. 2013). Amazon
Teacher's Manual, Advanced Legal Writing: Theories and Strategies in Persuasive Writing (Aspen Pub. 1st ed. 2002, 2d ed. 2008).
Advanced Legal Writing: Theories and Strategies in Persuasive Writing (Aspen Pub. 1st ed. 2002, 2d ed. 2008). Amazon
Chapter VIII, Beyond the First Year: Upper-Level Programs, in Sourcebook on Legal Writing Programs (E. Easton ed., 2d ed. ABA 2006) (with M. B. Beazley and J. A. Durako) Amazon
College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417