College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417
Tawnya Plumb, Access to Justice: Legal Research on the Road, 17 Public Services Quarterly 292 (2021).
Tawnya K. Plumb, Access to Justice in the Age of AI, in Law Librarianship in the Age of AI (Ellyssa Kroski ed., American Library Association 2019). (Book received the 2020 Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award by the American Association of Law Libraries.)
Debora Person & Tawnya Plumb, Find it Free and Fast on the Net: Strategies for Legal Research on the Web (National Business Institute 2019, 2015, 2011, 2008, 2007, 2006).
Using Litigation Analytics in your Practice, Wyoming Lawyer, December 2019, at 46. Westlaw
What is the Internet of Things, Wyoming Lawyer, June 2018, at 50. Westlaw
Blockchain: What’s in it for Lawyers?, Wyoming Lawyer, February 2018, at 50. Westlaw
A Day in the Life of Wyoming PDF Files, Wyoming Lawyer, April 2017, at 46. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Digital Archives from the Ground Up, 33 Digital Library Perspectives 253 (2017). (with Debora Person)
Finding Online Dockets and Briefs, Wyoming Lawyer, June 2016, at 62. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Legal Research: Then and Now, Wyoming Lawyer, June 2015, at 36. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Email Security: A Solo Practitioner's Dilemma, Wyoming Lawyer, December 2014, at 62. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
An Ad-Free Internet?, Wyoming Lawyer, October 2013, at 52. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Legal Writing Resources (Part 2), Wyoming Lawyer, October 2012, at 60. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Legal Writing Resources (Part 1), Wyoming Lawyer, August 2012, at 54. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Video Conferencing: Changing the Way Courts Do Business, Wyoming Lawyer, August 2011, at 56. Westlaw ǀ Wyoming Lawyer
Taking the Mystery out of Marketing, 15 AALL Spectrum No. 8, at 7 (June 2011).
Creating Electronic Tutorials: On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!, 22 Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 49 (2010). Taylor & Francis Online
Back to the Future: Revisiting Library Display Cases, AALL Spectrum, July 2010, at 10.
Law Reviews and Legal Treatises, Wyoming Lawyer, June 2010, at 58. Westlaw
Debora Person & Tawnya Plumb, Wyoming Legal Research interactive tutorial, The Center For Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI), (2009-). CALI
Conducting Company Research, Wyoming Lawyer, June 2009, at 52. Westlaw
Challenges and Opportunities for Electronic Resources Librarians in Facing Down the Digital Divide, 32 Collection Management 327 (2008). Taylor & Francis
Debora Person & Tawnya Plumb, Initiatives and Referenda in Wyoming, 26 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 321 (2008). Taylor & Francis
Tracking Down Public Records, Wyoming Lawyer, Apr. 2008, at 47. Westlaw
Debora A. Person & Tawnya K. Plumb, Wyoming Legal Research, 3d ed. (Tenielle Fordyce-Ruff ed., Carolina Academic Press forthcoming).
Access to Justice in the Age of AI, in Law Librarianship in the Age of AI (Ellyssa Kroski ed., American Library Association 2019). ALA
Debora A. Person and Tawnya K. Plumb, Wyoming Legal Research: Teacher’s Manual 2d ed. (Carolina Academic Press, 2017). Carolina Academic Press
Debora A. Person and Tawnya K. Plumb, Wyoming Legal Research, 2d ed. (Carolina Academic Press, 2016). Carolina Academic Press
Debora A. Person and Tawnya K. Plumb, Wyoming Legal Research (Carolina Academic Press, 2013). Carolina Academic Press
Debora A. Person and Tawnya K. Plumb, Wyoming Legal Research: Teacher’s Manual (Carolina Academic Press, 2014). Carolina Academic Press
College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417