College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417
A Brief History of Concealed Carry in Wyoming, George A. Mocsary and Debora A. Person, 21 Wyo. L. Rev. 341 (2021).
A Celebration of Legal Clinics at the UW College of Law, Wyoming Lawyer, August 2020, at 24. Westlaw
The Problem of Citing Wyoming Regulations, Wyoming Lawyer, April 2019, at 46. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
The Wyoming Supreme Court's Use of Secondary Sources, Wyoming Lawyer, August 2018, at 48. Wyoming Lawyer | Westlaw
AI Applications in the Practice of Law, Wyoming Lawyer, August 2017, at 50. Wyoming Lawyer | Westlaw
Digital Archives from the Ground Up: a Case Study of the University of Wyoming College of Law, Digital Library Perspectives 253 (Spring 2017). (with Tawnya Plumb)
Making Use of Your Firm's Website, Wyoming Lawyer, August 2016, at 48. Westlaw
Resources for Solo and Small Firm Practitioners, Wyoming Lawyer, August 2015, at 64. Westlaw
Hardware Technology Decisions for Solo and Small Firms, Wyoming Lawyer, February 2015, at 56. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Access to Legal Forms, Wyoming Lawyer, December 2013, at 50. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Password Managers, Wyoming Lawyer, December 2012, at 56. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Comparison of Electronic Case Law Databases, Wyoming Lawyer, April 2012, at 62. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Twitter and Tweets, 34 Wyoming Lawyer, Feb. 2011, at 46. Westlaw | Wyoming Lawyer
Using Rule 11 Sanctions to Persuade First-Year Students to Focus on Legal Research, 18 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research & Writing 143 (2010). Westlaw
Legislative Histories and the Practice of Statutory Interpretation in Wyoming, 10 Wyoming Law Review 559 (2010). Westlaw
Wyoming Jury Verdicts and Settlements, Wyoming Lawyer Feb. 2010, at 54. Westlaw
Protecting Yourself and Your Client, Wyoming Lawyer, Apr. 2009, at 54. Westlaw
Debora Person & Tawnya Plumb, Initiatives and Referenda in Wyoming, 26 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 321 (2008). Taylor & Francis
The Best Free Legal Websites for Wyoming Attorneys, Wyoming Lawyer, Dec. 2007, at 49. Westlaw
Debora A. Person, Wyoming Pre-Statehood Legal Materials: An Annotated Bibliography-Part II, 7 Wyoming Law Review 333 (2007). Hein Online | Lexis | Westlaw
Wyoming Pre-Statehood Legal Materials: An Annotated Bibliography, in 2 Prestatehood Legal Materials: A Fifty-State Research Guide, Including New York City and the District of Columbia 1395 (Michael Chiorazzi and Marguerite Most, eds., 2005), reprinted in 7 Wyoming Law Review 50 (2007). Hein Online | Lexis | Westlaw
Handling the Entertaining Patron, ALL-SIS Newsletter, Spring 2005.
Using "Walking Tours" to Teach Research, 13 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing, Spring 2005, at 154-155. Westlaw
ALL Program Review: Publishing Outside the Law Library Box: Opportunities Beyond Law Library Publications, ALL-SIS Newsletter, Fall 2005.
"Catch the Web" Presentation, ALL-SIS Newsletter, Fall 2004.
Wyoming Legal Research, 3d ed. (Carolina Academic Press, 2022). Co-authored with Tawnya Plumb (forthcoming).
Wyoming State Documents: A Bibliography of State Publications and Related Materials, rev ed. Government Documents Special Interest Section, American Association of Law Libraries, 2018.
Wyoming Legal Research, 2d ed. Teacher’s Edition. Online only. (Carolina Academic Press, 2017). Co-authored with Tawnya Plumb.
Debora A. Person and Tawnya K. Plumb, Wyoming Legal Research, 2d ed. (Carolina Academic Press, 2016). Carolina Academic Press
Debora A. Person and Tawnya K. Plumb, Wyoming Legal Research (Carolina Academic Press, 2013). Carolina Academic Press
Debora A. Person and Tawnya K. Plumb, Wyoming Legal Research: Teacher’s Manual (Carolina Academic Press, 2014). Carolina Academic Press
College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417