College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417
Is ISIS a State? The Status of Statehood in the Age of Terror, 36 Berkeley Journal of International Law 36 (2018). PDF | Westlaw | Hein Online
Shifting Battlefields: A Post-Kiobel Assessment of Human Rights Advocacy, Human Rights Law
Same-Sex Marriage Without Borders: The Foreign and Comparative Law Amicus Brief in Obergefell v. Hodges (with Ruth N. Borenstein and Marc A. Hearron), 23 California International Law Journal 10 (2015).
Judging Stories, 18 Lewis & Clark Law Review 37 (2014). PDF | Westlaw | Hein Online | Lexis
After AIDS, 14 Melbourne Journal of International Law 643 (2014). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online
All Necessary Means: The Struggle to Protect Communal Property in Belize, 12 Wyoming Law Review 197 (2012). Westlaw | Hein Online | Lexis
The Duty of Treatment: Human Rights and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic, 12 Yale Human Rights & Development Law Journal 1 (2009). Westlaw ǀ Hein Online
Immunity for Torture: Lessons from Bouzari v. Iran, 18 European Journal of International Law 939 (2007). Internet ǀ Westlaw
The HIV/AIDS Pandemic and Human Security, 100 American Society of International Law Proceedings 345 (2006). Hein Online
Litigating Child Recruitment Before the Special Court for Sierra Leone, 7 San Diego International Law Journal 421 (2006). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw
Speaking to Africa - The Early Success of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, 5 Santa Clara Journal of International Law 194 (2006). Internet ǀ Westlaw
The Special Court for Sierra Leone, 7 San Diego International Law Journal 427 (2006). Hein Online ǀ Lexis ǀ Westlaw
Sideways Advocacy: Confronting Multinational Corporations, SELA 2013-14.
After the Horror: Child Soldiers and the Special Court for Sierra Leone, in The Sierra Leone Special Court and its Legacy: The Impact for Africa and International Criminal Law (Cambridge U. Press 2013). Cambridge
Beyond Trips: The Role of Non-State Actors and Access to Essential Medicines, in Incentives for Global Public Health (Cambridge U. Press 2010). Google Books
The Use and Abuse of Jus Nexi, in Special Edition: A Debate on the Birthright Lottery (Les Ateliers de l’éthique, Centre for Research in Ethics of the U. of Montreal 2010).
Inequality in Law, for Seminar in Latin America on Constitutional and Political Theory (SELA) (2010).
ISIS and State Sovereignty (an exploration of human rights minimalism in relation to the criteria for statehood)
Transnational Lawyering Done Right (an analysis of the substance and method of effective transnational human rights advocacy)
Somalia and International Legal Imagination (an article-length discussion of how the failed state of Somalia challenges international legal categories)
College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Fax: 307-766-6417