Professor Jackson's Publications



Racing  for Equality: Unequal Profession and Professor Meera E. Deo's Leg of the Race, 51, MICH. ST. L. REV. 301 (2022)

Stealing Culture: Digital Repatriation (A Case Study), 12 U. MUSEUMS & COLLECTIONS J. 77 (2020) (with Nicole M. Crawford).

Stealing Culture: Repatriation of Human Remains in University Collections, 11 U. MUSEUMS & COLLECTIONS J. 109 (2019) (with Nicole M. Crawford). UMAC Journal

Profiling the Police: Flipping 20 Years of Whren on its Head, 85 UMKC L. REV. 671 (2017). WestlawLexis | Hein Online

Conceptualizing Color-evasiveness: Using Dis/ability Critical Race Theory to Expand a Color-blind Racial Ideology in Education and Society, 20 RACE ETHNICITY & EDUC. 147 (2016) (with Subini Annamma and Deb Morrison). Taylor & Francis

Help! The Supreme Court Gave Me Bad Directions: Rethinking Brown and Affirmative Action in the Wake of Schuette, 3 MICH. ST. L. REV. 647 (2014). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

Disproportionality Fills in the Gaps: Connections Between Achievement, Discipline and Special Education in the School-to-Prison Pipeline, 5 BERKELEY REV. EDUC. 53 (2014) (with Subini Annamma and Deb Morrison). eScholarship

CRT & Morality: New Looks at Original Sins, PHIL. EDUC. SOC’Y Y.B. (2014).

Teaching Tomorrow's Citizens: The Law's Role in Educational Disproportionality, 5 ALA. C.R.-C.L. L. REV. 215 (2013). PDF | Westlaw

Understanding Public Perceptions of Affirmative Action, 22 KAN. J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 205 (2013) (with Michele Moses). Westlaw | Lexis

Sander, the Mismatch Theory, and Affirmative Action: Critiquing the Absence of Praxis in Policy, 89 DENV. U. L. REV. 245 (2011). Westlaw | Lexis | Hein Online

The Mismatch Hypotheses in Law School Admissions, 2 WIDENER J.L. ECON. & RACE 165 (2011) (with Gregory Camilli, Chia-Yi Chiu, and Ann Gallagher). Hein Online

The Sunset of Affirmative Action: City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co., 12 NAT'L BLACK L.J. 73 (1990) (with Christopher H. Davis). Hein Online


Books and Book Chapters

Culturally Proficient Lawyering (forthcoming, Carolina Academic Press, (2024/2025) (with Anastasia Boles, Demetria Frank, and Jamila Jefferson-Jones).

Stealing Culture: Law Students Engage an Interdisciplinary Analysis Through the Museum, in PROFESSIONALIZING MUSEUM IN HIGHER EDUCATION: A GLOBAL APPROACH (Marta Lourenco & Darko Babic eds., forthcoming) (with Nicole M. Crawford).

Stealing Culture: The Internalization of Critical Race Theory Through the Intersection of Criminal Law and Museum Studies, in CRITICAL RACE THEORY IN THE ACADEMY 519 (Vernon Lee Farmer & Evelyn Shepherd W. Farmer eds., 2020) (with Nicole M. Crawford and Toni E. Hartzel). IAP

Black Men in Law School: Unmatched or Mismatched (Routledge Publishing, 2018). Routledge

Critical Race Spatial Analysis: Mapping to Understand and Address Educational Inequity (Stylus Publishing, 2017)(edited with Deb Morrison and Subini Annamma). Stylus Publishing

The History and Conceptual Elements of Critical Race Theory; Handbook of Critical Race Theory in Education-Chapter 1 (Routledge Publishing, 2013) (with Kevin Brown). Routledge

Education Law as a Foundational Discipline; Handbook of Research in the Social Foundations of Education-Chapter 10 (Routledge Publishing, 2010) (with Kevin G. Welner and Stuart Biegel).

Policy Briefs

Law and Order in School and Society: How Discipline and Policing Policies Harm Students of Color, and What We Can Do About It. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center. (2017) (with J. Scott, M.S. Finnigan, & T. Trujillo). PDF

Investigating the Defeat of Amendment 46 in Colorado: An Analysis of the Trends and Principal Factors Influencing Voter Behavior. Research Report. New York: Public Interest Projects (2010) (with Michele S. Moses, Kenneth R. Howe, Amy N. Farley, Matthew Gaertner, and Christina Paguyo). PDF


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