Professor Stoellinger's Publications


Temple StoellingerConserving Wildlife and Biodiversity in the United States and European Union, 37(4) ABA Natural Resource & Environment 9 (Spring 2023)

Temple Stoellinger, Valuing Conservation of State Trust Lands, 54(4) A.B.A. Trends 10 (March/April 2023)

Temple StoellingerReciprocity and Sovereignty; An Interview with Wes Martel on Tribal Wildlife Conservation, Western Confluence(2023)

Shawn Regan, Temple Stoellinger, and Jonathan Wood, Opening the Range: Reforms to Allow Markets for Voluntary Conservation of Federal Grazing Lands, 1-2023 Utah L. Review 197 (2023)

Heidi J. Albers, Katherine D. Lee, Alejandra Martinez-Salinas, Melanie Murphy, Arthur Middleton, Stephen Newboldand Temple Stoellinger, How Ecological Characteristics of Seasonal Migratory Species Influence Conservation Threats and Policy Needs, 17(1) Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, (2023)

Shawn Regan, Temple Stoellinger, and Jonathan Wood, Opening the Range: Reforms to Allow Markets for Non-Use of Federal Grazing Permits, forthcoming, Utah L. Review (Fall 2022).

Heidi J. Albers, Katherine D. Lee, Alejandra Martinez-Salinas, Melanie Murphy, Temple Stoellinger, Stephen Newbold, and Arthur Middleton, Ecology and Policy for Economic Analysis of Seasonal Migratory Species, forthcoming, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (Fall 2022).

Arthur Middleton, Temple Stoellinger, Drew Bennett, Laura Giglotti, Sam Maher, Travis Brammer, Hilary Byerly, and Bryan Leonard, The Role of Private Lands in Conserving Yellowstone’s Wildlife in the 21st Century , 22(2) Wyo. L. Rev. 237 (2022).  

Tara Righetti, Temple Stoellinger, and Rob Godby, Adapting to Coal Plant Closures: A Framework to Understand State Energy Transition Resistance, Environmental Law Review, 51 (2), (Fall 2021).

Bryan Leonard, Shawn Regan, Christopher Costello, Suzi Kerr, Dominic P. Parker, Andrew J. Plantinga, James Salzman, V. Kerry Smith, and Temple Stoellinger, Allow “Nonuse Rights” to Conserve Natural Resources, 373(6558) Science 958 (2021).

Tara Righetti, Robert Keiter, Jason Robison, Temple Stoellinger, and Sam Kalen, Unbecoming Adversaries: Natural Resource Federalism in Wyoming, 21(1) Wyo. L. Rev. 290 ( 2021).

Temple Stoellinger, H. Jo Albers, Arthur Middleton and Jason Shogren, Where the Deer and the Antelope Play: Conserving Big-Game Migrations as an Endangered Phenomena, 31(2) Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum, 81-161 (2020).

Arthur Middleton, Temple Stoellinger, Harshad Karandikar, Bryan Leonard, Holly Doremus, and Claire Kremen, Harnessing Visitors’ Enthusiasm for National Parks to Fund Cooperative Large-Landscape Conservation. Accepted, Conservation Science and Practice (May 2020).  Research brief.

Temple Stoellinger, Michael Brennan, Sara Brodnax, Ya-Wei Li, Murray Feldman, Bob Budd, Sam Kalen, Improving Cooperative State and Federal Species Conservation, 19 Wyo. L. Rev. 184 (2020).  Research brief and website.

Temple Stoellinger, L. Steven Smutko, Jessica M. Western, Collaboration Through NEPA to Achieve a Social License to Operate on Federal Public Lands, 39 Pub. Land & Resources L. Rev. 203 (2018). 

Temple Stoellinger, Wildlife Issues are Local – So Why Isn’t ESA Implementation? 44.3 Ecology Law Quarterly, 681 (2017). Research brief.

Temple Stoellinger and David “Tex” Taylor, A Report on the Economic Impact to Wyoming’s Economy From a Potential Listing of the Sage Grouse, 17 Wyo. L. Rev. 79 (2017).

Tara Righetti, Dalia Patino-Echeverri, Rob Godby, Temple Stoellinger, and Kipp Coddington, The Role of Energy Models: Characterizing the Uncertainty of the Future Electricity System to Design More Efficient and Effective Laws, 8 Geo Wash. J. of Energy & Envtl. L. 56 (2017).

Temple Stoellinger, Tara Righetti, and Kipp Coddington, The Expanding Role of the Social Cost of Carbon in Energy Project Development, 29(1) The Electricity Journal, 63 (2016). 


Book Chapters

Temple Stoellinger, Karrigan Bjork and Jim Bradbury; Book Chapter, The Challenges and Legal Issues Impacting Stewardship, in THE ART AND SCIENCE OF PRIVATE LANDS STEWARDSHIP (Roel Lopez, Jim Cathey, and Jenny Sanders eds.) (accepted and submitted Summer 2020, publication expected in Fall of 2022)

Temple Stoellinger, Multi-State Endangered Species Act Listings: The Impact to Energy & New Conservation Approaches in the United States, in Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US (Raphael Heffron and Gavin Little eds. 2016


Other Works

Temple Stoellinger, The Case for Conservation Leasing, Trends, American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, accepted and forthcoming, (Spring 2023)

Rebecca Watson and Temple Stoellinger, Practitioners Guide to NEPA eBibliography, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Publication (forthcoming, Spring 2023).

Temple Stoellinger, Federal Lands in Public Lands; The Long History of Congressional Intent to Keep Public Lands Public; An Interview with Bob Keiter, 9 Western Confluence (Fall 2018).

Temple Stoellinger, Having Your Voice Heard: How to Effectively Get the Agency’s Attention in a NEPA Comment to Affect the Final Decision, National Environmental Policy Act 9-1 (Rocky Mt. Min. L. Fnd. 2017).

Temple Stoellinger, Micah Christensen, Conner Nicklas, Fish Creek Water Quality Legal Analysis. June 2017.

Introduction to the Edited Panel Discussions, 17 Wyoming Law Review 171 (2017). Westlaw

Temple Stoellinger, Of Ranchers and Researchers, Trespassing to Collect Data in Wyoming is a Crime, 6 Western Confluence 43-44 (Summer 2016).

Temple Stoellinger, When Your Outdoor Adventure Becomes More Than You Seek, Wyoming Lawyer, 20 (June 2016).

Bailey Schreiber and Temple Stoellinger, Rails-to-Trails…Derailed?, 1 Western Confluence 20 (Summer 2014).

Temple Stoellinger, Policy Brief: The Implications of a Sage Grouse Listing For Energy Development, National Agricultural & Rural Development Policy Center, Brief 33 (June 2014).

Temple Stoellinger, Seeing Through the Regional Haze, Wyoming Lawyer, 34 (Feb. 2013).





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