Final Executive Summary Reports
The Advanced Conversion Technology Fund/Clean Coal Technology Fund final executive
summary reports are available to the public.
- Alexander Azenkeng, Brandon M. Pavlish, Nicholas B. Lentz, Kevin C. Galbreath, Donald
P. McCollor, Energy & Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota - Feasibility of Hydrothermal Dewatering for the Potential to Reduce CO2 Emissions and Upgrade Low Rank Coals
- Dr. Gerardine Botte, Ohio University, Center for Electrochemical Engineering Research
- Coal Electrolysis for the Production of Hydrogen and Liquid Fuels
- Dr. Maohong Fan, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering
and Applied Science, University of Wyoming - Development of a New Solid Sorbent for CO2 Separation
- Dr. Al Bland, Western Research Institute - A Novel Integrated Oxy-Combustion Flue Gas Purification Technology - A Near-Zero Emissions
- Joshua J. Stanislowski, Nicholas B. Lentz, Scott G. Tolbert, Tyler J. Curran, Energy
and Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota - Demonstration of Hydrogen Production from Wyoming Coal
- Dr. Tom Barton, Western Research Institute - Hydrogen Separation for Clean Coal Applications
- Dr. S. (Elango) Elangovan, Ceramatec, Inc. - Removal of Synthesis Gas Pollutants and Liquid Fuel Synthesis
- Mr. Ben Phillips, Emery Energy - Extended Operational Runs on Emery Hybrid Gasifier to Accelerate Commercial Adoption
- Dr. Vijay Sethi, Western Research Institute - Development and Evaluation of Non-Carbon Sorbents
- Dr. Larry Baxter, Sustainable Energy Solutions, LLC - Cryogenic Carbin Capture Bench Scale Project
- Mr. Dennis Laudal, Energy & Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota
- Pilot-Scale Testing Evaluating the Effects of Bromine Addition on CMMs at Low Mercury
- Dr. Stephen Paglieri, TDA Research, Inc. - Efficient Coal-to-Hydrogen System
- Mr. Brandon Pavlish, Energy & Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota
- Evaluation of Novel Technologies for CO2 Capture
- Dr. Tom Barton, Western Research Institute - The Engineering Scale-Up of Hydrogen Separation Facilities
- Dr. Chris Martin, Energy & Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota
- Testing of an Advanced Dry Cooling Technology for Power Plants in Arid Climates
- Dr. S. (Elango) Elangovan, Ceramatec, Inc. - Modular Fischer Tropsch for Wyoming Coal to Liquid Fuels
- Dr. Jost Wendt and Dr. Geoff Silcox, University of Utah - Retrofit Impacts of Oxy-coal Combustion of Powder River Basin Coal on Deposit Formation
and Mercury Speciation
- Dr. Morris Argyle, Brigham Young University - Low Cost Route to Next Generation Commercial Iron Fischer-Tropsch (FT) Catalysists
for Coal-to-Liquids and Biomass-to-Liquids
- Dr. Vijay Sethi and Dr. Yulong Zhang, Western Research Institute - Development and Testing of Compact Heat Exchange Reactors (CHER) for Synthesis of
Liquid Fuels
- Dr. Kunlei Liu, University of Kentucky, and Dr. Kathryn Berchtold, Los Alamos National
Laboratory - Novel Carbon Capture Technology Development for Power Generation Using Wyoming Coal
- Dr. Daman Walia, ARCTECH Inc. - Pilot Scale Demonstration of MICGASTM Coal Biotechnology for in situ Biological Gasification of Un-Mineable Wyoming Sub-bituminous Coals
- Dr. Vijay Sethi, Thermosolv, LLC - Multi-stage Processing of Wyoming Coals to Liquid Fuels
- Dr. Nicholas Drinnan, Ambre Energy - Development of a Novel Helical Channel Reactor for Syngas Conversion
- Dr. Larry Baxter, Sustainable Energy Solutions - Skid-Scale, Cryogenic Carbon Capture
- Dr. Dave King and Robert Dagle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Coal-Derived Warm Syngas Purification and CO2 Capture-Assisted Methane Production
- Dr. Kevin Whitty, University of Utah - Advancement of Chemical Looping Combustion with Oxygen Uncoupling
- Dr. Larry Baxter, Sustainable Energy Solutions - Energy Storing Cryogenic Carbon Capture
- Dr. Maohong Fan, University of Wyoming - Pilot-scale Demonstration of Catalytic Wyoming Coal Gasification and Syngas Processing
(Diesel Production) Technologies
- Dr. Kunlei Liu, University of Kentucky - Advanced Solvent for CO2 Capture and Separation Technology of CO2 Sequestration to Enhance Utilization and Reduce Emissions from Wyoming Coal
- Mr. Ben Phillips, Emery Energy - Testing and Feasibility Study of an Indirectly Heated Coal Gasifier - WYOIII
- Dr. S. (Elango) Elangovan, Ceramatec, Inc. - Engineering Demonstration of a Modular Fischer-Tropsch for Wyoming Coal to Liquid
- Mr. Joshua J. Stanislowski, Energy& Environmental Research Center - Demonstration of Pilot-Scale Hydrogen and CO2 Separation Membrane Technology on Wyoming
Coal-Derived Syngas
- Dr. Burtron H. Davis, University of Kentucky Research Foundation - Fischer-Tropsch Conversion of Wyoming Coal-Derived Syngas Using a Small Channel Reactor
for Improving Efficiency and Limiting Emissions
- Dr. JoAnn Lighty, University of Utah - Validation, Modeling, and Scale-Up of Chemical Looping Combustion with Oxygen Uncoupling
- Richard L. Axelbaum, Washington University in St. Louis - Evaluation of Staged Oxyfuel Combustion for CO2 Capture