Frequently asked questions to the Scholarships and Financial Aid office.



To apply for aid at UW you need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  For more information see Applying for Financial Aid. Certain types of aid, usually loans, do require additional paperwork AFTER you have been awarded aid, but only the FAFSA is required to determine your eligibility. 
WyoWeb will indicate that the Federal Direct loans are suggested until the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid has completely processed the loan. Your loan may not be processed due to missing information or just a processing time.
There is an appeal form that can be completed to request a review of the amount of aid awarded or to update us with your current situation. For more information see Change of Circumstance.
Not unless you are 24, married, a graduate student, a veteran, an orphan, or have a legal dependent of your own. To determine dependency status, first see if you meet any of the 6 automatic criteria on the FAFSA. If you do not meet any of those, but feel that you should be considered an independent student, you may obtain the dependency appeal guidelines form from our office. For more information see Change of Circumstance.
The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits us from discussing any of your specific financial matters with anyone but you without your written permission. Please visit our office to obtain the FERPA Release form. You may also download and fax the form to our office. FAX: (307) 766-3800
The University of Wyoming is proud to offer a variety of scholarship opportunities. Our first-year (Resident, Non-Resident, and International) and transfer student opportunities are based on the student's academic achievements at the time of admission to UW. Our continuing student opportunities may be based on a variety of qualifiers such as merit, financial need, or specific student population. See Scholarship Opportunities for more information.
No, please do not submit income tax forms unless we specifically ask for them on WyoWeb. Paperwork that is not required causes us to take time away from working with the information that is required.
Yes. You can make corrections to the FAFSA by returning to studentaid.gov and submitting your corrections electronically with the use of your PIN.  Before doing so, you might want to check with our office to determine if those changes would actually revise the aid you originally qualified for.


We are open from 8:00-5:00, Monday through Friday during the academic year and from 7:30 to 4:30 during the summer. For more information please refer to our Contact Us page. 
Our office handles thousands of phone calls per week during peak times. Please refer to our Contact Us page for contact information of your specific Financial Aid Advisor, or you can submit your inquiry online. Once your inquiry is received, we will respond as soon as possible.
Due to the large number of applications that we receive, it might take 4-6 weeks to receive an Award Notice, from the time you receive your SAR. If you haven't heard anything from us after that time period, you should check with us to make sure that we have everything we need.
Financial aid disburses the evening following the end of the Drop Period. For example, if Drop Period ends at midnight on Wednesday, financial aid will disburse Thursday evening. Please see the semester schedule as maintained by the Registrar's office.
The Office of Student Financial Services (Accounts Receivable) handles questions regarding: Account Balance, Payment Dates & Plans, Refunds, Tax Form 1098-T, etc.  They may be contacted via phone at (307) 766-6233 or email at sfs@uwyo.edu.

The Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid welcomes feedback from the UW Community (students, families, faculty, and staff). Please first direct all concerns to our office for prompt resolution. If your need is not satisfied at this level, please complete this survey.

You may also schedule an appointment with the Director if necessary.

The FAFSA will require that contributors to that form provide consent for tax information to be imported directly from the IRS' website. 

Occasionally you still might need access to your income tax returns from the previous year, as well as your parents' return if you are a dependent student, or your spouse's, if you are married. Other records such as W-2 forms are also very useful.

Please make sure that UW has received all required documents such as academic transcripts and/or standardized test scores, if you will be a new student.

No, we receive electronic information now, concerning your financial aid at your previous schools. You need not request a Financial Aid Transcript from a previous school.



Contact Us

Scholarships & Financial Aid

1000 E. University Ave, Dept. 3335

Knight Hall, Room 174

Laramie, WY 82071-3335

Phone: (307) 766-2116

Fax: (307) 766-3800

Email: finaid@uwyo.edu

In-Person: Our Office Hours

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