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Scholarships & Financial Aid

1000 E. University Ave, Dept. 3335

Knight Hall, Room 174

Laramie, WY 82071-3335

Phone: (307) 766-2116

Fax: (307) 766-3800


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Hathaway Scholarships

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a Hathaway Scholarship at an out-of-state school?

No. The intent of the scholarship is, in part, to encourage students to pursue your education in Wyoming with hopes that you'll consider pursuing a career here when you are done.

However, if your goal is to get out there and experience a new environment, you should seriously consider taking advantage of a national or international student exchange opportunity available through UW! Make the most of your scholarship and your resident tuition rate, but study elsewhere. UW students can study at other participating colleges and universities throughout the country and the world for a semester or a year while paying UW tuition and fees.

While the Hathaway Scholarship isn't available to use out-of-state, students who attend an out-of-state school may come back within the two-year time period to an in-state institution and begin using their scholarship.

What if I am going on a mission or am going in to the military?

The Hathaway Scholarship can begin to be used no later than two academic years after you graduate from high school. Exceptions may be made for extended military service or religious sojourns.

I graduated prior to 2006. Do I qualify for Hathaway Scholarships?

The legislation that established the scholarships indicated the scholarship begins with the graduating class of 2006. Students who completed high school in December 2005 are considered part of the class of 2006.

I qualify, but am going to attend another institution and transfer to UW. How does the process work?

Students who receive a Hathaway Scholarship, use it at another Wyoming institution, then transfer to UW will transfer their scholarship with them, subject to the continued eligibility requirements previously discussed.

Transferring students also need to complete UW's Hathaway Eligibility Verification Form prior to their arrival.

Am I a Wyoming resident and can I get a Hathaway Scholarship?

To qualify for the Hathaway Scholarship you must be considered a resident according to UW residency policy AND meet the residency requirements set forth in the legislation. For a more detailed description of Hathaway residency requirements, please view the "Qualifying and Eligibility" tab of this website and UW's residency policy for tuition purposes.

Residency requirements can be confusing. We encourage you to call the Admissions Office with your questions.

I took the SAT and not the ACT, can I be considered?

At this time your SAT score can be converted to an ACT equivalent for consideration.

I have a special situation and don't see that this website addresses them. What do I do?

Call the UW Scholarships & Financial Aid and let's discuss your situation. Contact information is listed below.

Where's the incentive to take AP, IB and other honors courses?

National data suggests that students who take challenging high school courses test better on the ACT and SAT. Better ACT and SAT scores will help students qualify for additional UW and other scholarships.

Doing well in AP and IB courses (and corresponding exams) can also result in credit at UW. This means that you'll have fewer credits to pay for down the road. This means your Hathaway Scholarship dollars will go further.

Why should I use my Hathaway Scholarship at UW?

Your Hathaway Scholarship is good at UW and any of Wyoming's seven community colleges. Hathaway gives students the option to pursue their education at an institution that best fits their needs. So, why choose UW?

In a nutshell, UW offers a superior university experience that includes opportunities to:

  • Study abroad or at another American university through the National Student Exchange program

  • Expose yourself to new ideas, cultures and ways of thinking

  • Participate in exciting campus activities and get involved in a variety of clubs and organizations

  • Get hands-on experience through research and small class sizes

  • Take advantage of great facilities and technology

  • Learn from faculty who are experts in their field

  • Prepare for and land great internships and employment upon graduation

  • Make friends and build networks that benefit you throughout your entire college education

What other scholarships can I apply for at UW?

The University of Wyoming offers competitive scholarships to students based on their cumulative GPA and ACT or SAT scores. Please review the scholarship information for more details.

How are GPAs calculated for purposes of awarding Hathaway Scholarships?

Hathaway Scholarships are awarded based on a student's cumulative GPA based on an unweighted standard 4.0 scale. Using this scale, a student is awarded 4 points for each A received in high school, 3 points for every B, 2 points for each C, and 1 point for each D. Plusses and minuses are not considered, i.e. an A- is still 4 points and a B+ is still 3 points.

Wyoming high schools should be providing you with your GPA in this manner somewhere on your high school transcript. Contact your high school counselor if you do not see that GPA calculation on your transcript.

What if I am graduating from high school early?

Students who graduate high school in December technically receive their diploma along with their counterparts in May or June later that year. Students can provide a letter from their high school stating they have completed coursework along with a copy of their final transcript to be considered for admission and Hathaway beginning in the Spring semester.

How can I help the Hathaway Scholarship Program achieve its goals in the State of Wyoming?

Hathaway provides the financial incentive for students to attend college and prepare themselves for success in college. Money alone, however, will not encourage students to seek higher education. Here are a few ideas on how concerned citizens can help promote higher education in their communities:

  • Volunteer at a school career fair and for other high school programs that promote academic achievement

  • Wear your college apparel

  • Sponsor youth in your community to attend academic camps and programs

  • Take a class yourself for enrichment purposes and to show the value of lifelong learning

  • Volunteer with local organizations aimed at encouraging at-risk youth to pursue education.

Citizens wishing to give of their financial resources can support the Hathaway Scholarship Program as well. The State of Wyoming is accepting donations to the endowment to help ensure the program continues as the requests for support increase in the years ahead.


Contact Us

Scholarships & Financial Aid

1000 E. University Ave, Dept. 3335

Knight Hall, Room 174

Laramie, WY 82071-3335

Phone: (307) 766-2116

Fax: (307) 766-3800


In-Person: Our Office Hours



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