Office of the Registrar

167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5272

Fax: (307) 766-3960

Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Bobby Ratteree, Associate Registrar
Johnathan Despain, Associate Registrar


Resident Tuition Criteria

Residing in Wyoming primarily as a student will not support a claim for resident status for tuition purposes.

Qualifying for residency for tuition purposes at the University of Wyoming differs from what is normally required to be a “resident” of the State of Wyoming. A person may be considered a “resident” of Wyoming and still be a Non-Resident for tuition purposes at the University of Wyoming. 

The governing regulation for residency classification for tuition and fee purposes, as approved by the University of Wyoming Board of Trustees, is UW Regulation 2-200. A direct link to that regulation is here. 


Petitioners should gather the appropriate documentation as described in the bulleted items below, go to the Residency Petition here, enter the necessary information, and upload the documentation. 

It is recommended that only documents described in the bulleted items be uploaded.  The deadline to submit a petition is the first day of classes in the semester the petitioner is requesting a change of residency status for tuition purposes.


Per UW Regulation 2-200, documentation must be provided of the person’s continual residence in the State of Wyoming and of a combination of 5 of the 8 criteria listed below, each completed, issued, or dated at least twelve (12) consecutive months before making an appeal for residency tuition.

  • Wyoming vehicle registration;
  • A valid Wyoming driver’s license or government issued photo Identification Card;
  • Gainful Employment*
  • A Wyoming voter registration; sample voter registration here.
  • A Wyoming address on the most recent federal income tax return; sample tax return transcript here.
  • Documented use of a local Wyoming bank;
  • Change in permanent address on all records pertinent to Wyoming (Since students may update addresses through their WyoRecords account at any time and must verify those addresses prior to being able to register in any semester, no documentation is required for this criterion, the activity date of the change of address will be used for determination.)
  • Proof that the individual receives public assistance from the State of Wyoming or from a city, county or municipal agency in the State of Wyoming.


*If the criterion relating to gainful employment is chosen, it is defined as employment within the state of Wyoming for at least the twelve (12) months prior to submitting a petition for re-classification.  Employment and monies derived dependent upon a status as a student does not qualify for consideration as gainful employment.  Examples of acceptable documentation may include, but are not limited to: Paystubs showing rate of pay and hours worked in pay period or signed letters of employment from the employer detailing the start date of employment, minimum number of hours employed in a normal pay period, and minimum rate of pay. 


  • To be considered gainfully employed, documentation must be provided to demonstrate a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week employment for at least the twelve (12) months prior to submitting a petition for re-classification or the equivalent number of work hours (1,000) over the same period.


  • For individuals who are self-employed, employment income during the twelve (12) months prior to submitting a petition for re-classification must be thoroughly documented.  Examples of documentation may include copies of receipts for payments for services provided; documentation of quarterly Social Security, Medicare, and Self-Employment tax payments to the Internal Revenue Service; and federal income tax returns.  Documented amounts of wages, salaries, and tips, such as from federal income tax returns or verified FAFSA information will take precedence over undocumented stated amounts. 


**Priority Evaluation – If a person desires an evaluation prior to the start of the semester, their petition must be submitted three (3) weeks prior to the start of the semester.

Additional Forms

Spouse/Guardian of Student Petitioning for Residency for Tuition Purposes

How to Obtain a Free Tax Transcript

Appealing the Registrar's Decision

If a student has a petition denied by the Registrar, the student may appeal the decision by submitting the Denied Residency Petition Appeal form to the Office of the Registrar within ten (10) calendar days of the original decision by the Registrar or designee.

The Residency Classification Committee will receive the student’s Denied Residency Petition Appeal form, the written decision of the Registrar, and the student’s previously-submitted petition and documentation which were submitted to the Registrar prior to the submission deadline for that semester. The Residency Classification Committee will determine if an error was made by the Registrar and will make a decision to affirm or reverse the classification decision of the Registrar. The decision of the Residency Classification Committee is final and there is no further level of appeal for that semester.

Office of the Registrar

167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5272

Fax: (307) 766-3960

Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Bobby Ratteree, Associate Registrar
Johnathan Despain, Associate Registrar