Thank you for taking the time to explore our upcoming UW website templates. Months of planning have gone into these designs, and we’re excited to share them with you! As this is just a first glance at the templates, keep an eye out for details on how these templates will be used on your site in the coming months!
Please note that not all templates will be accessible to every department or unit. This is intended to ensure units that serve key, large audiences are recognizable by students and campus community members. We are currently in the process of identifying criteria for each template which will be released to site editors soon.
We’ll assign the most suitable template for your index page to ensure the best fit for your site’s needs. Stay tuned!
These are proofs, so there may be slight changes to the final templates you’ll see in the CMS in 2025. The scrollable previews here give you a realistic look at each template’s design and functionality. Note that all photos are placeholder images along with "Lorem Ipsum" text that is designed to show you a suitable amount of text for each design. Site editors will not be able to customize the templates, however they will be able to change photos, text, icon and links to ensure their pages are unique to their needs!
These Proofs are Interactive & Mobile-Ready!
This template is specifically designed for colleges and eligible schools. Academically
focused, it is designed primarily for prospective and current student audiences. It
also has sections developed to show academic departments, news and other important
This template is only available for the main UW colleges and select schools at the university.
Criteria for qualifying website directories will be released soon.
This template is specifically designed for large non-academic units across campus
that can serve as a major hub for students and other audiences (i.e. Office of Admissions,
UW Foundation, Student Financial Aid, etc.) These types of units often house other
smaller departments.
This template is only available for select large, main units across the university.
Criteria for qualifying website directories will be released soon.
This template is specifically designed for support and service departments (i.e. Department
of Petroleum Engineering, Financial Affairs Support Team, etc.) It allows departments
to showcase their offerings that are geared primarily towards prospective and current
students. It also contains content areas that can feature department news, department
faculty, research and more.
This template is available to all units, though it should only be used as a primary index page.
This template is designed to be used across campus for either index pages or an interior
page for any department or unit. While simple, it contains several areas for content
making it useful for any site editor.
This template is available to all units and can be used for both index and interior pages.
These simple pages are designed to allow site editors to choose from three pages with
simple content areas including info cards and sliders. This is ideal for information
pages that provide for easy maintenance of content and are ideal for interior pages.
A total of three (3) simple pages are available.
These templates are available to all units and can be used for both index and interior pages.
Landing pages are designed to provide simple text and quick access to link resources.
We also call these types of pages "gateway pages", allowing your key audiences to
quickly find what they're looking for. This template will be available with or without
a photo in the introduction section.
This template is available to all units and can be used for both index and interior pages.
The person biography page is a dedicate page for showcasing a specific faculty and
staff member. This page will publish to an XML feed which means the file can be selected
on the Person Listing Page and display the person's details.
This template is available to all units and should only ever be used for individual faculty/staff pages.
The person listing page contains both a photo and non-photo option to display department
staff and faculty information. The photo section allows site editors to select a published
Person Biography page which will then display the name, photo and title of the person.
The non-photo listing will allow site editors to either select an XML file of a biography
page or manually input the person's contact details if no biography page is present.
This template is available to all units and should be used as the primary index page for faculty/staff listings within the website directory.
The blog article and listing pages are designed to work together to showcase blog
articles and will be separated from news articles/listings. These pages will likely
require additional training to access to ensure site editors are using tags and understand
the process of an RSS feed which is how a listing page is populated.
These templates will be available to all units.
The news article and listing pages are designed to work together to showcase news articles and will be separated from blog articles/listings. These pages will likely require additional training to access to ensure site editors are using tags and understand the process of an RSS feed which is how a listing page is populated.
These templates will be available to all units.
Forms will still be built and managed through Assets that site editors use today.
The main difference with this upgraded design is a dedicated page to display the form
with more attractive branding and an accompanying photo.
This template will be available to all units.
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Located in the top right of your screen inside the CMS.