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Attend one of our Virtual Open Labs hosted once per week:
Tuesdays: 10 - 11 a.m. and 1:30 - 5 p.m. (academic year hours)
Don't forget the Request Help Gadget!
Located in the top right of your screen inside the CMS.
We are temporarily suspending all New Website requests until summer 2025 due to the CMS template upgrade.
No new site directory requests will be approved until after the upgrade.
Please visit the Upgrade Communication Site for the latest details and more information.
If you need to add a new page or pages to an already existing site, please contact the site directly or you can find the site owner information here.
The following types of site requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed. Only official UW entities are considered for these requests.
New Website Requests
Certain campus units may be eligible to create and manage their website inside Omni CMS. The most common type of website request is for an entire department or unit. While not all sites are alike, new websites typically contain 10 or more pages and are unrelated to any existing website in the CMS. New faculty lab or classroom pages intended for research or academic content sharing are not allowed inside the CMS. Site editors must be trained prior to authorization of a new website directory. Additionally, a primary and backup site owner must be identified at the time of request. Due to the size and support requirements needed to maintain a site directory, not all requests will be fulfilled and if needed, alternative solution(s) will be provided by our support team.
Migrating an External Site INTO the CMS
If you wish to migrate your website that is hosted outside of the main domain, you must make a request to join the CMS. Similar to new website requests, we will evaluate your eligibility based on a variety of factors including the number of pages, ability to maintain your pages, if the site can be embedded in an existing CMS site, etc. Site editors must be trained before migration requests are fulfilled. IM does not assist with page migration into the CMS.
Moving an Existing Site OUT of the CMS
If the CMS can no longer support your needs due to perceived limitations, you can make a request to move your site out of the CMS and host it somewhere else. These types of external sites are called "Central Sites" or "Non-CMS Sites" depending on where you wish to host your site. If you require a new subdomain, your request will be fielded to IT who will assist you with that setup. The IM and IT teams do not assist in content migration when moving your site. Any support beyond basic server setup is the responsibility of the site editor/owner requesting the move.
If you want to request a new web directory, migrate an external or central site to the CMS, or move a CMS site out of the CMS and to a central or external site, you will need to make a request which will be reviewed and evaluated by our CMS administrators.
After you submit your request, there are several possible steps that might be made based on your site. We will review the information you have provided and will contact you for any additional details. Here are a few examples of what you might be tasked with, but the web support team takes requests like this on a case-by-case basis:
Your site is required to have a primary and secondary site owner.
The site owners are those people that can be contacted for making decisions about their web directories, such as website restructuring or granting permission when site editors request to have access to edit specific websites. CMS site owners can also be editors, but do not necessarily have to be website editors. They can be a department head, dean, business manager or supervisor.
When your department or unit has staff changes, it is the site owners' responsibility to make sure that updates are made to the site owners directory and to add/remove site editor access.
All site editors must complete CMS Site Author training before gaining access to the CMS.
After site editors have completed the CMS site editor training, they will be prompted to open a ticket to be added to the CMS.
When your department or unit has staff changes, it is the site owners' responsibility to make sure that the request is submitted to add/remove site editor access.
After site editors have access to the CMS, start building your website with our Page Building guide.
If you are moving an external or central site to the CMS, you can reuse your images and accessible documents by uploading them to the CMS, however you will need to build out web content using UW's approved templates. Uploading existing HTML files from your site outside of the CMS is not permitted. You will need to use the templates in the CMS to build your pages.
After your CMS website is built, you will need to request a redirect to be set up from your old website to your new homepage if you are using UW's web servers. Otherwise, you will need to contact your domain provider.
After your CMS site is ready and you've requested a redirect, you will need to delete your old non-CMS site, backing it up first if you desire. Before deleting a site, be sure you have the site/content owner's written permission.
Site owners and editors are responsible for maintaining their CMS websites. Changes to your site can be made and published live at any time with the CMS. The CMS can also be accessed at any time from off campus using the Ivanti Secure VPN provided by IT.
If you need assistance in building or maintaining your website, we have many helpful guides available:
Need additional assistance?
Check out our CMS tutorials
Attend one of our Virtual Open Labs hosted once per week:
Tuesdays: 10 - 11 a.m. and 1:30 - 5 p.m. (academic year hours)
Don't forget the Request Help Gadget!
Located in the top right of your screen inside the CMS.