Omni CMS Page Templates



A laptop with the UW admissions visit campus page displayed.A laptop with a blog about the Western Thunder Marching band page displayed.A laptop with the UW residence life pages displayed.

Site authors can currently choose from seven (7) templates inside Omni. Using snippets and components to create functionality and content, these templates are comprised of up to 12 sections that can be turned on/off so you can organize your webpage content how you see fit. All UW pages are mobile-optimized and allow you to plug in your content and images so you can easily add information. Custom CSS and JavaScript are not allowed on new Omni CMS pages.

Tips for Building Great Pages

  • Many successful pages use graphic and photo treatments inside Canva — a low-cost, online graphic design platform that is intended for people with minimal graphic design knowledge. We highly recommend this tool!

  • UW offers thousands of high-quality photos through our online photo database called Canto. Simply use your UW credentials and look for the Omni download presets to perfectly size your images. Check out this training to get started.

  • Make a plan. A great webpage has well-researched analytics and a content outline before building even begins.

Planning a Page Build

The Future of Templates

In time, we will be releasing a new suite of templates for all site editors to use. These templates will more closely match the "look and feel" of the UW homepage and will be pre-built for maximum ease of use. We will notify site editors as soon as these become available!


Template Examples

Expand each section to see the possible design and style options available for each page template.




A screenprint of a UW full-width webpage.





A screenprint of a UW two-column webpage




IMPORTANT NOTE: This template is designed to display blog/news article summaries in a listing format, which must also be located and published in the same folder as your listing page. For a full tutorial, please see our Blog Creation Tutorial.



Screenprint of a UW blog-news listing page




IMPORTANT NOTE: This template is designed to create blog or news articles which can then be displayed through an RSS (automatic) feed on a blog/news listing or a news home page. For a full tutorial, please see our Blog Creation Tutorial.



Screenprint of a UW admissions article webpage



Screenprint of a sample news homepage on the UW website



Screenprint of a sample faculty-staff page on the UW website



Screenprint of a sample summary page on the UW website


Making a Plan For Your Page



What Makes a Good Webpage?

A good web page doesn't need to contain a large amount of text or "flashy" content areas to be effective. In fact, the average time a site visitor spends on any given UW page only about 24 seconds! While we always strive to improve the amount of time someone spends on a page, ask yourself how much information someone can consume in just 24 seconds? That's not much time so it's important that you are choosing functionality over flashy designs.

Creating a Call to Action (CTA)
While well-placed graphic treatments on photos and icons can help bring life to your page without distracting your site visitors, it's important to focus on getting users to take action on your page. This is called a call to action (CTA). Each unit across campus may have a different CTA. For instance, if you are in the Advising Center, one of your primary CTAs on your student-focused pages may be making an appointment with an academic advisor. A CTA is usually always a link or a button on a page, both of which can be achieved in the WYSIWYG toolbar using the hyperlink tool or the button component.

These are some of the top considerations when building a page and creating a CTA:

  • Who is your primary target audience?
  • What is most important to that audience?
  • What action do you want this audience to take?
  • Where will you place those actions in link format on your page?
  • What is the next step you want your visitor to take?




A screenshot of the Omni template chooser.




What Template Should I Use?


Each page type has its benefits and can also have some drawbacks depending on what you are looking to create. Every template is made of of several content section where customizable containers called "snippets" can be placed and make up the structure of a page. In addition to text, links and images added through the WYSIWYG toolbar, you can add "components" to create more exciting designs that can't be achieved through standard text. When you begin to build your pages, ensure you are paying close attention the red helper text located at the top of each snippet when inserted into a page. This allows you to properly build the structure of your page. You will also need to pay attention to what type of component you are using as some are labeled to only be used on certain templates. If they can be used on any template, the component will be labled with "ANY PAGE."

Take a look at some of the pros and cons of our most popular templates available to site editors.



Need to Change an Existing Page's Template?

Check out our tutorial on how to replace the content of an existing page which allows you to change your template if you wish to do so. This also avoids breaking you existing page's URL and dependency tag!


  • A blank white bar to create extra space on top of the content cards of this page.

    Full-Width Pages

    Interior Template


    • Ideal for main directory homepages (index.pcf).
    • Takes up more screen area giving you extra room to display content.
    • Has use of the full-width navigation bar.
    • Can be useful for displaying unique snippets like Info Cards and Callouts.


    • No sidebar navigation (these pages are not connected to navigation or breadcrumb files at this time).
    • Can make it difficult for your visitors to navigate your site if used as an internal page.
  • A blank white bar to create extra space on top of the content cards of this page.

    2-Column Pages

    Interior Sidebar Template


    • Ideal for internal pages beyond your main index page.
    • Has sidebar navigation fully connected to breadcrumb (_props.pcf) and navigation (_nav.ounav) files, which allows visitors to more easily navigate your site.
    • Displays page content in a condensed format.


    • Content is displayed in a narrower page format.
    • Not typical for main directory homepages, but can still be used if needed.
    • Navigation is set at the folder level so page hierarchy must be set up correctly. Check out this tutorial to see if your pages are set up to properly display navigation.

      Please Note: If you need to move pages to help create a better navigation experience, please open a Request Help ticket while logged into Omni.
  • A blank white bar to create extra space on top of the content cards of this page.

    Blog/News Pages

    Articles, Listing & News Home Templates


    • Great way to create authentic content for blogs or department news in an organized format.
    • Your published blog/news articles are automatically populated onto a listing or news home page via RSS once per hour. This eliminates the need for you to update your listing pages manually.
    • If written correctly, blog articles can boost Search Engine Optimization (SEO) scores helping your site appear higher in Google search results. Check out this blog article to learn why.


    • Learning curve and requires proper subfolder structure with more advanced CMS knowledge. A blog & news setup tutorial has been prepared for site editors to create this structure.

Contact Us

UW Institutional Marketing

1000 E. University Ave | Dept. 3226

Don't forget the Request Help Gadget!
Located in the top right of your screen inside the CMS.

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