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Navigation Options on Pages

Navigation is an important part of the user experience for people who visit your site, whether your main website audience is a student, faculty, staff or university partners like alumni and donors. In Omni, we have three types of editable navigation that site editors have access to use on their pages, depending on what template they are using.

Two-Column Pages


2-Column Sidebar Navigation

All pages using the 2-column template suite (2-column interior, faculty-staff, summary and blog-news articles & listings) contain what is called sidebar navigation. This type of navigation follows your site’s subfolder structure, however the navigation files (nav.ounav) files can be modified to display information you feel is important to a site editor. We’ll cover how to edit these files in just a bit.


2-Column Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumb navigation is designed to complement sidebar navigation on 2-column pages so that a user can return to previous pages as they click into deeper parts of your website. It also serves an important purpose to let the user know what page they are currently on and where that page resides within your site’s directory. This is a critical part of the user’s experience, especially if your key audience is researching information about a program at the university. 


Full-Width Pages

Horizontal Bar Navigation Component

This menu appears directly under the masthead on new full-width pages using a special editable page region and a component. You can insert up to five (5) links and choose from over 30 icons, and no special coding is required! The yellow navigation bar has a "hover" action when moused over on a desktop and is also mobile responsive. This is an excellent way for site editors to create additional navigation usability on a page-by-page basis on their site.


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