Examples of Using Snippets & Components Incorrectly
This page will show you how display errors can occur when snippets and components
are not used correctly on a page. Pay close attention to the descriptions below and
always follow the red helper text in each snippet!
Text Used Without an Interior Container
This is an example of text and a video component that were used without an Interior
Container (Full-Width) snippet. This creates incorrect margins on the page.
REMEMBER: The Interior Container (Full-Width) snippet is the default snippet in sections 1-12
of our Full-Width Page Template. Full-Width pages also contain an intro section which
contains a 1-column row snippet.
Using an Interior Container snippet on this page allows you to select your background
to white, gold or gray and also allows for WYSIWYG editing, inserting images, inserting
videos, etc. with rproper margins
This is an (Any Page) Video - YouTube Embed component.
See how it is gigantic and extends the full screen? That shouldn't happen! This, and
most components, must be placed inside a snippet to display the correct margins of
a page.
Info Card Snippet Used On Its Own
This is an Info Card snippet that was not placed inside an Interior Containersnippet. These two must be used together in order to properly display within our standard
website margines. Be sure to look for the red helper text inside snippets for reminders
how to use snippets correctly!
Phase 1
Aug 24 - Sept 4
Lorem ipsum
is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without
relying on meaningful content.
Lorem ipsum may be used before final copy is available, but it may also be used to temporarily replace copy in a process called
greeking , which allows designers to consider form without the meaning of the text influencing
the design.
Phase 2
Sept 7 - Sept 25
Lorem ipsum
is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without
relying on meaningful content.
Lorem ipsum may be used before final copy is available, but it may also be used to temporarily replace copy in a process called
greeking , which allows designers to consider form without the meaning of the text influencing
the design.
Lorem ipsum is typically a corrupted version of De finibus bonorum et malorum , a first-century BC text by the Roman statesman and philosopher Cicero , with words altered, added, and removed to make it nonsensical, improper Latin .
Phase 3
Sept 28 - Nov 20
Lorem ipsum
is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without
relying on meaningful content.
Lorem ipsum may be used before final copy is available, but it may also be used to temporarily replace copy in a process called
greeking , which allows designers to consider form without the meaning of the text influencing
the design.
FAQ Accordian Snippet
Similar to the Info Cardsnippet, the FAQ Accordiansnippet is designed to be used within an Interior Container snippet and you can see that this FAQ Accordian was not placed properly because it should
never extend that far to the edge.
FAQ Example 1
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3
Interor Callout Snippet Used Incorrectly
This Snippet must be used INside an Interior Container Snippet
This is a callout snippet that is designed to be used within an Interior Container
snippet in order to display correctly. When not used within the proper default snippet,
you can see that this creates major image distortion over on the left and extends
the full-width of the page which is not correct.
Text Can Get Cut Off
This is also now cutting off text at the bottom of this snippet, which caused major
display issues and disruptions to your end user. You must always pay attention to
the red helper text in each snippet as it will guide you on your way to building new
If you see text cutoff in a strange way on your page, it is likely because you built
your snippets combinations incorrectly.
Here is some callout text
This is a simple parallax so that you can see how the one beneath it is displaying
Parallax Snippet (No Photo)
THIS PARALAX Was Incorrectly placed inside an interior container snippet
This paralax was built inside the Interior Container (Full-Wdith) snippet, which
is defaulted on sections 1-12 of a full-wdith template. As shown in the red helper
text in the Internior Container snippet, other snippets labled with "Full-Width" in
their title should not be used inside another snippet and can instead be used alone
on its own. This is what is causing the parallax to be truncated with white on each
side instead of extending the full screen without white space on the side.
This container is designed to be used independently so that it extends the full screen
without white space on the side. Therefore, you do not need to use this snippet within another interior container snippet.
Insert an image, like this one below, by using the insert/edit image button from the
main toolbar.
2-Column Row Snippet
This Two-Column Row Snippet Was not correctly placed inside an interior container
This is a 2-Column Rowsnippet that was not correctly placed inside an Interior Container (Full-Width) snippet. This is causing the image at the button
to be cutoff and incorrect margins on both sides of the page. Snippets using more
than one (1) column must be placed inside an Interior Container snippet if it is in a section below the intro content of a full-width template.
You can add buttons by using the (Any Page) Button with Two Color Options component.
Note: Each button must be on its own line.
3-Column Row Snippet
Must be used in an Interior Container snippet in any section below the intro section
This is a 3-Column Rowsnippet which can be used on this page template, however it is not recommended on two-column
page templates. This is great for displaying three sets of related information as
needed. Snippets using more than one (1) column, like this one, must be placed inside an Interior Container snippet if it is in a section below the intro content of a full-width template.
Insert text or images to the recomended size by followng the helper text in the snippet.
To link photos or text, use the insert/edit link button from the main toolbar.
This is a a three-column snippet, image #1.
This is a a three-column snippet, image #2.
This is a a three-column snippet, image #3.
Two-Column Image with Caption (Full Width) Component
This component Was Not Placed Inside an Interior Container component
This component must be used inside an Interior Container snippet when inserted in a section below the intro section. If it is not (like this example)
you will not see the full design of this component and it will create major display
Three-Column Image with Caption (Full Width) Component
This component Was not Used in an Interior Container Snippet
This component must be used inside an Interior Container snippet when inserted in a section below the intro section. Again, major display inssues
will occur when using most components outside of a proper snippet on the page.