McWhinnie Hall, Room 213
Dept. 3374, 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-3274
One of the most common Partnership collaborations is with student teaching around the state of Wyoming. The UW College of Education, as a member of the Partnership, has engaged with the needs of Wyoming districts in relation to student teachers. Wyoming school districts that are members of the Wyoming Student-University Partnership will always be placement options for College of Education student teachers. Districts are not required to be members of WSUP to get student teachers, but membership comes with some added benefits like participating in the District Residency Connections Fair.
Some of the major ways that the Partnership assists with student teaching include mentor teacher modules, the Student Teaching Steering Committee, and assisting with the development of MOUs with the Partnership districts.
It is essential for mentor teachers (teachers within the school districts who are supporting student teachers in their classrooms) to have as much help as possible. For this reason, the Partnership and the Trustee’s Education Initiative (TEI) have developed online professional developments modules for the teachers who are working to mentor the teachers of the future. To find the modules, please go to the Mentor Teachers Modules homepage.
The University of Wyoming College of Education and each district will come up with a memorandum of understanding to ensure each party has covered the legal requirements necessary for reliable student teacher placement. With these MOUs in place, the districts can ensure that the student teachers entering into the classes are held at the same legal level as the school-appointed teachers. The partnership no longer oversees MOUs, but continues to engage in conversations around effective student teaching supports and placements. The Partnership will also continue to engage its members in identifying needs of stakeholders in student teaching in Wyoming.
There is a lot of work being done to provide support and expansion for student teachers across the state of Wyoming. The Partnership has been regularly part of the conversation around student teaching supports. If your district offers supports like housing, stipends, transportation, or anything else, we want to know about it! Please connect with either contact below to provide this information.
Director of Student Teaching Expansion and Support | 307-766-6385
Senior Placement and Program Coordinator | 307-766-2533
While the UW College of Education maintains its own policy with student teacher placements in Wyoming, Art, Music, and Physical Education actually have their own policies and procedures when it comes to placements from their education programs.
Assistant Professor
Physical Education | 719-761-3467
Associate Professor
Music Education | 307-766-5242
Student Teaching Policy
Assistant Professor
Art Education
Student Teaching Policy
For more information on student teaching as well as interest in becoming a Partnership member, please contact
McWhinnie Hall, Room 213
Dept. 3374, 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-3274