Student Teaching Resources

One of the most common Partnership collaborations is that of student teaching around the state of Wyoming. The UW College of Education as a member of the Partnership has engaged with the needs of Wyoming districts in relation to student teachers. Wyoming school districts that are members of the Wyoming Student-University Partnership will be placement options for College of Education student teachers. Some of the major ways that the Partnership assists with student teaching include mentor teacher modules, the Student Teaching Steering Committee, and the development of MOUs with the Partnership districts. 

Mentor Teacher Modules 

It is essential for mentor teachers (teachers within the school districts who are supporting student teachers in their classrooms) to have as much help as possible. For this reason, the Partnership and the Trustee’s Education Initiative (TEI) have developed online professional developments modules for the teachers who are working to mentor the teachers of the future. To find the modules, please go to the Mentor Teachers Modules homepage .

In addition, the Partnership is working to identify other resources that have been developed and can assist mentoring teachers. One such resource is the Inspire Teaching and Learning collaboration that can be found under the partnership collaborations tab. In this collection of modules, a professional will find helpful ways to assist their student teachers and may also qualify for PTSB credit along the way. 

Student Teaching Steering Committee 

The Partnership and its members have been working to collect data surrounding student teacher placement, reviewing feedback from districts, and creating recommendations for the state’s future student teachers. In this role, the Partnership is working to retrieve as much feedback as possible so that both student teachers and mentor teachers have the resources necessary to ensure the placement is informative and helpful to the students as well. Currently, this committee is still meeting to see what structure this type of evaluation will take and the proper timeline for information dispersal to all Partnership members. 

Student Teaching MOUs 

The last piece to student teaching that the Partnership works with is to create Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with each school district to ensure that the University of Wyoming and each district has covered the legal requirements necessary for reliable student teacher placement. With these MOUs in place, the districts can ensure that the student teachers entering into the classes are held at the same legal level as the school-appointed teachers. In this same way, the Partnership and its members identify what is required of the school district when observing the student teachers and the necessary responsibilities of UW when providing student teachers. 


For more information on student teaching as well as interest in becoming a Partnership member, please contact .  

Contact Us

McWhinnie Hall, Room 213

Dept. 3374, 1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3274


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