We are excited that you want to form a Student Organization!
For extra assistance with forming your organization or any questions, please email the Student Orgs Support Team at stuorgs@uwyo.edu.
Please follow these steps:
Step 1: Determine the name and purpose of your organization and create a constitution.
Step 2: Email the Student Orgs Support Team, stuorgs@uwyo.edu, the above information to be reviewed.
Step 3: Make sure that your organization meets the University Student Org Requirements
Have a minimum of 4 members, 3 of which should be designated an officer
You need a President, Vice President, and Treasurer
Identify an advisor for Level 2 and 3 organizations (Level 1 doesn’t have this requirement but is still strongly encouraged)
Step 4: Complete the New Student Org Application, and upload your Constitution
Step 5: Schedule an overview/welcome session with the Student Orgs Coordinator
Congratulations, you’re done!
Please be aware that the approval process can take several weeks. The more proactive you are in preparing documents and following these guidelines, the quicker your request will be recognized and processed. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at (307) 766-6340, or by email at StuOrgs@uwyo.edu.