Advisors are incredible resources and mentors for our student organizations. Often
volunteering their time, service, and expertise, advisors work tirelessly to support
and ensure the success of the organizations which they advise.
Official advisors of clubs and organizations at the University of Wyoming are expected
- Regularly attend group meetings and individual meetings with leadership
- Act as a reference regarding University of Wyoming policies and procedures
- Provide information relevant to the group's needs, interests, activities, and organization
- Assist in the financial matters of the group
- Act as a reference person in terms of the organization's history
- Provide advice and guidance in the planning and implementation of the organization's
- Be available for consult and/or mediation if conflicts or disagreements arise within
the organization
- Review events submitted through UW Connect and provide commentary and direction as
In order to best support the organization and its members, student organizations (particularly
officers) are expected to:
- Keep the advisor informed about the business and events happening in the organization
- Meet regularly with the advisor to discuss organization business, needs, and concerns
- Solicit the opinion and advice from advisor when problems arise
- Be courteous to your advisor and respectful of their time, which is often in a volunteer
Changes UnderwayThe role and expectations of an advisor are currently under review to ensure compliance
with new student organization policies and procedures. Once the review and Advisor
Agreement Form is complete, it will be available here for review and completion. Additionally,
Student Organizations and Entertainment office is currently developing additional
advisor resources and optional trainings beyond the
Student Org Handbook. Once complete, these will be available below. In the meantime, please email your
questions, ideas, or concerns to