flowers in the sunset


Block Tuition Exemption Form


Requests for FALL must be submitted by August 26th and requests for SPRING must be submitted by January 21st to be considered. Requests will be submitted to the Block Tuition Exemption Committee. Please allow 7-10 business days for processing. Until this appeal is approved, the student is responsible for all tuition and fees on their student account. Requests will not be retroactively granted for prior semesters. Academic Advisor recommendation does not guarantee your appeal will be approved.


Please follow these steps to access the form:

  1. Open Block Tuition Exemption Form
  2. If prompted to log into Microsoft, enter your full university email (
  3. If prompted, log in using your university username and password

If you have questions about the exemption process, please visit our Block Tuition Information page.


Online/Part-Time Student Benefit Package - Fall & Spring Semesters ONLY

Fall or Spring Benefit Package


  • For students enrolled at less than six credits or students who are in an online-only program.
  • Grants access to UW sporting events/student tickets, Half Acre gym, and Student Health Services.
  • Gym-only access can be purchased directly from the gym.
  • Access to sporting events can be purchased separately from access to the gym and student health
  • If you have Student Medical Insurance but are part-time, this package (not including athletics) is not optional and will be automatically charged to your student account.


Summer Term Benefit Package

Summer Benefit Package


  • This package is for students who, during the summer semester, are not enrolled or are only registered for online classes.
  • Only students who were registered for the prior spring semester and are pre-registered for the upcoming fall semester will be eligible to purchase this package.
  • Grants access to Half Acre gym and Student Health Services.


Part-time and online-only students must sign and return the form before being able to gain access to these facilities/events.

Fill out the Graduate Student Optional Fee Package Petition if you are a graduate student that meets the requirements to be eligible for the Petition (please see above form for specific requirements). The petition can be found in the Office of the Registrar forms section. 

If you are unsure whether the Part-time Benefit Package or the Graduate Petition is the correct form for you to fill out, please review our Comparison of the two packages.

Benefited Employee Tuition Waivers

Tuition Waiver


All full-time benefited UW employees and qualifying cooperating agencies may submit a tuition waiver to have tuition and mandatory fees for one course up to 6 credit hours waived each semester.  Spouses or domestic partners of benefited employees are also eligible to have half of their tuition waived each semester.  You must submit a new tuition waiver form each semester!

  • Please enroll in the class you wish to take.
  • Submit your completed tuition waiver to your supervisor for their signature and an appointing authority's signature.
  • After the waiver has been signed, turn it into the Human Resources office to be processed.
  • Tuition waivers are processed after the last add/drop date each semester, so they may not show up on your account right away or before the first payment due date.

Fees such as computing and course specific fees (outreach delivery fee, studio fees, etc) are NOT covered by your tuition waiver and are your responsibility to pay.  If you are taking more than one class, the tuition and fees for that class or classes are your responsibility to pay.

1098-T Information and Instructions

UW is required to file an IRS Form 1098-T Tuition Statement for each qualifying student for whom a reportable transaction is made during the calendar year. Please note that the Form 1098-T may not provide all of the information you need to determine eligibility for tax credits and deductions. 

As of January 1, 2017, the University is no longer mailing out hard copies of the 1098-T tax forms. All students consent to receive their 1098-T electronically per the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement.

You may withdraw this consent by filling out an Electronic Consent Withdrawal for 1098-T Tax Form and returning it in person to Student Financial Services in Knight Hall room 172 or by email to

bucking horse and rider statue in front of arena auditorium

Where can I view my 1098-T online?

  • Log into WyoWeb by clicking on the Students link under WyoRecords
  • Click on the Student Account tab
  • Click on Student Financial Portal
  • Click on the My Account tab and then Statements
  • Under the 1098-T Tax Statements section, you may view by tax year

For 1098-T forms prior to 2016:  In WyoWeb click on the Student Account tab and then on the Tax Form 1098-T box.  Enter a tax year and then Submit.  

**See our 1098-T FAQ for more information!**


Departmental Charge/Cancel Form


Please complete all fields before submitting!

Do not combine charges and cancels on the same form - submit them separately.