Taylor Kruger

Taylor Kruger headshotAssistant Research Scientist

WORTH Initiative
Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources
Beta House, Rm. 302 | tkruger@uwyo.edu



MS Environment, Natural Resources, & Society , University of Wyoming
BA, Environmental Science, Colby College


Background and Expertise

Taylor is an Assistant Research Scientist and a recent graduate of the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources. Her thesis work focused on climate change communications in rural communities. Taylor is interested in outdoor recreation and tourism, particularly the effect on local communities and the implicit climate impacts those industries face. Taylor grew up in New England and earned a Bachelor of Arts from Colby College in environmental science with focus areas in aquatic ecosystems and conservation biology; she spent a semester at the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, and her senior capstone project focused on nutrient loading in freshwater ecosystems. Transitioning to a drier climate was a challenge, but Taylor loves the robust outdoor opportunities that Laramie provides. When not in class or working on her thesis, Taylor enjoys drinking coffee in the Night Heron café and bookstore, going to the Laramie Farmers Market, and hiking and biking around the Laramie area.

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