CSI: UW Pilot Episode
Most people are familiar with the television show CSI: Crime Scene
Investigation. On the show, a group of crime lab technicians, police,
and others examine evidence using tools and procedures to uncover
killers and/or discover the circumstances of a crime. There is a new
group at the University of Wyoming who will endeavor to bring tools,
procedures, and information to the campus community for computer, data,
and identity protection. This group is the Computer Security Initiative:
University of Wyoming team; otherwise known as CSI: UW.
The CSI: UW team will, over the course of the academic year, raise
the awareness of computer users about the risks of networks and the
Internet. They will provide information on how to keep users safe, and guide users
towards safe computing practices. The team will offer training and
informational lectures for individuals and groups on campus, as well as
discuss such information through articles in the Branding Iron and other
campus communications channels.
The primary focus of the CSI: UW team is to make users – faculty,
staff, and students – aware that they are responsible for their own
computer and data security and instill in them a personal commitment to
online safety. Well-known security issues such as passwords, viruses, spyware, hacking, and phishing will be discussed, along with some
possible solutions. Information will be provided throughout the year on
less known issues. The CSI: UW team will help teach physical and system
security precautions, establish realistic expectations, teach users to
share best practices with peers, and improve security in the workplace
and in home work environments. Some of the topics the team will touch on
in upcoming episodes include:
- Who is responsible for security?
- What does the University of Wyoming do to protect computers and data?
- What can happen to you, your computer, and your data?
- How do these things happen?
- What can someone do with your password, and how can you make it more secure?
- What about identity theft?
- How safe is e-mail, surfing the web, or downloading?
- What are some of the top security tips?
- How do I protect the University of Wyoming’s network and data?
- How do I protect my computer?
- How can I prevent unauthorized access to my computer?
- How do I know if something has happened to my computer or data?
- How do I fix my computer if it becomes compromised?
Episode 1: Who Killed My Computer?
Other Information: