UW Operations
1000 E. University Avenue
Dept. 3227
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-6225
Fax: (307) 766-4040
Email: svsdesk@uwyo.edu
The Utilities Management office is responsible for the management, engineering and planning for campus wide utilities, including steam, water, irrigation water, chilled water, natural gas, compressed air, and storm and sanitary sewer. This includes maintenance, utility locates, utility planning and development plus the procurement of coal, gas, electricity, water and sewer services for the university.
The Building Automation Systems Team (BAST) is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the campus building automation systems. These can include HVAC, Lighting, Energy Metering and Security systems. The BAST strives to make the University of Wyoming an energy efficient and sustainable campus through the use of cutting edge technology and techniques. The BAST is comprised of two building automation systems technicians and one engineer.
The Central Energy Plant produces steam, compressed air and chilled water for the campus. The plant is located at the southwest corner of 19th and Harney Streets and occupies approximately six acres. Incorporated inside the glass walled building are four multi-fueled boilers. Three of the boilers are rated at 60,000 pounds of steam per hour and can be fired utilizing coal or natural gas. The fourth boiler is rated at 30,000 pounds of steam per hour and can be fired utilizing natural gas. No electricity is generated at this plant. Also, the plant includes two electric driven chillers that provide 2,400 tons of chilled water capacity for year round campus cooling needs. All after hours maintenance calls are routed to the plant as it is manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with a staff of 14 employees.
The newly constructed West Campus Energy Plant produces hot water for building heating. There are currently 7 high efficiency boilers installed with plans to install 9 additional boilers. When complete, this plant will have 70MMbtu worth of high efficiency boilers. The WCEP also contains a 1.8 million gallon Thermal Energy Storage tank which provides 11,000 ton-hours of additional cooling capacity and storage for the chilled water system on campus.
Stage Technicians maintain, operate and provide technical support for the A&S Auditorium and the Fine Arts Concert Hall. Stage Technicians also assist in the operation of the Education Auditorium.
Facilities Engineering provide a complete construction service consisting of design, estimates, contract management, scheduling, construction, and in some cases funding for a wide variety of projects ranging from the installation of an outlet for a coffee pot to a complete laboratory renovation. Estimating includes budgetary estimates that are fairly general with the purpose of acquiring funding for a project and detailed estimates that are used after design is complete and construction is about to begin. Most Engineering services are provided on a reimbursable basis. Areas of operation include the following:
Project Managers manage construction and maintenance related contracts with outside vendors. These include contractors hired to complete a specific project, contractors hired on an annual basis to perform time and material work, and specific maintenance contractors like roofing and environmental controls.
UW Operations is involved with the installation of equipment when the installation involves permanent connection to the University’s utility systems, structural modifications, or engineering consultation. Project involvement for equipment installation is completed on a reimbursable basis.
These are projects that are too large to be funded or repaired by an ongoing maintenance budget or staff. Many times these projects are large enough to involve outside contractors. In almost all cases, these projects are funded by specific appropriations or internal UW Operations budgets.
At times, equipment or facilities becomes worn out or out of date. Renewal brings the equipment or facility up to current standard for its current use and occupancy. These projects can be done either on a reimbursable basis or through internal UW Operations funds.
The modification of a facility to change the use, occupancy type or occupancy number. An example of this type of project is changing an office suite into a classroom, or a classroom into a laboratory. In general, these projects are done on a reimbursable basis.
UW Operations
1000 E. University Avenue
Dept. 3227
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-6225
Fax: (307) 766-4040
Email: svsdesk@uwyo.edu