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Checking In a Page

Step by Step Instructions

Once a page is checked out, it must be checked in by you before anyone else can open or edit it. A page is not checked out until the light bulb icon, under the status bar when in the folder structure view, or at the top right of the page between the save and publish buttons when in the page editor, is yellow. You can view pages without checking them out but as soon as you click into an editable region, the page will check itself out. This is done to lock the page and prevent multiple people editing at the same time. 

Note: you can only check out/in pages, files and images. You can not check out/in entire folders or sites.

  1. From the folder structure view, locate the web page you want to check in and click the light bulb icon.
    Note: Yellow light bulb means that the page is checked out by you. 

    checking out pages image 1

  2. From the page editing view check the page in by turning off the light bulb icon between the save and publish buttons when you are through editing or just viewing the page.

    checking out pages image 2

  3. If a page is checked out to another site editor it will show a red lock icon under the status and you will have view only access to that page until it is checked back in by the same author. 

    Note: This is why it is vital to remeber to check your pages back in when you are through editing them!

    checking out pages image 3


Video Tutorial

For more information about checking your page in and out for editing watch this video! 


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