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Every page and file inside Omni CMS are assigned a unique ID number called a Dependency Tag. When inserting files and linking to other pages across the CMS, Omni uses this ID number instead of a URL. As such, the file dependency manager is designed to prevent broken links from occurring on a page or file is ever moved. Dependency Manager is also how a site editor will tell what pages are referencing their own pages and files.
Site authors do not have to create a dependency tag ID upon building a page or uploading
a file nor can they change the ID number. Instead, these have already been generated
on all of your site’s existing files/pages and will be automatically generated when
a new page or file is created. You will see dependency manager in action most commonly
after inserting images on your page. Site authors are not required to know the ID
of an image as they’ll search for their images and page links by name using the file
browser. The unique dependency tag number is visible within the image source field
after inserting or editing an image and is contained between two sets of curly brackets
{{ }}.
You can search for a dependency tag’s ID number by clicking Gadgets on the right side of your page in Omni. Let’s watch a tutorial on how dependency manager is used while editing pages and how you can search for a dependency tag to see if other pages are referencing it.
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