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Adding Buttons

Step by Step Instructions

You can always add hyperlinks to text within almost any WYSWYG text field by following this guide but buttons are another design element that can add interest to your page and is a great way to draw attention to links and make navigation easy for viewers.

  1. Buttons can be used on any page template however you must use an apporpriate snippet to place the button component in. Buttons can be placed in almost any snippet. On this page, we have a One-column snippet (the default snippet on most templates). 
  2. Select the components icon from the main toolbar and choose "Button with Two Color Options" Click insert. 

    button image 1

  3. The following window will be displayed. Here, enter your button dispay text, insert the desired link, and choose your button settings such as what color, and how the button will be aligned on the page. 

    button image 2

  4. The button will apear in the snippet. To edit after it is created, hover over the button while editing inside the section and click anywhere in the blue bar. A small options menu will appear at the bottom of the component. Click the Pencil icon to edit and the X icon to delete the button.

    Note: Each button must be on its own line. 


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