Safety Programs

Wyoming Rural Road Safety Program 

The primary objective of the Wyoming Rural Road Safety Program (WRRSP) is to help counties identify high-risk rural locations and then develop a strategy to obtain funding for low-cost safety improvements for the top-ranked sections to reduce crashes and fatalities on rural roads statewide.  This program is funded at 90.49% of federal funding of the improvement cost up to a maximum of $100,000 of federal funds and will require a 9.51% project sponsor match.  You can contact us at the WYT2/LTAP Center to get more information on how we can help you with all phases of implementing the program. For more information view the WRRSP pamphlet.  

Indian Reservation Safety Toolkit

Transportation safety is a crucial issue for Indian Reservations as well as all other communities throughout the country. The Improving transportation safety on Indian Reservations-Safety Toolkit presents a five-step safety improvement program process in determining high-risk road segments and their corresponding countermeasures on Indian Reservations. The five steps are: Crash data Analysis, Level I field evaluation, combined ranking to identify potential high-risk locations based on steps 1 and 2, Level II field evaluation to identify countermeasures, and Benefit-cost analysis. Intended for low-cost safety improvements, each step in the Toolkit includes a set of tools, field and professional examples, and useful resources to implement the steps. The methodology provides flexibility for the Tribes to utilize the process the way they consider best to address. It has been implemented on several Indian reservations and has had great success to reduce the high number of fatal crashes prevalent in the reservations’ roadways.

Improving Transportation Safety on Indian Reservations

Road Barrier Condition Assessment in Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming

State Wide Sign Program

The WYT2/LTAP Center, WYDOT, and FHWA have been working with counties around the state to improve the safety of rural roads.  The State-Wide Sign Program seeks to improve safety by providing advance warning signs for high-risk rural roads where signs have not previously existed or where enhancement would be beneficial for eligible roads.  The request will be accepted up until August of each year. To submit a request see the Road Sign Program Request Form below.

For more information view the 2024 State Wide Sign Request Form.  

Wyoming Strategic Highway Safety Plan

View the 2023 Wyoming Strategic Highway Saftey Plan by clicking the link below.


Any questions can be directed to the WYT2 Director Khaled Ksaibati.

Safety Programs

Image of wrecked car
Contact Us

Wyoming Technology Transfer Center

EN 4092

1000 E. University Ave.

Dept. 3295

University of Wyoming

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-6743

Fax: (307) 766-6784


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