Faculty & Staff

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sasha skiba headshot

Alexandre "Sasha" Skiba

Department Chair/Associate Professor

BU 262

(307) 766-6940 | askiba@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: International Economics, Development Economics, Industrial Organization

dave aadland thumbnail

David Aadland

CBEA Director/Professor

BU 361 W

(307) 766-4931| aadland@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Environmental & Resource Economics, Dynamic Economic Systems

white uw bucking horse in uw brown

Nino Abashidze

Assistant Professor

BU 277


heidi j albers headshot

Jo Albers

Wyoming Excellence Chair/Professor

BU 289

(307) 766-5331 | jo.albers@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Environmental & Resource Economics, Development Economics, Ecological Economics

anne alexander headshot

Anne Alexander

Assistant Dean

BU 278


Research Interests: History of American Capitalism, International Economics, Health Economics

Even Brande headshot

Even Brande

Temporary Lecturer

BU 240


amber brown headshot

Amber Brown

Temporary Lecturer

BU 271

(307)766-2154 | abrown56@uwyo.edu

matt burgess headshot

Matt Burgess

Assistant Professor

BU 279


Research Interests: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics; Macroeconomics; Politicial Polarization; and Bioeconomic Modeling.

todd cherry headshot

Todd Cherry

Director of Graduate Studies/John S. Bugas Chair/Professor

BU 272

(307)766-4229 | tcherry@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Energy and Climate Policy, Public Economics

timothy considine headshots

Timothy Considine

Distinguished Professor of Energy

BU 292

(307)766-2543 | tconsidi@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Energy Economics, Environmental & Resource Economics, Industrial Organization, Applied Econometrics

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Alecia Evans

Assistant Professor

BU 265

307-766-6940 | aevans30@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Experimental Economics, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Industrial Organization, Agent-based Modelling

david finnoff headshot

David Finnoff


BU 280

(307)766-5773 | finnoff@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Natural Resource Economics, Bioeconomics, Dynamic Economic Systems, Dynamic Ecological Systems, Optimal Control, Real Options

robert godby headshot

Robert W. Godby

Associate Professor

BU 276

(307)766-3843 | rgodby@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Environmental & Resource Economics, Energy Economics, Industrial Organization, Macroeconomic Policy

alexander james headshot

Alexander James

Associate Professor

BU 274


Research Interests: Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Development Economics, Behavioral Economics, and Experimental Methods

thorsten janus headshot

Thorsten Janus

Associate Professor

BU 267

(307)766-3384 | tjanus@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Political Economy, International and Development Economics

tyler kjorstad headshot

Tyler Kjorstad

Assistant Lecturer/Undergraduate Director

BU 273

(307)766-4114 | tkjorsta@uwyo.edu

charles mason headshot

Charles Mason

H. A. "Dave" True, Jr. Chair/Professor

BU 270

(307)766-5336| bambuzlr@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Natural Resource Economics, Energy Economics, Game Theory, Industrial Organization

stephen newbold headshot

Steve Newbold

Associate Professor

BU 263

(307)766-4004 | snewbold@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Bio-Economic Modeling, Applied Econometrics

jason shogren headshot

Jason Shogren

Stroock Chair of Natural Resource Conservation and Management/Professor

BU 293

(307)766-5430 | jramses@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Environmental & Resource Economics, Public Economics, Behavioral & Institutional Economics

linda thunstrom headshot

Linda Thunström

Associate Professor

BU 266

(307)766-2319 | lthunstr@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Public Economics, Health Economics, Economics of Religion

klaas van't veld headshot

Klaas van't Veld

Associate Professor

BU 283

(307)766-3143 | klaas@uwyo.edu

Research Interests: Behavioral Economics, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Energy Economics, Law and Economics, Applied Microeconomics

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Ravi Vora

Assistant Professor

BU 275



CBEA Research Economists

alex specht headshot

Alexander Specht

Associate Director of CBEA, Research Economist

BU 362

(307) 766-4130 | aspecht3@uwyo.edu


alexander gebben headshot

Alexander Gebben

Energy Economist, Lecturer

BU 366

(307) 766-4136 | agebben@uwyo.edu


photo of daniel cooley

Daniel Cooley

Energy Economist

BU 365


morgan holland headshot

Morgan Holland

Senior Research Economist, Lecturer

BU 367


photo of nida zafar

Nida Zafar

Research Economist

BU 363


bailey kirkland headshot

Bailey Kirkland

Research Economist

BU 368



Affiliated Faculty

tim cason headshot

Tim Cason

Teton Fellow, University of Wyoming

Gadomski Chair of Economics, Purdue University


paul ferraro headshot

Paul J. Ferraro

Teton Fellow, University of Wyoming

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, Johns Hopkins University


george loewenstein headshot

George Loewenstein

Teton Fellow, University of Wyoming

Herbert A. Simon University Professor of Economics and Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University


james murphy headshot

James Murphy

Teton Fellow, University of Wyoming

Rasmuson Chair of Economics, University of Alaska Anchorage


jennifer raynor headshot

Jennifer Raynor

Teton Fellow, University of Wyoming

Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin


christian vossler headshot

Christian Vossler

Teton Fellow, University of Wyoming

J. Fred Holly Chair of Excellence, University of Tennessee



Emeritus Faculty

thomas crocker headshot

Thomas Crocker

J.E. Warren Distinguished Professor of Energy and Environment Emeritus

BU 288


Research Interests: Environmental & Resource Economics, Human Capital, Public Economics

owen phillips headshot

Owen Phillips

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Industrial Organization, Antitrust Economics, Experimental Economics

sherrill shaffer headshot

Sherrill Shaffer

Guthrie Distinguished Professor of Banking and Financial Services Emeritus


Research Interests: Banking, Financial Markets & Regulation

Please find all Economics Temporary Lecturers on our main college directory.

Contact Us

Department of Economics

College of Business Department 3985

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3124

Fax: 307-766-4028

Email: economics@uwyo.edu

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