How to Get Involved

ASUW provides a variety of opportunities for students to be involved in the decision-making on our campus. To explore these options visit the sites below and see how you can make your voice heard!


Join a Committee

Through ASUW, students have the privilege of being involved in various ASUW standing committees, special committees, and University committees. As an ASUW fee-paying student at the University of Wyoming, you are a member of the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW). As a member, you are invited to participate in programming and decision-making for your University. The standing committees are legislated through ASUW and chaired by ASUW Senators. Special committees are ASUW-ran and are specialized to serve a unique need. University committees are held by various campus entities including administration, faculty, and staff.
join a committee

Running in an Election

Elections are held in the spring for the following school year and students have an opportunity to run for a seat to represent students in their college in the ASUW Senate or for President and Vice President. ASUW hosts numerous information sessions in the early spring semester for students to learn more about the responsibilities of Senators, the President and Vice President, and the rules and guidelines for the ASUW Elections. Campaign season usually takes place from March to April.
vote box

Participate in Senate

The Senate is comprised of 21 at-large Senators who represent the entire student body at the University of Wyoming. Senators are elected every spring semester and vacancies can open up at any point during the academic year. The Senate's minutes, legislation and working documents are all open to the public and can be accessed at any time! ASUW Senate Meetings are held every Tuesday at 7pm in the Wyoming Union Senate Chambers, and are open to the public.


Join a Partner or Program of ASUW

ASUW is proud to have its own programs that are designed to assist the student population. These programs are initiatives originally established by ASUW with strong continuous support from the student government. Programs include Student Technical Services (STS), First-Year Senate, Non-Traditional Student Council, Student Legal Services, and United Multicultural Council. Sustainability Coalition is a partner of ASUW is a recognized groups across campus that ASUW works together with to achieve shared goals and values. Joining either a program or partner lets you work directly with ASUW and work towards shared values for the betterment of UW students!


Contact your Representatives

Reaching out to your representatives provides you a way to have your voice heard! Through the student-at-large senator model, you can raise concerns about an issue, ask questions, and learn more about ASUW. This allows you to have a direct impact on legislation and have a voice within the Senate. Some senators also host office hours throughout the academic year, which we will update as the semester continues.


Fill a Vacancy

Throughout the semester, vacancies can arise within the Senate, and create opportunities for students to become directly involved in the ASUW Senate. Anyone can apply as long as they qualify based on the set standards. Vacancies are filled through an application process, interview by the ASUW Outreach, Programming, and Elections committee, and a confirmation vote by the Senate. 

magnifying glass
Contact Us

ASUW Office

1000 E. University Ave.

Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5204


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