Michael Edson

Associate Professor of English; Director of Graduate Studies; Associate Editor of Eighteenth-Century Life

Hoyt 246, medson@uwyo.edu


Michael Edson teaches courses in Restoration and eighteenth-century British literature. His research interests include poetry, satire, printed notes (annotation), and marginalia. His methodologies include sociology of reading, manuscript study, textual editing, memory studies, reading history, and book history. He is currently working on a project exploring the place of uncertainty in reading satire.


Ph.D., English, University of Delaware, 2011

Recent and Upcoming Courses

Eighteenth-Century Novel (ENGL 3400)

Making and Breaking the Canon (ENGL 2430)

Cultures of Reading

Satire and Memory

Literary Length: Long Reading in an Era of Short Attention

Selected Publications

"Cowley’s Essays: Martial and the Ironies of Retirement." Abraham Cowley: A Poet Recovered. Clemson Univ, Press, 2023. 141-170.

"Rescaling Falconer’s The Shipwreck: Poetic Time, Labor, and the Problem of Immersion.” Eighteenth-Century Life 72.2 (2023): 106-133.

“Satire as Gossip: Lady Anne Hamilton’s The Epics of the Ton.” British Women Satirists in the Long Eighteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2022. 207–225. 

“Manuscript Notations and Cultural Memory.” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 50 (2021): 169–184.

To learn more about Michael Edson's publications, click here.  Personal site.

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