Nancy Small

Associate Professor for the English Department

Hoyt 302,

Nancy Small's Website


Nancy studies how everyday storytelling constructs our shared lifeworlds. Her current projects include a book on paradox and agency in transnational spaces, an edited collection of stories about transnational research, and a study of public commemoration and women's suffrage. Other interests include qualitative research methods and research ethics, as well as modern rhetorical theory, including rhetorical listening, gaze, silence, and attunement. When not researching and teaching, she loves to be outdoors with her family walking, hiking, or skiing, or at home in front of the fireplace knitting with her two cheeky parrots and with her two dogs, Pixie and The Grimm.


Ph.D. in Technical Communication & Rhetoric, Texas Tech University     

M.A. in English, Texas A&M University 

B.A. in English and Psychology, Texas A&M University 

Recent and Upcoming Courses

Storytelling as Rhetorical Theory, Method, and Product

Rhetorics of Public Memory

Rhetorics and Civil Discourse

Qualitative Research Methods

Culture, Communication, and the Workplace

College Composition and Rhetoric

Selected Publications/Awards

Small, N. (forthcoming, 2022). Reading for the weaver: Amplifying agency through a material rhetoric methodology. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy.

Small, N. (2022). A rhetoric of becoming: USAmerican women in Qatar. Studies in Rhetorics and Feminisms, Parlor Press. 

Small. N. & Longo, B. (Eds.). (2022). Transnational research in technical communication: Stories, realities, and reflections. Studies in Technical Communication, SUNY Press. 

Small, N. (2022). Importing lessons from Qatar: Towards a research ethic in transnational and intercultural communication. In N. Small & B. Longo (Eds.), Transnational Research in Technical Communication: Realities and Reflections. Studies in Scientific and Technical Communication. SUNY University Press.

Small, N. (2022). Localize, adapt, reflect: A review of recent research in transnational and intercultural TPC. In L. Melonçon & J. Schreiber (Eds.), Assembling critical components: A framework for sustaining technical and professional communication (pp. 269-295). WAC/Colorado State University Press.

Patton, T. & Small, N. (2020). Making waves: Maxine Waters and her challenge to black women’s erasure and white hegemony. In B.K. Alexander, M. N. Goins, & J. F. McAlister (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Communication (pp. 243-258). Routledge.

Small, N. (2020). From commemoration to co-memoration as feminist practice. Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric & Composition, 22(2), 

Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research: Research Group Fellowship ($3,000) 2021
Project: “Wyoming Women’s Suffrage: History, Memory, and Symbolic Practice”

University of Wyoming College of Arts & Sciences Travel Grant ($2,900) 2019

College of Arts & Sciences Extraordinary Merit in Teaching 2022

Fraternity and Sorority Life: Faculty Advisor of the Year 2020

To learn more about Nancy’s publications, click here.


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