Division of Kinesiology and Health

College of Health Sciences

Qin "Arthur" Zhu

Qin "Arthur" Zhu

Interim Director and Professor
Corbett 114 A
(307) 766-3662 | qzhu1@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita

Danielle Bruns

Danielle R. Bruns, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Sciences Inititive Building, 3210
(307) 766-5290 | dbruns1@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita


Mark Byra

Mark Byra, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus


Curriculum Vita

Tami Benham-Deal

Tami Benham-Deal, P.E.D.

Vice Provost for Academic Personnel, Professor
Old Main 312
(307) 766-4286 |


Curriculum Vita

A filler image for when no head shot is available.

Lori Cook

Office Associate 
Corbett Building 119
(307) 766-5284 | lmares1@uwyo.edu 


Qwen Cotterman

Gwen Cotterman

Coordinator, Senior Student Advising
Corbett Building 119A
(307) 766-5449 | gcotterm@uwyo.edu


Lacey Gaechter

Lacey Gaechter, MS

Assistant Lecturer
(307) 225-9775 |  lgaechte@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita

Francesca Genoese

Francesca Genoese, Ph.D., LAT, ATC, CES

Assistant Professor
Corbett Building 110
(307) 766-5423 | fgenoese@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita


Lauren Gilbert

Lauren Gilbert, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Corbett Building 116
(307) 766-5282 | lgilbe10@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita


Evan Johnson

Evan C. Johnson

Associate Professor
Corbett Building 109
(307) 766-5282 |  evan.johnson@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita

Ben Kern

Ben D. Kern, Ph.D., CSCS

Assistant Professor
Corbett Building 113
(719) 761-3467 | bkern2@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita

Jacob Layer

Jacob Layer, M.S.

Assistant Lecturer
Corbett Building 105
| jlayer@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita


Emily Schmitt

Emily E. Schmitt, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Corbett Building 118
(307) 766-5286 |  eschmit4@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita

Kelly Simonton

Kelly L. Simonton, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Corbett Building 111
(307) 766-5752 |  kelly.simonton@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita

Angela Simonton

Angela Simonton, M.S.

Assistant Lecturer
Corbett Building 115
(307) 766-4111 |  angela.simonton@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita

Sandy Goheen-Smith

Sandy Goheen-Smith, M.S.

Assistant Lecturer


Curriculum Vita 

Derek Smith

Derek Smith, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Corbett Building 108
(307) 766-5271 | smithdt@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita


Marci Smith

Marci Smith, M.S.

Senior Lecturer
Corbettt Building 114B
(307) 766-2413 |  mlsmith@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita

Tristan Wallhead

Tristan Wallhead, Ph.D.

Corbett Building 106D
(307) 766-4191 |  wallhead@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita

Rachel Watson

Rachel Watson

Director, Senior Lecturer
Science Initiative Building, 3017E
(307) 760-2942 | rwatson@uwyo.edu

Curriculum Vita


Contact Us

UW Division of Kinesiology and Health

Corbett Building 119

Laramie , WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5284

Email: kines@uwyo.edu

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