Division of Kinesiology and Health

College of Health Sciences


headshot of Dr.DaiBoyi Dai




(307) 766-5285

Corbett Building, Room 110





My research areas are injury biomechanics, sports biomechanics, and ergonomics. I utilize motion, force, electromyography measurements, and musculoskeletal modeling to understand injury mechanisms and develop injury prevention and performance training strategies.  My current research is focused on jump-landing mechanics and anterior cruciate ligament injuries, exoskeleton and low-back loading, and balance and fall prevention in workers and older adults. I serve as an associate editor for Sports Biomechanics and an editorial board member for BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders and Research in Sports Medicine. I also serve as a Vice President (Research & Projects) for the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports.


ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Boyi_Dai

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8_bNgHEAAAAJ&hl=en

Biomechanics Lab

Curriculum Vita



Ph.D. Human Movement Science (emphasis in Biomechanics), The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2012)

M.S. Kinesiology (emphasis in Biomechanics), Iowa State University (2009)

B.E. Exercise Science, Beijing Sport University (2007) 



  • KIN 3042 Biomechanics of Human Movement
  • KIN 4042 Applied Biomechanics
  • KIN 5046 Advanced Biomechanics and Programming
  • KIN 5047 Biomechanics in Sport
  • KIN 5085 Research Methods


Contact Us

UW Division of Kinesiology and Health

Corbett Building 119

Laramie , WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5284

Email: kines@uwyo.edu

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