Wildlife and Fisheries Certification

Students majoring in the Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and Management Degree (WFBM) have the option of applying for professional certification from the Wildlife Society (TWS) or the American Fisheries Society (AFS). Both of these certifications are voluntary and neither are required to graduate from the University of Wyoming or to apply for employment after graduation. These certifications call for a specific program of study although these differ between the two programs. If you decide to seek certification, please contact Dr. Merav Ben-David at bendavid@uwyo.edu in the Department of Zoology and Physiology for more information. You may also contact Compliance & Review Specialist Erika Helgeson at ehelgeso@uwyo.edu for general licensure and certification questions. The University of Wyoming student chapter of TWS offers resume building workshops every spring where the advantages of certification and instructions on how to apply are discussed. The recommended curricula of the WFBM degree (aquatic and terrestrial options) are designed to meet certification requirements. Required and recommended courses are clearly listed on the 4-program of studies near the end of the second page on each. Degree information and web-links to certification information for The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society are located below.

The Wildlife Society Wildlife Biologist Certification Manual

The American Fisheries Society Certification Program 101 preparation

University of Wyoming Zoology and Physiology website

UW Wildlife & Fisheries Biology and Management website

Wildlife & Fisheries Biology & Management‒Terrestrial, BS Program of Study

Wildlife & Fisheries Biology & Management‒Aquatic, BS Program of Study

The Wildlife Society Certification website

The American Fisheries Society Certification website

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