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This is the Faculty Staff Listing Snippet. This Snippet is defaulted into this template type and will provide helper text as
to where to insert your images and the specific text needed for a faculty staff listing.
Note: To create an email link, highlight the text and select the insert/edit link button from the main toolbar. In the URL field, simply type mailto: followed by the
email address. Example:
Photo Service Manager
Bureau of Mines, 107
(307) 766-6500 | directed@uwyo.eduWebsite
Research Interests: Dynamic Photography
Bureau of Mines, 139
(307) 766-3255 |
Sample Person
The image below shows the backend editing experience for this page.
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Tuesdays: 1:30 - 5 p.m. (academic year hours)
Don't forget the Request Help Gadget!
Located in the top right of your screen inside Omni CMS.