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News Article Template

Celebrate India web event
This image is controlled by the "news article floated image with caption" component that is pre-populated by default in the "article content" section of this template

This template type can be used for two main purposes as noted in the name, blogs and news articles. This guide will show you how to adapt this template to be used for a news article. To see how to use it as a blog, check out this guide

Regardless of your intended use, this template will come with a prepopulated "article content" section. Within the "article content" section, there will also be a prepopulated "News article floated image with caption" component. If you are using this template for a news article, like this example, you can use this component and build your blog with WYSIWYG text, and by inserting images and videos as needed. 

The Page Title above, is controlled by using the Mult-edit option located at the top of the page next to the publish button. 





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