The Chart of Accounts represents the structure through which financial transaction data is organized and reported. UW’s Chart of Accounts structure consists of eight General Ledger Segments with the ninth not currently used.
Guide Book – Describes the segments and provides instructions of their use
Segment Values and Descriptions - Spreadsheet versions of the Chart of Accounts are also available on the Reporting Table of Contents within WyoCloud.
Segment 1: Entity
Segment 2: Natural Account
Segment 3: Fund Class
Segment 4: Fund Source
Segment 5: Organization
How to request a change for the next fiscal year - Process
Segment 6: Expense Classification
Segment 7: Program
Segment 8: Activity
How to request a change for program and activity codes - Process
Segment 9: Future – not currently used
Segments 10 to 13: POET Project, Organization, Expenditure Type, Task – Expenditures on grant awards/projects are coded using four segment values
Natural Account Crosswalks
Natural Accounts Expenditure Classification Rollups – Per University Regulations 7-1, University’s Operating Budget: six expenditure classifications are defined for budgeting purposes
Cost Center Approvers – Includes high dollar approval hierarchy