2024 UW News Stories

Brazilian Pianist to Perform at UW April 26

The University of Wyoming Department of Music will host guest pianist Lúcia Barrenechea Friday, April 26.

UW Philosophy Professor Speaks at Bitcoin Policy Summit

University of Wyoming philosophy Associate Professor Bradley Rettler has gained international attention for his forthcoming book, “Resistance Money: A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin,” which argues that bitcoin is a net benefit to the world, despite its imperfections.

UW Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Day Saturday

Hundreds of students from the University of Wyoming and community colleges around the state will showcase the best of research and innovation at UW’s Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Day Saturday, April 20.

UW Names Third Cohort of Wyoming Teacher-Mentor Corps

The University of Wyoming is welcoming the third cohort of the Wyoming Teacher-Mentor Corps, hosted by the UW College of Education.

UW Students Receive 2024 Serviceship Awards

The University of Wyoming’s School of Politics, Public Affairs and International Studies and Service, Leadership and Community Engagement office have presented the Stewart Family Serviceship Award, which will fund two student projects this year -- one undergraduate project and one graduate student project.

UW SER to Host Third Annual Rocky Mountain Professional Landman Conference April 29

The University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources (SER) once again will host the Rocky Mountain Professional Landman Conference Monday, April 29.

UW’s Wyoming Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble II to Perform April 25

The University of Wyoming Department of Music’s Jazz Studies program will present “Spring Swing” Thursday, April 25.

UW’s Happy Jacks and 7220 Blues to Perform April 28 at UW

University of Wyoming Department of Music ensembles the Happy Jacks and 7220 Blues will appear in concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 28, in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts recital hall.

UW Names 2024 Graduate Award Recipients

The University of Wyoming’s School of Graduate Education and Graduate Council have selected the 2024 winners of graduate student and mentor awards for outstanding teaching and research.

UW Department of Music to Host Stellar Brass April 22

The University of Wyoming Department of Music will host Stellar Brass, an ensemble of the United States Air Force Academy Band, Monday, April 22, at 5:30 p.m.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Workshop on SBIR/STTR Opportunities at DOD April 25

Small-business owners can learn about Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) opportunities at the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) during a half-day virtual workshop Thursday, April 25.

UW’s Wyoming SBDC Network Podcast Interviews Owner of Rock River Animal Sanctuary

The Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network podcast this month features an interview with Jennifer Clark, founder of J&J Second Chance Small Holdings. The small business, located in Rock River, provides rescue and sanctuary for goats and many other animals -- over 170 in all.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Business Loan Workshop in Green River April 25

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to get a first small-business loan request approved Thursday, April 25.

UW Professor Chairs Prestigious NIH Review Committee

David Fay, a professor in the University of Wyoming Department of Molecular Biology, recently chaired a blue-ribbon advisory panel for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The panel provided advice about how the NIH funds grant proposals.

Katrina Zook to Give UW Buchanan Lecture April 24

University of Wyoming Professor Emerita Katrina Zook will discuss “Our Invisible Art: Teaching and Transformation” as part of the Buchanan Lecture Series Wednesday, April 24.

Norwegian Tuba Player to Perform April 21 at UW

The University of Wyoming Department of Music will feature Norwegian tuba player Øystein Baadsvik Sunday, April 21.

UW Hosts Annual Laramie River Rendezvous Rodeo This Weekend

When the University of Wyoming men’s and women’s rodeo teams got off to a slow start to begin the fall season in September 2023, nobody panicked because both clubs were returning plenty of College National Finals Rodeo (CNFR) qualifiers.

UW Extension Offers New Grass Thrips Management Guide

For grass seed producers and others concerned about controlling grass thrip populations, University of Wyoming Extension has released a new management guide.

EWC Three-Peats at UW-Led Wyoming Business Ethics Case Competition

A team from Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) recently won the fourth annual Wyoming Business Ethics Case Competition hosted by the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program under the direction of the Center for Principle-Based Leadership and Ethics at the University of Wyoming College of Business.

Renowned Artist Borbay to Perform Live Painting at UW Art Museum’s Benefit Gala May 18

Celebrated painter and location artist Borbay will perform a live painting at the University of Wyoming Art Museum’s benefit gala Saturday, May 18, at the Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center.

A Message From the President: Update on DEI Working Group

As I shared last month, I have charged a working group, composed of faculty, staff, students and administrators, to review all of UW’s DEI activities and to provide a range of suggestions on how to move forward in a way that best supports UW’s goals and is responsive to the expectations of the Legislature.

Enbridge’s Caryn Campbell to Present on Leadership in STEM April 17 at UW

Caryn Campbell, of Enbridge Inc., a multinational pipeline and energy company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, will discuss leadership in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields from noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, in Room 201 of the University of Wyoming’s Energy Innovation Center.

UW’s IMPACT 307 Announces Fremont County Start-Up Challenge Winners

Three businesses were named winners at the Fremont County Start-Up Challenge Pitch Night, which took place April 9 at Central Wyoming College’s (CWC) Health and Science Building in Riverton.

UW Geological Museum to Host Fossil Fish Festival April 20

The University of Wyoming Geological Museum will host the annual Fossil Fish Festival Saturday, April 20.

Denim Day Scheduled April 24 at UW

In a show of solidarity with survivors of sexual assault, members of the University of Wyoming community are urged to wear jeans Wednesday, April 24, during Denim Day, the world’s longest-running sexual violence prevention and education campaign.

High-Tech Wildlife Tracking Center to Open at UW

A new center focused on using technology and high-performance computing to track animal movements will launch this month at the University of Wyoming.

UW’s Knapp Named Inaugural Haub Fellow at Ucross

Corrine Knapp, an associate professor in the University of Wyoming’s Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, has been selected as the inaugural Haub Fellow at Ucross.

Aaron Wolfinbarger Named UW’s Staff Employee of the Year

Aaron Wolfinbarger, a custodian II for the University of Wyoming’s Custodial Services, is the UW staff employee of the year.

UW Spring Convocation April 24

University of Wyoming faculty, staff and students are invited to UW’s Spring 2024 Convocation Wednesday, April 24, from 2:30-4:30 p.m. in the Wyoming Union Ballroom.

UW Cowboys Zero In On Sixth Straight Regional Rodeo Title

When the University of Wyoming hosts its annual JCA Laramie River Rendezvous Rodeo this weekend, the Cowboys -- barring anything crazy -- should win their sixth consecutive Central Rocky Mountain Region (CRMR) team title.

UW Offers Negotiated Gas Rate to Employees and Retirees

The University of Wyoming is offering employees and retirees an opportunity to choose the negotiated natural gas commodity price under the Choice Gas program.

‘A Rhythmic World’ to Feature Brazilian Percussionist April 18 at UW

World-class Brazilian percussionist Jorge Alabê brings the rich musical culture of his home country to the University of Wyoming this month as a performing artist and master teacher.

UW School of Computing Accepting Faculty Fellows Program Applications

Applications are now being accepted for the University of Wyoming School of Computing’s Faculty Fellows program for the 2024-25 academic year. The application deadline is Friday, April 19, and recipients and proposals will be announced in May.

UW Biodiversity Institute to Host Vulture Watch Wyoming Training April 27

When people think of turkey vultures, images are often conjured of the scavenger birds picking at an animal carcass on the side of the road. However, these often-misunderstood raptors provide key benefits to the environment.

Tandi Valdez Receives UW Libraries Outstanding Staff Award

Tandi Valdez, a senior library assistant, is the recipient of the University of Wyoming Libraries Outstanding Staff Award for her contributions in 2023.

UW Receives $1.6M Grant From Helmsley Foundation to Support Wyoming Health Care Professionals

The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust has granted nearly $1.6 million to the University of Wyoming College of Health Sciences to train Wyoming health care professionals on state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment as part of a statewide ultrasound initiative.

UW Ethics Club Ignites Community Impact Through Innovation

The University of Wyoming Ethics Club will resume its student-led SparkTank -- a “Shark Tank”-style competition dedicated to uplifting Albany County nonprofit organizations.

UW’s Blakely Receives Public Health Best Publication Award

An assistant professor of social and administrative pharmacy with the University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy is the co-author of a published manuscript selected as the recipient of the 2023-24 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Public Health Special Interest Group (SIG) Best Publication Award

UW Alumni Association Announces Homecoming 2024 Dates

The University of Wyoming Alumni Association (UWAA) has announced that the 2024 Homecoming celebration will be the week of Monday-Saturday, Sept. 23-28. As always, the week will be capped off at War Memorial Stadium as the UW Cowboys face off against Mountain West Conference rival Air Force.

UW Faculty Recital Series Features Clarinet and Piano Performance April 19

The University of Wyoming Department of Music Faculty Recital Series will feature Blake McGee, clarinet, and Brooks Hafey, piano, in a free public performance at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 19, in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts recital hall.

UW Blockchain Center Anticipates Bitcoin Halving Next Week

A significant impact on bitcoin and the broader digital asset market will occur following the anticipated bitcoin halving this month, says Steve Lupien, director of the University of Wyoming’s Center for Blockchain and Digital Innovation (CBDI).

Alpha Chapter of Wyoming Celebrates Academic Excellence at UW

New members of the Alpha Chapter of Wyoming at the University of Wyoming will be inducted into the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa honor society during a ceremony -- a celebration of academic excellence and achievement within the university community -- Monday, April 29.

UW College of Ag to Host Leadership Symposium April 22

The University of Wyoming’s Ranch Management and Agricultural Leadership Program will host a leadership symposium in Laramie Monday, April 22.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Business Loan Workshop in Evanston April 18

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to get a first small-business loan request approved Thursday, April 18.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Social Media Safety Webinar April 18

Scammers are taking over social media accounts at an alarming rate and, when they do, small businesses no longer will have access to their businesses’ social media presence. Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to safeguard themselves against such scammers Thursday, April 18.

UW’s Peter Receives LIRT Librarian Recognition Award

Sammy Peter, chair of Research and Instruction at University of Wyoming Libraries, is the 2024 recipient of the Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) Librarian Recognition Award for her contributions as an instructional design librarian.

Fond Memories Topic of UW’s Dementia Program for Caregivers

There is great healing power in concentrating on fond memories. That will be the topic for caregivers of loved ones living with dementia during the next edition of “Once Again,” the YouTube video program of the University of Wyoming’s Wyoming Center on Aging (WyCOA).

Wyoming Business Tips for April

A monthly look at issues facing Wyoming business owners and entrepreneurs from the Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network, a collection of business assistance programs at the University of Wyoming.

UW’s John P. Ellbogen $50K Entrepreneurship Competition and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Fair April 24

Student-led teams will compete for money to launch their own businesses during the University of Wyoming College of Business’ 24th annual John P. Ellbogen $50K Entrepreneurship Competition and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Fair Wednesday, April 24.

‘Queen of Mariachi’ Aída Cuevas to Perform at UW April 17

The University of Wyoming’s Buchanan Center Special Events will present legendary mariachi singer Aída Cuevas Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the UW College of Arts and Sciences auditorium.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host HUBZone Workshop in Powell April 17

Small-business owners can learn how to obtain federal contract dollars through becoming HUBZone-certified companies Wednesday, April 17.

Front Range Chamber Players to Perform April 15 at UW

Front Range Chamber Players will present “Theremin: Hollywood to Wyoming” at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 15, in the University of Wyoming’s Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts recital hall.

calm lake with snow-covered mountains and clouds in the background UW-Led Research: Yellowstone Lake Ice Cover Unchanged Despite Warming Climate

The length of time that Yellowstone Lake is covered by ice each year has not changed in the past century, despite warming temperatures in the region, according to new research led by University of Wyoming scientists.

UW Wool Judging Team Celebrates Successful 2024 Season

The University of Wyoming’s small but mighty collegiate wool judging team competed in three regional contests this year, beginning with a strong performance at the 7220 Wool Judging Invitational in Laramie and concluding with an impressive finish at the Black Hills Stock Show in Rapid City, S.D.

UW Percussion and Brass Festival to Present Concerts April 12

The University of Wyoming Percussion and Brass Festival will present three public concerts Friday, April 12, in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host HUBZone Workshop in Big Horn County April 16

Small-business owners can learn how to obtain federal contract dollars through becoming HUBZone-certified companies Tuesday, April 16.

head photo of a woman UW’s Phi Beta Kappa Chapter to Host Renowned Mathematician April 23-24

A renowned mathematician, data scientist and educator will headline several University of Wyoming Phi Beta Kappa Society chapter events on campus Tuesday and Wednesday, April 23-24.

UW Cowgirls Keep Rolling and Cowboys Retain Regional Rodeo Lead

With just two rodeos remaining in the Central Rocky Mountain Region (CRMR) regular season, the University of Wyoming Cowgirls are making a late push to win the regional title, while their Cowboy counterparts are maintaining a slim lead in the standings.

UW Staff Recognition Day April 16 in Arena-Auditorium

It may be in a new venue, but the University of Wyoming’s annual Staff Recognition Day’s traditional focus will remain the same: honoring the many UW staff members for their ongoing service to the university.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host HUBZone Workshop in Cody April 16

Small-business owners can learn how to obtain federal contract dollars through becoming HUBZone-certified companies Tuesday, April 16.

Two to Receive UW Honorary Degrees

The University of Wyoming will confer its highest award, the honorary doctoral degree, upon two individuals who will be recognized during UW commencement ceremonies May 11.

UW’s IMPACT 307 Announces Fremont County Start-Up Challenge Finalists

IMPACT 307’s 2024 Fremont County Start-Up Challenge Pitch Night will take place Tuesday, April 9, in Room 100 of the Health and Science Building at Central Wyoming College (CWC) in Riverton.

UW Selects Top First-Year Course Instructors

Thirty-six University of Wyoming instructors who inspire excitement, inquiry and autonomy in first-year courses are this year’s Promoting Intellectual Engagement (PIE) Award recipients.

UW Jazz Studies to Present Ari Hoenig Trio April 14

The University of Wyoming Department of Music’s Jazz Studies program will host the Ari Hoenig Trio Sunday, April 14, at 7 p.m.

Scientists Receive UW-National Park Service Research Grants

Six University of Wyoming scientists and six researchers from other institutions have been selected for funding by the UW-National Park Service (NPS) Research Station in Grand Teton National Park in areas ranging from wildlife and geology to human waste management.

UW’s 3D Visualization Center Develops Tool for Understanding Carbon Storage

The 3D Visualization Center at the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources (SER) is developing a powerful outreach and communication application to help the public understand the mechanics of underground carbon storage as part of the Wyoming CarbonSAFE project in the Powder River Basin.

UW to Launch StartRight+ This Fall for Textbooks

Beginning this fall, all University of Wyoming undergraduates will be able to access their required course materials for a flat fee of $275 per semester through an innovative new university program, StartRight+, aimed at breaking down financial inequities while enhancing the student experiences through academic preparedness.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Business Loan Workshop in Fort Washakie April 11

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to get a first small-business loan request approved Thursday, April 11.

‘Musical Voyage From Seville to Beirut’ Concert April 9 at UW

The University of Wyoming Department of Music will present guest artists Christine Honein, soprano, and Jeremy Reger, piano, performing “A Musical Voyage From Seville to Beirut” at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts recital hall.

Wyoming Higher Education Applicants Sought for UW Entrepreneurship Fellowship Program

Wyoming higher education personnel have an opportunity to apply for the University of Wyoming Center for Principle-Based Leadership and Ethics’ (PBLE) Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellowship Program for the 2024-25 academic year.

Applications for Daniels Fund Faculty Fellowship Program at UW Due May 1

Applications are now being accepted for the two-year Daniels Fund Faculty Fellowship Program offered through the University of Wyoming’s Center for Principle-Based Leadership and Ethics (PBLE). The deadline to apply is Wednesday, May 1.

UW Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster Fund Recital April 11

Orchestra audiences are used to this ritual: The houselights dim, out walks the concertmaster, who tunes the orchestra, and then the concert begins. But, unless the orchestra plays something with concertmaster solos, the audience seldom gets to hear them alone. That is about to change.

UW and Wyoming Community Navigator Program to Demystify Artificial Intelligence April 11

Small-business owners will have an opportunity to feel better about using artificial intelligence (AI) for their businesses during a webinar that demystifies the technology Thursday, April 11.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Skill-Building Business Workshop in Cheyenne April 18

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to improve their skill sets to start or grow their businesses Thursday, April 18.

UW Biodiversity Institute to Host Salamander Migration Initiative This Month

The University of Wyoming’s Biodiversity Institute will put the spotlight on the Western tiger salamander this spring and offer the public opportunities to learn about and help Wyoming’s state amphibian.

UW Honors College to Host First Middle East Film Festival April 13-14

Six films will be screened during the University of Wyoming Honors College’s first Middle East Film Festival Saturday and Sunday, April 13-14. The two-day event is free and open to the public.

‘UW in Your Community’ Event April 17 in Wheatland

Members of the public will find out more about the University of Wyoming’s presence in Platte County, and UW alumni will connect with their alma mater during a “UW in Your Community” gathering Wednesday, April 17, in Wheatland.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Small Business Pitch Night in Cheyenne April 17

Small-business owners from Laramie County will have the opportunity to pitch their businesses to the community Thursday, April 17.

Students Compete in UW’s Annual World Languages Day

Two hundred eighty-five students and 30 teachers representing 14 junior high and high schools from across Wyoming participated in the University of Wyoming’s annual World Languages Day (WLD) competition March 1-2.

UW Blockchain Program Ranks Among Best in Nation

A student higher education resource says the University of Wyoming offers one of the top blockchain education programs in the nation.

Contact Us

Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929
Email: cbaldwin@uwyo.edu


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