Rile Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Ph.D., The University of Alabama
M.B.A., The University of Alabama
B.A., John Carroll University
Teaching Interests
Business Planning
Organizational Theory
International Business
Corporate Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Orientation
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Kreiser, P.M., Kuratko, D.F., Covin, J.G., Ireland, R.D., & Hornsby, J. (Forthcoming). “Optimizing the Value of Internal Fit in a Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy (CES)” Forthcoming in Small Business Economics
Lee, Y., Howe, M. & Kreiser, P.M. (Forthcoming). “Organizational Culture and Entrepreneurial Orientation: An Orthogonal Perspective of Individualism and Collectivism” Forthcoming in International Small Business Journal
Lee, Y., Kreiser, P., Wrede, A., & Kogelen, S (Forthcoming). “The Influence of University-based Entrepreneurship Education on the Formation of Entrepreneurial Capabilities” Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy (This paper received both the USASBE Best Overall Paper Award and the Best Entrepreneurship Education Research Paper Award at the 2018 USASBE Conference)
Goldsby, M.G., Kuratko, D.F., Bishop, J.W., Kreiser, P., & Hornsby, J.S. (2018). "Social Proactiveness and Innovation: The Impact of Stakeholder Salience on Corporate Entrepreneurship." Journal of Small Business Strategy, 28(2), 1-15.
Davis, J.D., Batchelor, J., & Kreiser, P.M.. (2018). "The Influence of Organizational Task Environment and Firm Size on Top-Executive Compensation Contracts." Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 31(1), 21-42.
Anderson, B.S., Kreiser, P.M., Kuratko, D.F., Hornsby, J.S., and Eshima, Y. (2015). “Reconceptualizing Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Measurement Perspective.” Strategic Management Journal, 36(10), 1579-1596.
Crawford, C., & Kreiser, P.M. (2015). “Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy: Extending the Integrative Framework Through the Lens of Complexity Science.” Small Business Economics, 45(2), 403-423.
Wales, W.J., Patel, P.C., Parida, V., & Kreiser, P.M. (2013). “Nonlinear Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Small Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Resource Orchestration Capabilities.” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Volume 7, Issue 2, pages 93-121.
Kreiser, P., Patel, P., & Fiet, J. (2013). “Network Capital and Firm Founding: The Role of Social Competence and Entrepreneurial Intensity” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Volume 37, Issue 3, pages 539-568.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., Kuratko, D.F., & Weaver, K.M. (2013). “Disaggregating Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Non-Linear Impact of Innovativeness, Proactiveness, and Risk-Taking on Firm Performance” Small Business Economics, Volume 40, Issue 2, pages 273-291.
Kreiser, P.M. (2011). “Entrepreneurial Orientation and Organizational Learning: The Impact of Network Range and Network Closure” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Volume 35, Issue 5, pages 1025-1050.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., Dickson, P., & Weaver, K.M. (2010). “Cultural Influences on Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Impact of National Culture on Risk-Taking and Proactiveness in SMEs” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Volume 34, Issue 5, pages 959-983.
Tang, Z., Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., & Weaver, K.M. (2010). “Exploring Proactiveness as a Moderator in the Process of Perceiving Industrial Munificence: A Field Study of SMEs in Four Countries” Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM), Volume 48, Issue 2, pages 97-115.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., Davis, J., Tang, Z,, & Lee, C.W. (2010). “Firm-level Entrepreneurship: The Role of Proactiveness, Innovativeness, and Strategic Renewal in the Creation and Exploitation of Opportunities” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Volume 15, Issue 2, pages 143-163.
Kreiser, P.M., & Davis, J.L. (2010). “Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: The Unique Impact of Innovation, Proactiveness, and Risk-taking” Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Volume 23, Issue 1, pages 39-51.
Davis, J., Bell, R., Payne, G., & Kreiser, P.M. (2010). “Entrepreneurially-Oriented Top Managers and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Power” American Journal of Business, Volume 25, Issue 2, pages 41-54.
Kreiser, P.M., & Davis, J.L.(2009). “A Revised Conceptual Model of the Firm-level Entrepreneurial Process” Journal of Small Business Strategy, Volume 20, Issue 1, pages 1-18.
Tang, Z., Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., & Weaver, K.M. (2009). “A Hierarchical Perspective of the Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO)” International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2, pages 181-201.
Hoyt, J., Huq, F., & Kreiser, P.M. (2007). “Measuring Organizational Responsiveness: The Development of a Validated Survey Instrument” Management Decision, Volume 45, Issue 10, pages 1573-1594.
Lohrke, F.T., Kreiser, P.M., & Weaver, K.M. (2006). “The Influence of Organizational Performance Goals and National Culture on SME Strategic Alliance Propensity” Journal of Business Research, Volume 59, Issue 1, pages 19-27.
Kreiser, P.M., Ojala, J., Lamberg, J.A., & Melander, A. (2006). “A Historical Investigation of the Strategic Process Within Family Firms” Journal of Management History, Volume 12, Issue 1, pages 100-114.
Kreiser, P.M. & Marino, L.D. (2002). “Analyzing the Historical Development of the Environmental Uncertainty Construct” Management Decision, Volume 40, Issue 9, pages 895-905.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., & Weaver, K.M. (2002). “Assessing the Psychometric Properties of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale: A Multi-Country Analysis” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Volume 26, Issue 4, pages 71-94.
Peer-Reviewed Best Paper Proceedings
Kreiser, P.M., Anderson, B., Marino, L.D., & Kuratko, D.F. “Entrepreneurial Responses to Hostile Environments” Published in the 2013 AOM Best Paper Proceedings.
Anderson, B., Kreiser, P.M., Kuratko, D.F., & Hornsby, J. “Reconceptualizing Entrepreneurial Orientation: Revisiting a Vital but Troublesome Construct” Published in the 2012 AOM Best Paper Proceedings.
Kreiser, P.M. & Marino, L.D. “Learning in Entrepreneurial Firms: The Moderating Impact of Social Capital and Absorptive Capacity on the Entrepreneurship-Learning Relationship” Published in 2004 Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., & Weaver, K.M. “Assessing the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Orientation, the External Environment, and Firm Performance” Published in 2002 Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. (This paper received the Stevens Institute of Technology Wesley J. Howe Award for Excellence on the Topic of Corporate Entrepreneurship.)
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., & Weaver, K.M. “Reassessing the Environment-EO Link: The Impact of Environmental Hostility on the Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation” Published in the 2002 AOM Best Paper Proceedings (This paper received the 2002 Michael H. Mescon Award for Best Empirical Paper, Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management.)
Published Book Chapters
Kreiser, P.M., Anderson, B.S., & Weaver, K.M. (2015). “Institutional Influences on Entrepreneurial Orientation in Small Businesses: A Nine-Country Investigation of Political and Economic Risk” Newbert, S. (2015). Small Businesses in a Global Economy: Creating and Managing Successful Organizations. Praeger, Westport, CT.
Kreiser, P.M. (2014). “National Culture and Entrepreneurial Orientation” Kuratko, D. & Morris, M. (2014). Blackwell Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship Research. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Hoboken, NJ.
Marino, L.D., Kreiser, P.M. & Robinson, A. (2010). “Environmental Uncertainty and Firm-level Entrepreneurship” Published in Landstrom, H. & Lohrke, F. Historical Foundations of Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA.
Kreiser, P.M. (2006). “Entrepreneurial Organization or Family Firm: A Strategic Analysis of Gulf States Paper Corporation” Published in Lamberg, J.A., Nasi, J., Ojala, J., & Sajasalo, P. The Evolution of Competitive Strategies. Springer Publishing, New York.
Published Conference Proceedings
Davis, J., Bell, R., Payne, G., & Kreiser, P.M. “Entrepreneurially-Oriented Top Managers and Firm Growth: The Moderating Role of Organizational Power” Published in the Proceedings of the 2007 Southern Management Association (SMA) Conference.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., & Weaver, K.M. “Correlates of Entrepreneurship: The Impact of National Culture on Levels of Risk-taking and Proactiveness Within SMEs” Published in the Proceedings of the 2002 USASBE Conference
Weaver, K.M. et al. “Where are the Entrepreneurs? A Ten Country Comparison of the Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation of Owners/Managers in SMEs” Published in the Proceedings of the 2001 ICSB Conference
Published Case Studies
Marino, L.D., & Kreiser, P.M. (2010). “The Challenges Facing eBay in 2008: Time for a Change in Strategy?” Published in Thompson, A.A., Strickland, A.J., & Gamble, J.E. Crafting and Executing Strategy: Concepts and Cases (17th ed.). McGraw-Hill, New York.
Marino, L.D., & Kreiser, P.M. (2007). “eBay: Facing the Challenge of Global Growth” Published in Thompson, A.A., Strickland, A.J., & Gamble, J.E. Crafting and Executing Strategy: Concepts and Cases (15th ed.). McGraw-Hill, New York.
Marino, L.D., & Kreiser, P.M.(2004). “eBay: In a League by Itself” Published in Thompson, A.A., Strickland, A.J., & Gamble, J.E. Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage (14th ed.). McGraw-Hill, New York.
Marino, L.D., & Kreiser, P.M. (2002). “eBay in 2002: The Challenges of Sustained Growth” Published in Thompson, A.A. & Strickland, A.J. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (13th ed.). McGraw-Hill, New York.
Marino, L.D., & Kreiser, P.M. (2000). “eBay: King of the Online Auction Industry” Published in Thompson, A.A. & Strickland, A.J. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (12th ed.). McGraw-Hill, New York.
Published Book Reviews
Review of Creating Corporate Reputations: Identity, Image, and Performance, by Grahame Dowling, Academy of Management Executive, February 2002.
Review of Ideas, Ideologies, and Social Movements: The United States Experience Since 1800, edited by Peter A. Coclanis and Stuart Bruchey, Southern Historian, April 2001.
Review of Soldiers Blue and Gray, by James I. Robertson, Southern Historian, April 1999.
Conference Presentations
Lee, Y., & Kreiser, P. “Ambidexterity in Entrepreneurial Firms: The Influence of Dynamic Capabilities” Presented at 2017 Strategic Management Society special conference in Banff, Canada, June 2017.
Lee, Y., & Kreiser, P. “Organizational Culture and Entrepreneurial Orientation: An Orthogonal Perspective of Individualism and Collectivism” Presented at the 2017 Midwest Academy of Management conference in Chicago, IL, October 2017.
Anderson, B.S., Kreiser, P.M., & Ireland, R.D. “A Global Investigation of the Influence of Institutional Risk Factors on the Entrepreneurial Orientation-Firm Growth Relationship” Presented at the 2014 Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference in London, Ontario, June 2014.
Crawford, C., & Kreiser, P.M. “Antecedents and Consequences of Power Law Distributions in Corporate Entrepreneurship Research: Extending the Integrative Framework” Presented at Small Business Economics Special Issue Workshop in Bloomington, IN, October 2013.
Goldsby, M., Kuratko, D.F., Bishop, J., Hornsby, J., & Kreiser, P.M. “The Impact of Salience with Internal and External Stakeholders on Corporate Entrepreurship” Presented at Small Business Economics Special Issue Workshop in Bloomington, IN, October 2013.
Marino, L.D., Kreiser, P.M., Lorenz, M., & Weaver, K.M. “Entrepreneurial Orientation and Strategic Alliance Portfolio Diversity: The Moderating Influence of National Culture” Presented at Small Business Economics Special Issue Workshop in Bloomington, IN, October 2013. Accepted for presentation at the 2014 International Product Development Management Conference in Limerick, Ireland.
Kreiser, P.M., Anderson, B., Marino, L.D., & Kuratko, D.F. “Entrepreneurial Responses to Hostile Environments” Presented at the 2013 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference in Orlando, FL, August 2013.
Anderson, B., Kreiser, P.M., Kuratko, D.F., & Hornsby, J. “Reconceptualizing Entrepreneurial Orientation: Revisiting a Vital but Troublesome Construct” Presented at the 2012 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference in Boston, MA, August 2012.
Anderson, B.A., Kreiser, P.M. & Weaver, K.M. "Institutional Influences on
Firm-Level Entrepreneurship" Presented at the 2012 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference
in Boston, MA, August 2012.
Marino, L.D., Martin, J., Armstrong, C., & Kreiser, P.M. “Blown Away: A Study of the Microfoundations of Organization Emergence in Response to Discontinuous Change” Accepted for presentation at the 2012 Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference in Fort Worth, TX, June 2012.
Kreiser, P., Kuratko, D., Covin, J.G., & House, J. “Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy: A Configurational Approach to External and Internal Fit” Presented at the 2011 Academy of Management Conference (AOM) in San Antonio, TX, August 2011.
Iyer, D., & Kreiser, P. “To Be or Not to Be Ambidextrous: SME’s Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Effect of Industry Context in Choosing Between Exploration and Exploitation” Presented at the 2011 Academy of Management Conference (AOM) in San Antonio, TX, August 2011.
Anderson, B., Kreiser, P., Kuratko, D., & Hornsby, J. “Attitude, Behavior, or Both? An Empirical Investigation of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct” Presented at the 2011 Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference in Syracuse, NY, June 2011.
Kreiser, P., Marino, L.D., Tolbert, L., & Wales, B. “The Development and Validation of an Objective Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale” Presented at the 2010 Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2010.
Marino, L., Hansen, J., Dietz, G., Kreiser, P., & Weaver, K. “Measuring the Cross National Invariance of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale” Presented at the 2009 Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference in Boston, MA, June 2009.
Kreiser, P.M., & Marino, L.D. “Firm-level Entrepreneurship and Environmental Uncertainty” Presented at the 2008 Academy of Management Conference (AOM) in Anaheim, CA, August 2008.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., Lee, C., and Davis, J. “Measuring Firm-level Entrepreneurship: The Role of Strategic Renewal” Presented at the 2007 Academy of Management Conference (AOM) in Philadelphia, PA, August 2007.
Davis, J., Bell, R., Payne, G., & Kreiser, P.M. “Entrepreneurially-Oriented Top Managers and Firm Growth: The Moderating Role of Organizational Power” Presented at the 2007 Southern Management Association (SMA) Conference in Nashville, TN, November 2007.
Tang, Z., Kreiser, P., Marino, L., Dickson, P., & Weaver, K.M. “Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Environment: A Hierarchical Perspective of the Dimensions of EO” Presented at the 2006 Academy of Management Conference (AOM) in Atlanta, GA, August 2006.
Hoyt, J., Huq, F., & Kreiser, P.M. “Measuring Organizational Responsiveness in Entrepreneurial Firms: The Development of a Validated Survey Instrument” Presented at the 2006 Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, June 2006.
Kreiser, P.M. “Reconceptualizing Firm-level Entrepreneurship” Presented at the 2005 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Entrepreneurship Division, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2005.
Kreiser, P.M., Ojala, J., Lamberg, J.A., & Melander, A. “A Historical Investigation of the Strategic Process Within Family Firms: A Cross-Cultural Analysis” Presented at the 2005 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Management History Division, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2005.
Kreiser, P.M. & Marino, L.D. “Learning in Entrepreneurial Firms: The Moderating Impact of Social Capital and Absorptive Capacity on the Entrepreneurship-Learning Relationship” Presented at the 2004 Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2004.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., & Weaver, K.M. “Reassessing the Environment-EO Link: The Impact of Environmental Hostility on the Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation” Presented at the 2002 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Entrepreneurship Division, Denver, Colorado, August 2002.
Lohrke, F.T., Weaver, K.M., & Kreiser, P.M. “The Influence of Organizational Performance Goals and National Culture on SME Strategic Alliance Propensity” Presented at the 2002 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Entrepreneurship Division, Denver, Colorado, August 2002.
Kreiser, P.M. “Reassessing Covin and Slevin’s (1991) Conceptual Model of Entrepreneurship: The Unique Impact of Innovation, Proactiveness, and Risk-taking on Firm Performance” Presented at the 2002 Southern Management Association (SMA) Conference, Entrepreneurship Division, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2002.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., & Weaver, K.M. “Assessing the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Orientation, the External Environment, and Firm Performance” Presented at the 2002 Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boulder, Colorado, June 2002.
Kreiser, P.M., Ojala, J., Melander, A., & Antti-Lamberg, J. “Growth Strategies in Family Firms: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Organizations in the United States, Finland, and Sweden” Presented at the 2002 Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boulder, Colorado, June 2002.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., & Weaver, K.M. “Assessing the Psychometric Properties of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale:A Multi-Country Analysis” Presented at the 2001 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Entrepreneurship Division, Washington DC, August 2001.
Kreiser, P.M.& Marino, L.D. “Clearing up the Uncertainty about Uncertainty: A Classification Scheme for Research on Environmental Uncertainty” Presented at the 2000 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Management History Division, Toronto, Canada, August 2000.
Kreiser, P.M., Marino, L.D., & Weaver, K.M. “Correlates of Entrepreneurship: The Impact of National Culture on Levels of Risk-taking and Proactiveness Within SMEs” Presented at the 2002 USASBE Conference, Reno, Nevada, January 2002.
Kreiser, P.M. “Entrepreneurial Organization or Family Firm? A Strategic and Financial Analysis of Gulf States Paper Corporation” Presented at the European Business History Association (EBHA) Conference, Oslo, Norway, September 2001.
Weaver, K.M., Hoy, F., Bishop, K., Turner, A., & Kreiser, P. “Building Strategic Alliances for Cross-National Entrepreneurship Research” Presented at the 2001 Southern Management Association (SMA) Conference, International Management Division, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2001.
Rile Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship and Leadership
BU 324
(307) 766-3731 |