Ph.D., Washington State University
M.S., Montana State University - Billings
B.S., Montana State University - Billings
Teaching Interests
Marketing Theory
Marketing and Public Policy
Principles of Marketing
Research Interests
Consumer Psychology
Consumer Behavior
Experimental Design
Selected Publications
Johnson, Alicia M., Daniel Villanova, and Ronn J. Smith (2023), “Loan Amount versus Monthly Payments: The Effect of Loan Application Formats on Consumer Borrowing Decisions,” forthcoming at Journal of Consumer Research.
Mukherjee, Amaradri, Ronn J. Smith, and Scot Burton (2023), “The Effect of Positive Anticipatory Utility on Product Pre-order Evaluations and Choices,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51 (3), 551-569.
Peinkofer, Simone T., Terry L. Esper, Ronn J. Smith, and Brent D. Williams (2022), “Retail ‘Save the Sale’ Tactics: Consumer Perceptions of In-Store Logistics Service Recovery,” Journal of Business Logistics, 43 (2), 238-264.
Gielens, Katrijn, Yu Ma, Aidin Namin, Raj Sethuraman, Ronn J. Smith, Robert C. Bachtel, and Suzanne Jervis (2021), “The Future of Private Labels: Towards a Smart Private Label Strategy,” Journal of Retailing, 97 (1), 99-115.
Mukherjee, Amaradri, Ronn J. Smith, and Anna M. Turri (2018), “The Smartness Paradox: The Moderating Effect of Brand Quality Reputation on Consumers’ Reactions to RFID-based Smart Fitting Rooms,” Journal of Business Research, 92 (11), 290-299.
Das, Gopal, Amaradri Mukherjee, and Ronn J. Smith (2018), “The Perfect Fit: The Moderating Role of Selling Cues on Hedonic and Utilitarian Product Types,” Journal of Retailing, 94 (2), 203-216.
Peinkofer, Simone T., Terry L. Esper, Ronn J. Smith, and Brent D. Williams (2015), “Assessing the Impact of Price Promotions on Consumer Response to Online Stockouts,” Journal of Business Logistics, 36 (3), 260-272.
Smith, Ronn J., David C. Knuff, David E. Sprott, and Eric R. Spangenberg (2013), “The Influence of Negative Marketplace Information on Consumer Attitudes toward a Service Establishment,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20 (3), 358-364.
Chandon, Pierre, Ronn J. Smith, Vicki G. Morwitz, Eric R. Spangenberg, and David E. Sprott (2011), “When Does the Past Repeat Itself? The Interplay of Behavior Prediction and Personal Norms,” Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (3), 420-430.
Ronn J. Smith is the Senior Associate Dean and Professor of Marketing in the College of Business, University of Wyoming. He received his Ph.D. from Washington State University. His research interests predominately revolve around consumer psychology and behavioral topics related to retailing and at the intersection of marketing and supply chain management. Professor Smith is an award-winning researcher, and his scholarly activity has been published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing, and Journal of Business Logistics, among other journals and national conference proceedings. He serves on the editorial review board for the Journal of Business Research and Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. Professor Smith is an award-winning teacher who enjoys teaching at both the undergraduate and doctoral program levels. While at the University of Wyoming College of Business, Professor Smith also has served as the Department Chair of Management & Marketing, Interim Associate Dean for Academic Programs, and Interim Director of the Green Johnson Student Success Center. Prior to his time at the University of Wyoming, he spent fourteen years at the University of Arkansas Walton College of Business where he most recently served as the Department of Marketing Chair and R.A. & Vivian Young Chair in Marketing. He is an active member of the American Marketing Association and The Ph.D. Project. Before pursuing a career in academia, he co-owned and managed a retail and service venture.
BU 317