Management & Marketing

Elizabeth Minton

Associate Professor of Marketing

Ph.D., University of Oregon  
M.B.A. Idaho State University
B.B.A. University of Alaska Southeast


Teaching Interests
Behavioral theory I                                                                                                                                            Marketing management
Advanced marketing management


Religion and consumer behavior
Pro-social marketing (emphasizing sustainability and health)
Priming and cueing theory


Selected Publications

Minton, E.A. & Liu, R. (accepted, early view online). It’s Only Once, So Let’s Indulge: Testing Ordinary vs. Extraordinary Experience within Marketing Messaging, Temporal Distance, and Consumer Indulgence. Journal of Consumer Affairs (June 17, 2018).

Spielman, N. & Minton, E.A. (accepted, early view online). Representing Another Nation: The Influence of Foreign Citizen Ambassadors on Product Attitudes. Journal of Business Research (May 23, 2018). 

Minton, E.A., Johnson, K., & Liu, R. (2019). Religiosity and Special Food Consumption: The Explanatory Effects of Moral Priorities. Journal of Business Research, 95, 442-454

Minton, E.A., Spielmann, N., Kim, C.H. & Kahle, L. (2018). The Subjective Norms of Sustainable Consumption: A Cross-Cultural Exploration. Journal of Business Research, 82, 400-408. 

Minton, E.A., Liu, R. & Lee, C. (2018). The 101 Calorie Mini Pack: The Interaction between Numerical and Verbal Marketing Cues. Marketing Letters, 29(2), 225-239. 

Johnson, K., Liu, R., Minton, E.A., Peterson, M., Barthomelew, D., Cohen, A., & Kees, J. (2017). U.S. Citizens’ Representations of God and Support for Sustainability Policies. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 36(2), 362-378

Minton, E.A., Cabano, F., Gardner, M., Mathras, D., Elliot, E., & Mandel, N. (2017). LGBTQ and Religious Identity Conflict in Service Settings. Journal of Services Marketing, 31(4/5), 351-361. 

Minton, E.A. & Cornwell, B. (2016). The Cause Cue Effect: Cause-Related Marketing and Consumer Health Perceptions. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 50(2), 372-402. ***Best Journal Article of the Year Award

Xie, J., Minton, E.A., & Kahle, L. (2016). Cake or Fruit? Influencing Healthy Food Choice through the Interaction of Automatic and Instructed Mental Simulation. Marketing Letters, 27(4), 627-644.

Minton, E.A., Kahle, L., Tambyah, S., & Tan, S. (2016). Addressing Criticisms of Global Religion Research: An Examination in the Context of Consumption Behavior. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 55(2), 365-383.

Minton, E.A. (2016). Sacred Attributions: Implications for Behavior in the Marketplace. Psychology & Marketing, 33(6), 437-448.

Minton, E.A. (2015). In Advertising We Trust: Religiosity's Influence on Marketplace and Relational Trust. Journal of Advertising, 44(4), 403-414.

Minton, E.A., Kahle, L., & Kim, C.H. (2015). Religion and Motives for Sustainable Behaviors: A Cross-Cultural Comparison and Contrast. Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1937-1944.

Minton, E.A., Lee, C., Orth, U., Kim, C.H., & Kahle, L. (2012). Sustainable Marketing and Social Media: A Cross-Country Analysis of Motives for Sustainable Behaviors. Journal of Advertising, 41(4), 71-87.

See full list of publications on Google Scholar:

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