
Barnyards & Backyards

Barnyards & Backyards Articles
Barnyards & Backyards Featured Landower Articles
Other Publications & Resources
Weed Treatment Options This table will help you identify various Integrated Pest Management (IPM) weed treatments for a wide range of weed species.
Institute for Managing Annual Grasses Invading Natural Ecosystems (IMAGINE) This web site provides info on identification, management & control of invasive annual grasses (cheatgrass, medusahead, ventenata, etc)
Weed Control in Garden and Lawn (UW CES pub B-909R Written 2003)
Weed Control in Alfalfa (UW CES pub B-1126 Written 2002)
Barnyards & Backyards Articles
Other Publications & Resources
Institute for Managing Annual Grasses Invading Natural Ecosystems (IMAGINE) This web site provides info on identification, management & control of invasive annual grasses (cheatgrass, medusahead, ventenata, etc)
Plains Prickly Pear Cactus Control (UW CES pub B-1074 Written 1999)
Cheatgrass Workshop Sept 28, 2011
Workshop Introduction (Jim Cotterman, Platte Co. Weed & Pest; Kellie Chichester, UW CES; 2:14 min)
Cheatgrass Biology and Impacts (Mae Smith, UW CES; 25:35 min)
Chemical Control of Cheatgrass - Current Options (Brian Mealor, UW CES; 36:07 min)
Grazing for Cheatgrass Management (Rachel Mealor, UW CES; 34:35 min)
Management Strategies & Field Trip Intro (Brian Mealor, UW CES; 9:02 min)
Field Trip
Cover data (PDF)
Field Trip (Part 1; 18:31)
Field Trip (Part 2; 18:00)


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Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071

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