Creating a Blog or News Article

Creating a blog or news feed within your site directory can help boost your page ranking on search engines such as Google. They can provides your key audience with relevant information through a narrative format that is much more personable.

Types of Blog/News Templates

There are three types of blog/news article templates inside Omni CMS:

  • Blog/News Article (blog-news-article template) - this must be used for all articles because once they are published, they are also published to UW's RSS feed which automatically populates your articles onto a listing or news home page inside the same subfolder of your site where you've built your articles. The template is designed to be used with blog or news articles and how you craft your page's layout typically dictates if it looks like a blog or a news article. This is entirely up to the site editor!

  • Blog/News Listing (blog-news-listing template) - a listing page is always the index page(s) of your blog subfolder(s) and is necessary to populate your blog/news articles. Listing pages much must be contained within the same folder as your articles and named "index" in order to populate your articles. While you can add some introductory text to a listing page, the articles you publish in the same folder will automatically populate to your listing page(s) once per hour as the articles are published to UW's main RSS feed. Listing pages are traditionally used for displaying blogs with an accompanying image, title and description, however, they can also be used to populate news articles.

  • News Home (news-home template) - The News Home template is almost exclusively used to populate news articles. Similar to how the listing page template automatically populates your article content, this page template is also connected to UW's RSS and will automatically display your published articles once per hour. You can format this page to display featured articles with or without a photo. You can also create a color scheme based on the news article type your page is displaying.

Learn How to Build a Blog/News Folder Structure

This tutorial is approximately 26 minutes long and contains very important information about effectively and correctly building a blog or news folder within your site directory.



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