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University Directory

Alphabetical Index


Dance -­ See Theatre and Dance

Deans (UW)


Dept. 3354, 1000 E. University Ave.

Ag Bldg. Rm. 151

Fax .....766-4030

Barbara Rasco .....766-4133

Arts and Sciences

Dept. 3254, 1000 E. University Ave.

Arts & Sciences Bldg. Rm. 114

Fax .....766-2697

J. Scott Turpen, Interim .....766-4106


Dept. 3275, 1000 E. University Ave.

Crane Hall Rm. 102

Fax .....766-4028

Scott Beaulier .....766-4194


Dept. 3374, 1000 E. University Ave.

Education Bldg. Rm. 6

Scott Thomas .....766-3145


Dept. 3295, 1000 E. University Ave.

Engineering Bldg. Rm. 2085

Fax .....766-4444

Cameron Wright .....766-4253

Health Sciences

Dept. 3432, 1000 E. University Ave.

Health Sciences Center Rm. 236

Fax .....766-6608

Jacob Warren .....766-6556


Guthrie House, 1200 Ivinson St.

Peter Parolin, Dean .....766-4207


Dept. 3035, 1000 E. University Ave.

Law Bldg. Rm. 102

Fax .....766-6417

Klint Alexander .....766-6416


Dept. 3334, 1000 E. University Ave.

Coe Library, Rm. 502

Ivan Gaetz .....766-3279

Nursing School

Dept. 3065, 1000 E. University Ave.

Nursing Bldg. Rm. 101

Fax .....766-4294

Sherrill J. Smith .....766-6569

Pharmacy, School

Dept. 3375, 1000 E. University Ave.

Health Sciences, Rm. 294

Fax .....766-2953

Kem Krueger .....766-6120


Dean of Students Office

Dept. 3135, 1000 E. University Ave.

Knight Hall Rm. 128

Fax .....766-3298

Ryan O'Neil, Assoc VP of Student Affairs and Dean of Students .....766-3296

Sandra Clinton, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-3296

Shelly Schaef, Busn Mgr .....766-3201

Nycole Courtney, AVP, Dean of Student Success and Graduation .....766-3296

Libby Thorson, Assist Dean .....766-3296

Center for Student Involvement & Leadership (CSIL) Leadership Team

Jeremy Davis, Director .....766-4008

Erin Olsen, Assoc Dir .....766-3117

Erik Kahl, Assoc Dir .....766- 2752


1000 E. University Ave. Dept. 3625

Wyoming Union, Room 020


Main Office .....766-5204

Vacant, Proj Coordinator .....766-5204

James Wheeler, Prog Coordinator .....766-5212

Vacant, Accountant .....766-3830

ASUW Student Legal Services

Knight Hall, Rm. 128

Al Walsh, Students' Attorney

Associated Students Technical Service (ASTEC)

1000 E. University Ave. Dept. 3625

Wyoming Union, Room 043


Curtis Harnish, Coord .....766-3837

Vacant, Assist Coord .....766-3837

Fraternity/Sorority Life

1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3625

Wyoming Union, Rm. 012

Erin Wendover, Coord .....766-6306

Student Conduct

Carl Mehta, Student Conduct Coord .....766-3296


Karen Drew, Coord, Student Welfare .....766-3296

Kristi Gatlin, Coord, Student Welfare .....766-3296

Multicultural Affairs

Dept. 3168, 1000 E. University Ave.

Knight Hall, Rm. 114

Fax .....766-2157

Melanie Vigil, Latino Prog Coord .....766-6797

Vacant, African Diaspora Prog Advisor .....766-6191

Jess Fahlsing, Gender and Sexuality Progr Advisor .....766-6463

Multicultural Resource Center

Wyoming Union, Rm. 103 .....766-6463

Non-traditional Student/Women's Center

Wyoming Union, Rm. 104 .....766-6258

Poke Pride Center

Wyoming Union, Rm. 106 .....766-3478

Veteran's Services Center

Wyoming Union, 3rd floor .....766-6908

Marty Martinez, Proj Coord .....766-6909

Student Media

Dept. 3625, 1000 E. University Ave.

Beta House

Fax .....766-4027

Main Office .....766-6190

Cary Berry Smith, Supervisor .....766-3826

Student Publication Board

Robin Lyons, New Media Coach .....766-6351

Vacant, Acct Assoc, Sr .....766-5217

Maureen Morrison, Office Assoc .....766-5217

Sales & Circulation

Vacant .....766-6190

Branding Iron Newspaper .....766-6190

Branding Iron Online .....766-6190

Frontiers Magazine and REACH .....766-6190

Owen Wister Review .....766-6190

Newsroom .....766-6190

Robin Lyons, Collegiate Design .....766-6351


Violence Prevention Coordinator/Green Dot

Dept. 3066, 1000 E. University Ave.

Knight Hall Rm. 128

Michelle Dipasquale, Coord .....766-3296

Disability Support Services

Dept. 3135, 1000 E. University Ave.

Fax .....766-3298


Office .....766-3073

Patricia Flores, Office Assoc, Sr

Vacant, Disability Support Services Dir

Casey Wood, Asst Dir of Disability Support Services

Sara Morris, Coord, Disability Support Services

Molli Paulson, Coord, Disability Support Services

Ana-Alesia Fertig, Coord, Disability Support Services

John Porter, Coord, Disability Support Services


Campus Activities Center

Dept. 3625 1000. E University Ave.

Wyoming Union, Room 012

Fax .....766-3762


Main Office .....766-6340

Alejandra Prado, 7220 Entertainment Advisor .....766-6344

Vacant, Office Asst, Sr. .....766-6340

Service, Leadership, & Community Engagement Office

1000 E. University Ave. Dept. 3625


Main Office .....766-3117

Richard Raridon, Program Coord .....766-6812

Shelby Kennedy, Program Coord .....766-2473

Vacant, Office Assoc .....766-3117

Union Events

100 E. University Ave. Dept. 3625

Wyoming Union, Room, 210


Main Office .....766-3161

Quinn Marquardt, Special Everts Coord .....766-3191

Vacant, Asst Coord .....766-3761  

CSIL Marketing Office

Brett Coleman, Public Relations Coord

Sabrina Kaufman, Graphic Designer .....766-3232


Degree Check -­ See Registrar


Dental Hygiene Program

(Health Sciences, College of)

Dept. 3432, 1000 E. University Ave.

Health Sciences Center Rm 110

Craig Vaske, Coord .....766-3449


Deputy Secretary, Board of Trustees

Dept. 3434, 1000 E. University Ave.

Old Main Rm. 206

Rosemarie London .....766-4121


Deputy Treasurer, Board of Trustees

Dept. 3982, 1000 E. University Ave.

Old Main Rm. 318

Office .....766-5766


Disability Support Services

Dept. 3135, 1000 E. University Ave.

Knight Hall, Rm. 109

Fax .....766-3298


Office .....766-3073


Online Education - See Office of Online & Continuing Education

Division of Research Support, A&S

Physical Science, Rm. 14A .....766-2120


Drug Information Center

Dept. 3375, 1000 E. University Ave.

Health Sciences Center Rm. 495


Melissa L. Hunter, Dir .....766-6988

The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.

Undergraduate and Graduate

Got a Question?

(307) 766-5160

Information Technology

(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)

Academic Support - Student Computing

Ask IT - Online Resources

Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292


International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193

Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300

Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175

(307) 766-5272

Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116

Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160

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If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.