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University Directory

Alphabetical Index


I. D. Office - See­ WyoOne



Mailing Address: Dept. 3011, 1000 E. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071

Physical Address: 1938 Harney Street

Fax .....766-2680


Front Desk .....766-6395

Derrek Jerred, Sr Dir .....307-680-6100

Josh Keefe, Asst Dir .....(307) 631-9133



2435 King Blvd., Casper, WY 82604

Front Desk .....(307) 315-6420

Fax .....(307) 315-6499


Eric Schildt, Dir .....(307) 315-6401

John Glassburn, Asst Dir .....(307) 315-6404


1981 Double Eagle Drive, Sheridan, WY 82801

Email .....

Front Desk .....(307) 675-1939

John Wetzel, Busn Counselor .....(307) 272-0085

Green River

Monica Jo Patten, Asst Dir .....307-466-3963


Brian Young, Asst Dir (Lander)....(307) 315-6420

Indian Education Office ­- See Native American and Indigenous Studies

Information (UW Operator Assistance)

On Campus, Dial 0

Off Campus, Dial .....766-1121


Information Technology

UWIT Service Center .....

HELP Desk Chat .....

HELP Desk Email

HELP Desk .....766-HELP(4357)

Option 1 - Computer Support and Client Support Help Desk

Option 2 - WyoCloud/HCM/Payroll Inquiries

Option 3 - Telecommunications: Phones and Data Services

Option 4 - IT Billing Inquiries

Option 5 - Current status of campus network and systems 

Option 9 - Emergency Support, after business hours

ResNet and Walk-in Service Center, ITC 160 .....766-HELP (4357)

Computing Service Center, ITC Computing Lab .....ITC 1st floor

Information Technology Center

Dept. 3945, 1000 E. University Ave.

Robert Aylward, VP & CIO .....766-4860

Nicole Lester, Assistant to VP .....766-4860

Margaux Christensen, Business Services .....766-4808

Manager, IT Billing & Telecom Helpdesk .....766-4901

Telecomm Help Desk .....766-4357 Option 3

Telecomm Help Desk Email

Data Center Operations .....766-4742

Jerome Lindsey, Mgr .....766-4742

Academic Technology Services

Jesse Ballard, Dir .....766-2081

Student Computer Lab Support

Computer Sales and Maintenance

Apple Maintenance .....766-2725

PC Computer and Printer Maintenance .....766-2750

Classroom Technology Support

Contact for technology assistance in classroom .....766-4357, Option 1

Chris Dechter .....766-2656

Dept Support & Help Desk Mgr

Margarita Rovani, Mgr .....766-2852

IT Training

Software Sales and Training, ITC Lobby, Front Desk .....766-4357, Option 1

Application and Customer Relations

Brett Williams, Dir .....766-2854

Help Desk

Theresa Chavez, Mgr .....766-3194

Enterprise IT Infrastructure & Security

Jennifer Chavez, Deputy Chief Information Officer .....766-4874

Application Security & Account Admin .....766-5747


WyoOne ID .....766-5268



Innovation for Flow Through Porous Media, Center of (COIFPM)

Dept 4311, 1000 E. University Avenue

High Bay Research Facility, Rm. 250

Mohammad Piri, Dir .....766-3954

Jordan Ditty-Suggs, Dir. Business Ops .....766-3917

Kyle Atterberry, Facility Mgr .....766-3958

Ling Qin, Lab Mgr .....766-2662


Insect Museum and Gallery

Dept 3354 1000 E. University Ave.

Agriculture 4018

Scott Shaw, Curator .....766-5338


Institute for Energy Research (IER) - See Energy Research, Institute

Institutional Advancement - See Foundation, UW 


Institutional Analysis, Office of

Dept. 3314, 1000 E. University Ave.

Old Main Rm. 414

Office .....766-2898


Suzann Koller, Mgr .....766-2896

Steve Scott, Inst Comp Analyst .....766-2893 

Suzie Waggoner, Inst Res Analyst III .....766-2895

David Willems, Inst Res Analyst III .....766-2898

Chen Zong, Inst Res Analyst II .....766-2894


Institutional Communications

(University Public Relations)

Dept. 3226, Bureau of Mines Bldg. Rm. 137

Fax .....766-6729


Office .....766-2379

Chad Baldwin, Assoc VP for Communications and Marketing .....766-2929

Media Relations

Dept. 3226, Bureau of Mines Bldg. Rm.105

Milton Ontiveroz, Communications Spec .....766-6709

Ron Podell, Communications Spec .....766-2353

Missy Samp, Communications Spec .....766-2426

Jane Wolfinbarger, Office Assoc .....766-6822


Institutional Marketing

(University Public Relations)

Dept. 3226, Bureau of Mines Bldg. Rm. 215

Chad Baldwin, Assoc VP for Communications and Marketing .....766-2929

Kass Sprague, Exec Business Mgr .....766-2379

Michelle Eberle, Dir, Brand & Marketing .....766-3325

Justin Rowe, Assoc Dir, Retention Marketing ......766-2344

Miles Englehart, Retention Marketing Spec

Cody Schofield, Marketing/Communication Spec, Education .....766-2066, 

Michaela Jones, Marketing/Communications Spec, Arts and Sciences .....766-4106

Mark Belcher, Marketing/Communication Spec, Health Sciences .....766-3244

Caitlyn Spradley, Marketing/Communication Spec, Engineering

Julie Sheldon, Enrollment Marketing Strategist, Graduate Education .....766-2846

Jennifer Kirk, Marketing/Communication Spec, Libraries .....766-5630

Micaela Myers, UWYO Magazine Managing Editor

Joe Myers, Office Asst, Sr

Amyntas Hinckley, Marketing/Communication Spec, Business .....766-4185

Matt McDermit, Assoc Dir, Enrollment Marketing .....766-3876, 

Institutional Digital Team

Mindy Peep, Assoc Dir, Digital and Content Strategy .....766-3256, 

Shelby Gunter, Website Strategist

Akriti Subedi, Web Site Designer/Developer, Sr

Caroline Bragg, Website Coordinator

Emily Hakert, Website Coordinator

Hannah Ellis, Social Media Strategist

Taylor Dowlin, Marketing Coord

Enrollment Marketing

Justin Rowe, Assoc Dir, Retention Marketing .....766-2344

Miles Englehart, Retention Marketing Spec

Creative Services

Dept. 3441, Bureau of Mines, Rm. 107

Emily Edgar, Assoc Dir, Creative Services .....766-3280,

Ted Brummond, Mgr, Photographic Services .....766-6500

Mary J. Jung, Video Producer .....766-3574, 

Ali Grossman, Video Producer 

Kyriessa Lane, Videographer

Andrew Wee, Photographer & Video Producer

Casidy Mittelstadt, Graphic Design Specialist

Brittny Wroblewski, Marketing/Graphic Design Spec

Fernando Lechuga, Graphic Design Specialist


Instructional Services Center - See  Ellbogen Center for Teaching & Learning


Instructional Technology - See School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy and Design


Insurance ­ Faculty/­Staff

(Human Resources)

Hill Hall, Room 339

Fax .....766-5636

Cherise Laud, Benefits & Retirement Spec, Sr .....766-2467

Delta Dental .....(800)735-3379

Cigna .....(800)685-1060

Student Insurance .....766-3025

WY State Group Insurance .....(800)891-9241


Intensive English Program (IEP) - See English Language Center


Intercollegiate Athletics ­- See Athletics


Internal Audit

Dept. 3314, 1000 E. University Ave.

Old Main Rm. 415

Whit Madere, Dir, Internal Audit .....766-4839


International Programs - See Global Engagement Office, Education Abroad OfficeInternational Students and Scholars or English Language Center


International Resource Center

Dept. 3228, 1000 E. University Ave.

Cheney International Center, Rm. 1

Lounge Phone .....766-6884


International Students and Scholars (ISS)

Dept. 3228, 1000 E. University Ave.

Cheney International Center Suite 5

Main Office .....766-5193


Fax .....766-4053

Jill Johnson, Director .....766-5194

Daing Nasir, Asst Dir .....766-4138

Maria Almendares, Coord, Student/Scholar Immgration .....766-6818

Danielle L Mahlum, Coord, Student/Scholar Immigration .....766-3870

Abby Lozano, Coord, International Student & Scholar Services .....766-5193


International Studies

(School of Politics, Public Affairs & International Studies)

Dept. 3197, 1000 East University Avenue


Main Office .....766-6484

Stephanie Anderson, Head .....766-3121


Intramural Sports - See Campus Recreation

The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.

Undergraduate and Graduate

Got a Question?

(307) 766-5160

Information Technology

(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)

Academic Support - Student Computing

Ask IT - Online Resources

Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292


International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193

Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300

Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175

(307) 766-5272

Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116

Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160

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If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.