If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.
Dept. 4335, 1000 E. University Ave.
Crane Hall Rm. 318
Arron Sullivent, Mgr .....766-2936
Robert Kirkwood, GIS Spec .....766-2940
(University Operations, Material Services)
General Storage Building
Email ..... recycle@uwyo.edu
Supv .....766-3590
Dept. 3166, 1000 E. University Ave. Biological Science Bldg. Rm. 428
Lab Location: South of Laramie on Hwy 287
Fax .....766-5625
Steve DeVries, Tech, Sr .....745-8504
Dept. 3964, 1000 E. University Ave. Knight Hall Rm. 167
Fax .....766-3960
Information .....766-5272/766-6646/766-3137
Vacant, Registrar .....766-5273
Lane Buchanan, Interim Registrar .....766-6613
Bobby Ratterree, Assoc Registrar .....766-5272
Vacant, Office Assoc .....766-5272
Vacant, Office Assoc .....766-3071
Degree Analysts
Nicole Candelaria, Degree Analyst .....766-3952
Lynn Wheat, Mgr Academic Scheduling, Athletics Compliance, & Analyst .....766-5704
Zach Besler, Degree Analyst .....766-5258
Sean Johnson, Degree Analyst .....766-5729
Vacant, Degree Analyst .....766-5722
Jennifer Waluta, Coord, Catalog Curriculum & Transfer Eval…..766-5255
Miguel Rosales, Proj Coord, Sr .....766-6645
UW Transcripts & Enrollment Verifications
Jackie Robinson, Transcripts & Enrollment Verifications …..766-5274
Vacant, Sr. Academic Scheduling Coord
Vacant, Information Spec .....766-8275
(University Operations)
Dept. 4208, 1000 E. University Ave.
Fax .....766-3699
Rene Mendez, Supv Haz Materials .....766-3698, rmendez2@uwyo.edu
Sarker Ramproshad, Haz Mat Spec .....766-3697, srampros@uwyo.edu
(VP for Research and Economic Development Office)
Dept. 3355, 1000 E. University Ave.
Old Main Rm. 308
Fax .....766-2608
Office .....766-5353
Parag Chitnis, VP .....766-5353
Chelley Schneider, Asst to the VP .....766-5353
Jami Miller, Dir Business Ops .....766-2074
Victoria Smith-Gostas, Prog Mgr/Sr Proj Coord .....766-2096
Sandy Roller, Asst Dir of Busniess Ops .....766-5361
Research Integrity and Compliance
Hill Hall, Rm. 212
Carolyn Brandt, Dir .....766-3621
Kevin Shimkus, Mgr, Research Compliance .....766-2002
Nichole Person, Coord, Research Compliance .....766-5322
Hannah Goodnight, Biosafety Officer. Hill Hall Rm. 650 .....766-2723
Jim Herrold, Research Safety Specialist, Rad Safety Officer Hill Hall Rm. 651 .....766-2638
Research Services
Dept 3355, 1000 E University Avenue
Bureau of Mines 230
Farrell Rapp, Dir .....766-2047
Kristi Stockdale, Asst Dir, Agreement Review .....766-5388
Ashlee Kupilik, Executive eRA Business Analyst, Bureau of Mines 230A .....766-5350
Research Services Coordinators
Tashina Lemons .....766-5380
Thomas (Abe) Lentner .....766-5368
Charlie Ruess .....766-2264
Kasi Smart .....766-5351
Industry and Strategic Partnerships
Old Main 308B
Curtis Biggs, Dir .....766-2255
Advanced Research Computing Center
Dept. 3355, 1000 E. University Avenue
Information Technology Center, Rm. 368
Michael Killean, Deputy Dir .....766-3600
Jeffrey Lang, Lead HPC Architect .....766-3381
Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (WyCEI)
Dept. 3355 1000, E. University Avenue
Old Main, Rm. 304
Email .....wycei@uwyo.edu
Robert Macy, Dir .....766-9461
Center of Innovation for Flow Through Porous Media (COIFPM)
Dept 4311, 1000 E. University Avenue
High Bay Research Facility, Rm. 250
Mohammad Piri, Dir .....766-3954
Jordan Ditty-Suggs, Dir. Business Ops .....766-3917
Kyle Atterberry, Facility Mgr .....766-3958
Ling Qin, Lab Mgr .....766-2662
Chemical Stockroom
Physical Sciences, Rm. 20B
Jack Leonhardt, Mgr .....766-4348
Dept. 3905, 1000 E. University Avenue
Physical Sciences, Rm. 208
Shawna McBride, WY State Dir .....766-2987
Victoria Smith-Gostas, Prog Manager .....766-2096
NSF-EPSCoR - Track 1
Brent Ewers, Dir .....766-6745
Sarah Konrad, Deputy Dir .....766-2295
Shawna McBride, Proj Dir .....766-2987
Jonathan Naughton, Proj Dir .....766-6284
High Plains American Indian Research Institute (HPAIRI)
Dept. 3395 1000 E. University Avenue
Native American Education Research and Cultural Center 203
Tarissa Spoonhunter, Dir .....766-8957
Nichole Lumadue, Proj Mgr .....nlumadue@uwyo.edu
Laramie Incubator, 1938 E. Harney Street, Laramie WY, 82072
Casper Incubator, 2435 King Blvd., Casper WY, 82604
Sheridan Incubator, 1981 Double Eagle Drive, Sheridan WY, 82801
Derrek Jerred, Sr Dir (Laramie) .....307-680-6100
Eric Schildt, Director (Casper) .....307-315-6401
Monica Jo Patten, Asst Dir (Green River) .....307-466-3963
Josh Keefe, Asst Dir. (Laramie) .....307-631-9133
John Glassburn, Asst Dir (Casper) .....307-315-6404
Brian Young, Asst Di. (Lander) .....307-315-6420
John Wetzel, Business Counselor (Powell) .....307-272-0085
Manufacturing Works
A center of the University of Wyoming and a member of the MEP National Network/National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Dept. 3362, 1000 E. University Avenue
Office Annex, Rm. 27
State Headquarters Office .....766-4811
Rocky Case, Dir .....766-4817, cell 307-220-1264
Email .....rcase@uwyo.edu
Tyler O’Daniel, Asst Dir .....308-430-0366
Email ......todaniel@uwyo.edu
Carson Rasmussen, Business Mgr .....766-4812, cell 307-760-7590
Email .....carson@uwyo.edu
For regional offices, please see the main Manufacturing Works listing.
National Park Service Research Station
Dept 3166, 1000 E. University Ave.
1 AMK Ranch Road
Hilary Rollins, Station Mgr .....hrollins@uwyo.edu
Hill Hall Rm. 639
Michael Dillon, Interim Dir .....307-314-9833
Bonnie Robinson, Office Mgr .....766-4227
Scott R. Seville, Dir .....766-3362
David Fay, Assoc Dir ..... davidfay@uwyo.edu
Nick Blouin, Dir, Data Science Cor ..... nblouin@uwyo.edu
Florence Teulé-Finley, Prog Coord .....307-268-2710
SBIR/STTR Initiative (WSSI)
Dept. 3992, 1000 E. University Ave.
Office Annex, Rm. 25
Kelly Cornish, Prog Mgr .....766-2904
Science Initiative
Email .....si@uwyo.edu
Office .....766-4415
Mark Lyford, Science Initiative Prog Dir .....766-4234
Michael Baldwin, PGPF Facility Mgr .....766-4448
Karagh Brummond, Outreach & Engagement Co-Dir .....766-4186
Rachel Watson, Learning Actively Mentoring Prog Dir .....307-314-9636
Erin Klauk, Outreach and Engagement Co-Dir .....766-4558
Jamie Crait, Wyoming Research Scholars Prog Dir .....766-6310
Carmela Guadagno, CEA-C Assoc Dir .....cguadagn@uwyo.edu
Jeff Slaughter, SIB and Berry Center Facility Magr .....766-5060
Tabatha Spencer, Exec Business Mgr .....766-4447
Jay Fahlsing, Admin Assoc .....766-4415
Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
State Office
Dept. 3922, 1000 E. University Ave.
Office Annex Bldg. Rms. 17, 21, 22, 23, 25
Jill Kline, State Dir .....766-3405
Paul Johnson, Steve Shalosky, Assoc State Dir .....766-3593
Maureen Johnson, Marketing & Communications Spec .....307-343-0925
Andi Kelly, Accountant .....307-581-2029
Paul Johnson, Cybersecurity Prog Mgr .....307-314-5208
For regional offices, please see the main Wyoming Small Business Development Center listing.
APEX Accelerator (Government Contracting)
(A part of the Wyoming SBDC Network)
Dept. 3922, 1000 E. University Ave.
Office Annex Bldg., Rm. 22
Janean Forsyth, Prog Mgr .....307-343-0765
Sarah Mikesell Growney, Procurement Advisor .....307-757-6869
Market Research Center (MRC)
(A part of the Wyoming SBDC Network)
Office Annex Bldg., Rm. 22
Michael Lambert, Mgr .....766-2688
Kayley Harrison, Market Researcher .....766-5405
Technology Transfer Office
Bureau of Mines, Rm. 206
Arundeep Pradhan, Interim Dir. .....apradhan@uwyo.edu
Andrew Applegate, Mgr .....766-2520
Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research
Dept 3392, 1000 E. University Avenue
Cooper Mansion
Fax .....766-3700
Email .....humanities@uwyo.edu
Scott Henkel, Director .....scott.henkel@uwyo.edu
Senior Project Coordinator .....766-3896
Wyoming Natural Diversity Database (WYNDD)
Dept 3381, 1000 E. University Avenue
Berry Center, Rm. 315
Gary Beauvais, Dir .....766-3027
Mark Andersen, Assoc Dir .....766-3036
Debbie Scarpelli, Business Mgr .....766-3023
Melanie Arnett, Database Coord .....766-2296
Bonnie Heidel, Botany Prog Mgr .....766-3020
Ellen Whittle, Bat Mgr .....766-3042
Ian Abernathy, Vertebrate Zoology Prog Mgr .....766-3035
Lusha Tronstad, Invertebrate Zoology Prog Mgr .....766-3115
Paige Copenhaver-Parry, Ecology Prog Mgr .....766-3009
Wyoming Public Media
Dept. 3984, 1000 E. University Avenue
Knight Hall Basement, Rm. 85
Toll-Free .....800-729-5897
Christina Kuzmych, General Mgr .....766-4240
Diana Denison, Admin Assoc/Grants .....766-4240
Ry Woody, Donor Relations & Development .....766-2181
Tina McGee, Development Coor .....766-6874
Rexanna Kelly, Corporate Relations/Underwriting .....766-6625
Grady Kirkpatrick, Programming Mgr .....766-6624
Kamila Kudelska, Director, Statewide News & Public/Cultural Affairs .....766-6626
Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center
Dept. 3925, 1000 E. University Avenue
Office Annex, Rm. 203, 207
Fax .....766-2759
Email .....wysac@uwyo.edu
Call Center .....766-6183
Brian Harnisch, Dir/Sr Research Scientist .....766-6103
Thao McVay, Business Mgr .....766-2189
For the individual units - Criminal Justice Research Unit; Survey Research Unit; and Research and Evaluation Unit, please see the main Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center listing.
Dept. 3391, 1000 E. University Ave.
Physical Science Bldg. Rm. 20A
General Manger, Physical Science Bldg. Rm. 14 .....760-7554
Office, Physical Science Bldg. Rm. 20A .....766-2120
Stockroom, Physical Science Bldg. Rm. 20 .....766-4348
Electronic Shop, Physical Science Bldg. Rm. 14B .....766-7554
Machine Shop, Physical Science Bldg. Rm. 14D .....766-4337
Vacant, Dir, Res Life .....766-3504
Taryn Wright, Assoc Dir .....766-4164
Vacant, Asst Dir, Community Development .....766-4230
Residence Halls
Downey Hall Desk .....766-2126
McIntyre Hall Desk .....766-2265
White Hall Desk .....766-2277
Orr Hall Desk .....766-2360
Amy Kelly, Residence Coord, Downey Hall & Honors House .....766-3577
Jonothan Stephenson, Residence Coord, White Hall .....766-3873
Nate Bentley, Residence Coord, McIntyre Hall
Cheyenne Ferrin, Residence Coord, Orr Hall & Tobin House
UW Apartments
Main Office .....766-3176
Tony Zimny, Residence Coord, UW Apartments .....766-3550
Amber Monroe-Martin, Leasing Coord, Contracts .....766-6980
(Human Resources)
Hill Hall, Rm. 339
Fax .....766-5636
Cherise Laud, Benefits & Retirement Spec, Sr .....766-2437
TIAA-CREF Counseling .....(800) 842-2776
WY Retirement System .....(307) 777-7691
Dept. 4305, 1000 E. University Ave.
Hill Hall Rm. 642
Main Office .....766-5767
William (Tim) Wiseman, Chief Risk Officer .....766-6787
Kimberly Flowers, Risk Management Claims Progr Dir .....766-5767
Elizabeth McDade, Student Health Insurance .....766-3025
Dept 3165, 1000 E. University Ave.
Aven Nelson Building, 3rd floor
Curator .....766-2236
Education Building, Rm. 337
Office .....766-5329
Kara Carnes-Holt, Dir .....766-5329
Email .....sglause@uwyo.edu
Fieldhouse, Room 115
Seth T. Glause, Head Coach .....(307) 350-8559
Classroom Bldg. Rm. 204
Fax .....766-3557
Andrew Ohlschwager, Interim Mgr .....766-6717
Student Interns.....766-2487/2869
STEM Building Information Desk .....766-7070
See also Central Scheduling
The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.
Undergraduate and Graduate
Got a Question?
email: admissions@uwyo.edu
(307) 766-5160
Information Technology
(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)
Academic Support - Student Computing
Ask IT - Online Resources
Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292
International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193
Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300
Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175
(307) 766-5272
Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116
Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160
If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.