If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.
Dept. 3421, 1000 E. University Ave.
Hill Hall Lobby North
Office .....766-4104
Email .....vending@uwyo.edu
Bill McCleary, Mgr .....766-5716
Josie Horn, Acct Assoc .....766-4104
Wyoming Union 3rd Floor
Email .....uw-vets@uwyo.edu
Office .....766-6908/6909
1174 Snowy Range Road, Laramie, WY 82072
(Campus Mail only: Veterinary Sciences, WY State Vet Lab, West Laramie)
Main Office .....766-9926
Email .....vetscience@uwyo.edu
Jonathan H. Fox, Dept Head .....766-9988
Katherine Roth, Accountant .....766-4239
Alicia Espinoza, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-9925
Academic Affairs
Dept. 3302, Old Main Rm. 312
Fax .....766-2606
Kevin Carman, VP and Provost .....766-6476
Administration, Division of
Dept. 3982, Old Main Rm. 202H
Neil Theobald, VP Administration and Finance .....766-5768
Information Technology
Dept. 3945, IT Center Rm. 372A
Robert Aylward .....766-4860
Institutional Advancement
Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Ctr
Ben Blalock .....766-3948
Research & Economic Development
Dept. 3355, Old Main Rm. 305
Diana Hulme, Interim .....766-5353
Student Affairs
Dept. 3066, Old Main Rm. 408
Kimberly C. Steich .....766-5123
Campus Visits .....766-4075
Dept. 3138, 1000 E. University Ave.
Visual Arts Bldg. Rm. 110
Doug Russell, Head .....766-3269
Alex Soto, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-3269
Visual Arts Email .....visualarts@uwyo.edu
The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.
Undergraduate and Graduate
Got a Question?
email: admissions@uwyo.edu
(307) 766-5160
Information Technology
(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)
Academic Support - Student Computing
Ask IT - Online Resources
Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292
International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193
Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300
Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175
(307) 766-5272
Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116
Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160
If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.