If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.
Dept. 3302, 1000 E. University Ave.
Old Main Rm. 312
Main Office .....766-4286
Scott Turpen, Interim Provost .....766-4286
Tami Benham-Deal, Senior Vice Provost .....766-4286
Jim Ahern, Vice Provost for Graduate Education .....766-2897
Steven Barrett, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education .....766-2666
Kyle Moore, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management .....766-4898
Isadora Helfgott, Vice Provost for Global Engagement .....766-3652
Mandy Gifford, Chief of Staff to the Provost .....766-6476
Stephanie Stark, Dir Busn Operations .....766-2828
Erika Helgeson, Compliance and Review Spec .....766-3423
Ariel Daugherty, Admin Assoc .....766-4287
Kaylin Brooks, Prog Coord, Provost Office .....766-4286
Cheri Frank, Asst Dir, Busn Ops .....766-4308
Matt Griswold, Vice Provost for Online & Continuing Ed .....766-3596
Dept. 3275, 1000 E. University Ave.
College of Business, Business 248
Fax .....307-766-3802
Email ..... acctdept@uwyo.edu
Main Office .....766-3807
Mitchell Oler, Dept Chair .....766-3154
Dept. 4330, 1000 E. University Ave.
Hill Hall, 5th Floor
Fax .....766-6762
Email ..... accounting-office@uwyo.edu
Office .....766-5777
Tim Keller, University Controller, Sr Dir for Financial Affairs .....766-6618
Cid Walck, Mgr .....766-3032
Meagan Barnes, Asst Mgr .....766-6617
Alycia A Stanfill, Mgr, Financial Reporting .....766-6688
Casey Green, Senior Mgr, Tax and Financial Reporting .....766-2821
Email Accountants .....uwaccts@uwyo.edu
Kori Livingston, Acct .....766-6616
Robin Petroski, Acct .....766-6188
Adriana Amato, Acct .....766-3310
Jenni Gunter, Office Asst, Check Disbursement .....766-5777
(Human Resources)
Dept. 3422, 1000 E. University Ave.
Hill Hall, Room 343
David Heath, Benefits & Leave Spec, Sr .....766-5693
Dept. 3435, 1000 E. University Ave.
Knight Hall Rm. 150
Fax .....766-4042
Information .....766-5160
Shelley Dodd, Dir .....766-4273
Christy Oliver, Assoc Dir Data Mgmt.....766-5166
Alicia Johnson, Assoc Dir, Student Recruitment .....766-3796
Amy Fenolia, Assoc Dir, Processing and Visits .....766-5126
Scott Collins, Admissions Rep .....766-3862
Lisa Harsh, Recruiting & Enrollment Spec .....(307) 343-2077
Jordan Healey, Admissions Rep .....766-3043
Daiton Lemon, Admissions Rep .....766-3793
Adrienne Loveland, Asst Dir, Denver Student Recruiting .....720-946-9678
Tanner McClure, Asst Dir, Transfer .....766-4261
Sara Mena-Vargas, Admissions Rep .....766-4953
Joey Schaff Admissions Rep .....766-3864
Amy Schmidt, Recruiting & Enrollment Spec .....(307) 856-8651
Richard Ward, Recruiting & Enrollment Spec .....(307) 632-3792
Lorenzo Scalise, Regional Admissions Rep .....(307) 399-5049
Campus Visitor Center - Wyoming Union
Katie Carroll, Asst Dir .....766-6519
Campus Visits .....766-4075
Vacant, Office Assoc .....766-5160
Misti Karician-Zimmerman, Admissions Processor .....766-3869
Ali Lewis, Admissions Processor .....766-3867
Laura Roll, Admissions Processor .....766-5105
Bonnie Swope, Admissions Processor .....766-4813
Technical -- Data/Reporting
Melissa Irvine, Data Spec .....766-3865
Russ Oliver, Data Spec .....766-3868
Rob Steele, Asst Dir .....766-3866
Dept. 3355, 1000 E. University Avenue
Information Technology Center, Rm. 368
Michael Killean, Deputy Dir .....766-3600
Jeffrey Lang, Lead HPC Architect .....766-3381
Dept. 3195, 1000 E. University Ave.
Knight Hall Rm. 222
Richard Miller, Dir .....766-2398
Jeanette Yañez, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-2398
Career Services
Michelle Harris, Career Service Coord .....766-2398
Anna Kellar, Career Services Spec .....766-2398
Advising Services
Career Counseling & Academic Advising
Chrissy Renfro, Assoc Dir of Career Development .....766-2398
Allison Brayton, Acad & Career Counselor .....766-2398
Kristen Rigoni, Acad & Career Counselor .....766-2398
Academic Advising
Benjamin Herdt, Mgr, Advising .....766-2398
Becky Despain, Mgr, Spec Proj/Advisor .....766-2398
Carly Valenti, Acad Advising Professional .....766-2398
Robby Bishop, Acad Advising Professional .....766-2398
Dalal Bima, Acad Advising Professional .....766-2398
(School of Culture, Gender & Social Justice)
Dept. 4297, 1000 E. University Ave.
Ross Hall Rm. 223
Fax .....766-2555
Email .....scgsj@uwyo.edu
Main Office .....766-3122
Dept. 3354, 1000 E. University Ave.
Ag Bldg. Rm. 204
Fax .....766-5544
Email ..... ag-econ@uwyo.edu
Main Office .....766-2386
Ben Rashford, Head .....766-2386
Patricia Hysong, Accountant/Office Assoc .....766-3714
Dept. 3354, 1000 E. University Ave.
Ag C Bldg. Rm. 111
Email ..... aes@uwyo.edu
Eric Webster, Assoc Dean & Dir .....766-3373
Joanne Newcomb, Admin Assoc .....766-3667
747 Road 9, Powell WY 82435-9135
Fax .....754-5605
Email ..... uwprec@uwyo.edu
Jim Heitholt Dir .....307-754-2223
Samual George, Farm Mgr .....307-754-2223
Wendy Files, Office Assoc .....(307) 754-2223
Melanie Bennett, Office Assoc, Sr .....(307) 754-9815
2753 State Hwy 157 Lingle, WY 82223-8543
Email ..... sarec@uwyo.edu
Steve Paisley, Dir .....307-837-2000
Kevin Madden, Farm Mgr .....307-837-2000
Kelly Greenwald, Admin Assoc .....307-837-2000
1090 Dome Loop, Sheridan, WY 82801-9619
Email ..... shrec@uwyo.edu
Office .....307-673-2856
Brian Mealor, Dir .....307-673-2647
Dan Smith, Farm Mgr .....307-737-2415
Rochelle Koltiska, Office Assoc .....307-673-2856
470 Hwy 230, Laramie, WY 82070-6752
Dept. 3354
1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY 82071
Scott Lake, Dir .....766-3665
Amy Newman, Accountant .....766-3611
Research Greenhouse Complex
962 N. 30th Street, Laramie, WY 82072-5125
Office .....766-5043
Fax .....766-5045
Eric Lovell, Research Assoc .....766-5043
Ryan Pendleton, Coord, Greenhouse Ops .....766-5043
Dept. 3354, 1000 E. University Ave.
Ag C Bldg. Rm. 151
Email ..... agrdean@uwyo.edu
Barbara Rasco, Dean .....766-4133
Pepper Jo Six, Dir External Relations .....766-4134
Kelly Wiseman, Coord, College Affairs .....766-4133
Hannah Korsmeyer, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-4133
Kelly Crane, Sr Assoc Dean .....766-4301
Lindsay Stewart, Proj Coord, Sr .....766-4102
Sarah Chevalier, Dir of Development, Sciences .....766-3963
Craig Russow, Sr Dir of Development .....766-1803
Ag C Bldg. Rm. 160
Email .....uwyo_ag@uwyo.edu
Christine Wade, Assoc Dean & Dir .....766-4135
Hunter Bruce, Internship & Scholarship Coord .....(307) 223-2249
Brendan Green, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-4135
Evan Bedard, College Relations Rep .....766-4034
College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources Academic Advising Office .....AG 139
Allison Cawvey, Mgr, Academic Advising .....766-3046
Kindal Strobele, Academic Advising Professional, Sr .....766-4119
Julie Kremer, Academic Advising Professional .....766-3372
Mollie DeLau, Academic Advising Professional .....766-3751
Administrative Business Office
Ag C Bldg. Rm. 143
Fax .....766-2161
Vicky Boyles, Dir, Busn Ops .....766-2052
Casie Phillips, Asst Dir, Busn Ops .....766-3789
Jeannie Czech, Busn Mgr .....766-6363
Daniel White, Fin Analyst .....(307) 766-2052
Tori Henderson, Busn Mgr .....766-4223
Agricultural Experiment Station
Ag C Bldg. Rm. 103
Eric Webster, Assoc Dean .....766-3373
Joanne Newcomb, Admin Assoc .....766-3667
University of Wyoming Extension
Ag C Bldg. Rm. 103
Fax .....766-3998
Mandy Marney, Assoc Dir .....766-3564
Bridger Feuz, Interim Assoc Dir .....766-3563
Warren Crawford, Coord, Fed Relations/Staff Dev .....766-3562
Jeff Edwards, Pesticide Coord .....(307) 857-2956
Windy Kelley, Reg Extension Proj Coord ..... (307) 367-4380
Jennifer Thompson, Small Acreage Coord .....(307) 223-3275
Ann Roberson, Bus Mgr .....766-3566
Ellie Riske, Office Assoc .....766-5124
Jenna Meeks, Res Scientist, Asst .....532-2436
Agricultural & Applied Economics, Rm. 206 .....766-2386
Animal Science, AS/MB Rm.101 .....766-2224
Botany, Aven Nelson Rm. 114 .....766-2384
Ecosystem Science and Management, Rm. 2013 .....766-2263
Family & Consumer Sciences, Rm. 251 .....766-4145
Molecular Biology, AS/MB Rm. 203 .....766-3300
Plant Sciences, Rm. 50 .....766-3103
Veterinary Sciences, Wyoming State Vet Lab .....742-5059
(Aerospace Studies)
Dept. 3005, 1000 E. University Ave.
Hill Hall Rm. 120
Info .....766-2357
Email ..... airforce@uwyo.edu
Lt Col Brett Cove, Commander .....766-3711
Capt Joshua Heffley, Office Assoc .....766-2338/766-2357
222 South 22nd St., Laramie, WY 82070
Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center
Fax .....766-6824
Email ..... uwalumni@uwyo.edu
Jack Tennant, Exec Dir .....766-6875
Tanner Russell, Assoc Dir .....766-4167
Madison Marces, Office Assoc .....766-4166
Colter Anderson, Affinity Network Coord .....766-4120
T. Pursel, Special Events Coord .....766-6876
Lindsey Moniz, Business Mgr, Exec .....766-4168
Bailey Butcher, Regional Network Coord .....766-1313
Michael Blaney, Digital Engagement & Comm Coord .....766-6878
Amy Morgan, Special Projects.....766-4166
Dept. 3924, 1000 E. University Ave.
Centennial Complex
Fax .....766-5511
Main Office .....766-4114
Reference Services .....766-3756, AHCRef@uwyo.edu
Paul Flesher, Director .....766-2474, PFlesher@uwyo.edu,
William Hopkins, Asst Dir/Collections Mgr .....766-6836, WHopkins@uwyo.edu
Ginny Kilander, Reference & Anaconda Collection .....766-2553, Ginny.Kilander@uwyo.edu
Jamie Green, Arrangement & Description .....766-6508, jgreene@uwyo.edu
Mary Beth Brown, Toppan Rare Books Library .....766-2565, Mary.Brown@uwyo.edu
John Waggener, University Archives .....766-2563, UWArchives@uwyo.edu
Wyoming History Day Coord .....766-2300
Leslie Waggener, Alan K. Simpson Institute .....766-2557, LWaggen2@uwyo.edu
(School of Culture, Gender & Social Justice)
Dept. 4036, 1000 E. University Ave.
Cooper House
Fax .....766-3700
Email .....amst@uwyo.edu
Main Office .....766-3122
Ulrich Adelt, Dir .....766-3884
Trisha Martinez, Asst Prof .....766-3860
(Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources)
Dept. 3684, 1000 E. University Ave.
AS/MB Bldg.
Fax .....766-2355
Email ..... animalscience@uwyo.edu
Bledar Bisha, Dept. Head .....766-6309
Samme Kinsley, Office Assoc .....766-2224
Amy Newman, Accountant .....766-2315
Meat Lab
Cheyenne Schisler, Mgr .....766-4163
Dept. 3431, 1000 E. University Ave.
Anthropology Bldg.(AARF) Rm. 106
Email ..... anthro@uwyo.edu
Melissa Murphy, Chair .....766-5136
Josef LeBeau, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-5136
George C. Frison Institute of Archeology & Anthropology
Jason Toohey, Dir .....766-5136
Cultural Records (SHPO) .....766-5323
Steve Sutter, Asst Dir .....766-5335
Fax .....766-3693
Molly Herron, Collections Mgr .....766-3671
State Archeologist Office .....766-5564
Greg Pierce State Archaeologist .....766-5564
Marcia Peterson, Asst. State Archaeologist .....766-5565
Michael Page, Survey Dir .....766-5301
State Historical Preservation Office .....766-5334
Cultural Records
Anthropology Rm. 318
Steve Sutter, Archaeologist .....766-5335
Dept. 3167, 1000 E. University Ave.
Hill Hall, Room 139
Fax .....766-3383
LTC Paul W. Hanson .....766-3390
Beverly Sanchez, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-3390
MAJ Chris Wilson, Sr. APMS ....766-3390
Dept. 3302, 1000 E. University Ave.
Fax .....766-2606
Erika Prager, Coord .....766-2897
Dept. 3807, 1000 E. University Ave.
Centennial Complex
Information .....766-6622
Email ..... uwmadmin@uwyo.edu
Nicole Crawford, Dir & Chief Curator .....766-6529
Business Office
Debra Littlesun, Asst Dir .....766-6635
Cole Carpenter, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-3477
Jon Cabrera, Marketing Coord .....766-3497
Michelle Sunset, Curator .....766-6621
Molly Marcusse, Collections Mgr .....766-6634
Sterling Smith, Chief Preparator .....766-3486
Anthony Teneralli, Museum Preparator .....766-3486
William Bowling, Ed & Public Prog Coord .....766-3496
Emily Connor, Master Teacher .....766-3515
Sarita Keller, Artmobile Educator .....766-6620
Vacant, Curator of Academic Engagement .....766-3483
Dept. 3254, 1000 E. University Ave.
Arts & Sciences Bldg. Rm. 114
Email .....asdean1@uwyo.edu
Scott Turpen, Dean .....766-4106
Betsy Bress, Coord of College Affairs .....766-2640
Susan Aronstein, Assoc Dean .....766-4106
Karen Bartsch Estes, Assoc Dean .....766-4106
Adrienne Freng, Assoc Dean .....766-4106
Laurie Sanchez, Dir, Business Ops .....766-2644
Carlee Hughes, Asst Dir, Business Ops .....766-2643
Michala Drum, Office Assoc .....766-4106
Mady Danko, Office Assoc .....766-4107
Matthew McGee, College Relations Rep .....766-4055
Tina Mathews, Mgr, Academic Advising Office .....766-4082
Ellie Bishop, Academic Advising Professional, Sr .....766-4116
Katrina Clymer, Academic Advising Professional, Sr .....766-4026
Jenny Boysen, Academic Advising Professional, Sr .....766-2641
Cady Favazzo, Academic Advising Professional, Sr .....766-6302
Rachel Shafer, Academic Advising Professional .....766-4099
Ken Hilton, Academic Advising Professional .....766-4056
Lori Lewis, Office Assoc, Academic Advising Office ….. 766-4013
Michaela Jones, Marketing & Comm Specialist .....766-3220
UW Presents
Lexis Hamilton, Busn Mgr, Exec .....766-5139
Mark Lyford, Dir .....766-4415
Gregory K. Brown, Deputy Dir .....766-4415
Jamie Crait, Dir, Wyoming Research Scholars Prog … 766-6310
Tabatha Spencer, Busn Mgr, Exec .....766-4447
Ryan Goeken, Info Spec Sr .....766-4403
Svetlana Sergojan, Proj Coord .....766-4415
Rachel Watcon, Dir, Learning Actively Mentoring Prog .....(307) 314-9636
Karagh Brummond, Dir, Outreach and Engagement .....766-4186
Dept. 4330, 1000 E. University Ave.
Hill Hall, 5th Floor
Fax .....766-6762
Email ..... property@uwyo.edu
Meagan Barnes, Asst Mgr, Accounting .....766-6617
Asset Management Coordinator
Stacy Beman, Asset Mgmt Spec, Sr .....766-2302
Tara Van Cleave, Property Spec .....766-6619
Surplus Depot -University Operations Material Services, not Asset Management .....766-2340
Student Government
Dept. 3625, 1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union Rm. 020
Fax .....766-3762
President .....766-3849
Vice President.....766-5205
ASUW Chief of Legislative Affairs .....766-5204
ASUW Chief of Staff .....766-5204
ASUW Dir of Diversity and Inclusion .....766-5204
ASUW Dir of Finance.....766-5204
ASUW Dir of Governmental and Community Affairs .....766-5204
ASUW Dir of Marketing .....766-5204
ASUW Dir of Student Organizations .....766-5204
ASUW Dir of Student Outreach .....766-5204
ASUW Dir Sustainability .....766-5204
ASUW Dir of Wellness .....766-5204
Business Office
Dept. 3625, 1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union Rm. 020
Lucus Hansen, Asst Dir .....766-3830
Shelly Schaef, Accountant .....766-5216
Cameron Craft, Proj Coord .....766-5204
Patrick Hamilton, Office Assoc .....766-5204
Auxiliary Services
Students Technical Srvs (STS) .....766-3837
Student Legal Services .....766-6347
Dept. 3414, 1000 E. University Ave.
Fieldhouse North
Fax .....766-5414
Main Office .....766-5046
Tom Burman, Director of Athletics .....766-2292
Matt Whisenant, Deputy Dir of Athletics .....766-5551
Taylor Stuemky, Assoc AD for Internal Ops/SWA .....766-3863
Rachel Amity, Interim Dir, Student-Athlete Well-Being .....766-3880
Kaleigh Beaty, Office Assoc .....766-5046
Audio Visual Services
Dennis Trepani, Assoc AD for Creative Services .....(843) 469-8016
Office of Academic Support (OAS), Rochelle Athletic Center/High Altitude Performance
Delaney Mullins, Dir of Academic Services .....766-5571
Athletic Student-Athlete Well-Being
Rachel Amity, Dir of Student-Athlete Well-Being .....766-3820
Tedder Easton, Asst Dir Student-Athlete Well-Being .....766-3880
Basketball-Men's, Fieldhouse North
Ashley Barrowman, Office Assoc .....766-5114
Sunny Wicks, Head Coach .....766-5114
Basketball - Women's, Fieldhouse North
Vacant, Office Assoc .....766-3715
Heather Ezell, Head Coach .....766-3715
Business, Fieldhouse North
Sam “Diesel” Brodie, Assoc AD, Budget & Finance .....766-3899
Samantha Freeman, Asst AD, Budget & Finance .....766-3847
Compliance, Fieldhouse North
Peter Prigge, Assoc AD for Compliance/Olympic Sports .....766-3795
Christy Cunningham, Fin Aid Spec .....766-6101
Colin Vickers, Dir, Athletics Concessions Ops .....766-3503
Cowboy Joe Club, Fieldhouse North
Randy Welniak, Sr Assoc AD/ CJC Dir .....766-6242
Equipment Room Rochelle Athletic Center/High Altitude Performance Center
Charlie Weinberg, Asst AD for Equiment Ops .....766-3115
Tyson Drew, Assoc AD for Facility Ops & Event Management .....766-2007
Football, Rochelle Athletic Center/High Altitude Performance Center
Haley Walsh, Office Assoc .....766-3155
Jay Sawvel, Head Coach .....766-3155
Golf - Men's, Fieldhouse North
Joe Jensen, Head Coach .....760-9117
Jacoby Club House .....745-3111
Golf - Women's, Fieldhouse North
Josey Stender, Head Coach .....760-0332
Marketing & Branding, Fieldhouse
Shelley Heward, Asst AD/Marketing & Branding .....766-5236
Rodeo - Fieldhouse, Room 115
Seth T. Glause, Head Coach .....(307) 350-8559
Soccer - Women's, Fieldhouse North
Josh Purdum, Head Coach .....(818) 434-1130
Swimming & Diving – Men’s & Women's, Fieldhouse
Dave Denniston, Head Coach .....766-3715
Tennis - Women's, Fieldhouse North
Dean Clower, Head Coach .....766-5114
Track & Field/Cross Country - Men's & Women's, Fieldhouse
Bryan Berryhill, Head Coach .....766-3290
Trademark and Licensing
Tracy Richardson, Associate AD, Trademark & Licensing .....766-5646
Training Room/Sports Medicine
Madison Brown, Dir of Sports Medicine .....766-2305/766-2323
Volleyball, Fieldhouse North
Kaylee Prigge, Head Coach .....766-3715
Weight Room/Sports Performance,
Eric Donoval, Dir of Sports Performance for Football .....766-3155
Mike Cotterman, Dir of Sports Performance for Olympic Sports .....(307) 399-7483
Wrestling, Fieldhouse North
Mark Branch, Head Coach .....766-5382
Dept. 3414, 1000 E. University Ave.
Fieldhouse North Rm. 206
Email ..... wyosid@uwyo.edu
Nick Seeman, Asst AD for Communications .....766-2256
Diane E. Dodson, Asst Dir, Athletic Communications Ops .....766-2256
Kevin DeVries, Social Media/Communications Coord .....766-2256
John Durgee, Mgr of Digital Strategy .....766-2256
Sariah Orocu, Social Media/Communication Coord .....766-2256
Bud Denega, Social Media/Communications Coord .....766-2256
Ryan Thorburn, Dir of Communications & Creative Strategy .....766-2256
Dept. 3414, 1000 E. University Ave.
Arena Auditorium
Matt Chapman, Asst AD for Ticketing & Sales .....766-4919
Dana Jorgensen, Asst Ticket Office Mgr .....766-4819
Quinn Weidemann, Asst Ticket Office Mgr .....766-5033
Dept. 3038, 1000 E. University Ave.
Engineering Bldg. Rm. 6034
Fax .....766-2635
Office .....766-3245
Jeff French, Dept. Head .....766-4143
Nikki Stotler, Business Mgr Exec .....766-3292
Flight Scheduling/Graduate Program
Donald L. Veal Research Flight Center
5766 Old Highway 130, Laramie, WY
Office .....742-2435
Fax .....721-5079
Charlotte While, Office Assoc .....766-5352
Dept. 3708, 1000 E. University Ave.
Knight Hall Rm. 341
Fax .....766-3412
Office/TTY .....766-2187
Email ..... aware@uwyo.edu
Jason Svare, Coordinator AWARE .....766-2187
The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.
Undergraduate and Graduate
Got a Question?
email: admissions@uwyo.edu
(307) 766-5160
Information Technology
(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)
Academic Support - Student Computing
Ask IT - Online Resources
Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292
International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193
Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300
Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175
(307) 766-5272
Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116
Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160
If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.