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If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.

University Directory

Alphabetical Index

Undergraduate Studies - See Office of Teacher Education

Union -­ See Wyoming Union

University Archives - See American Heritage Center


University Lab School - See Lab School (College of Education)


University Operations

Dept. 3227, 1000 E. University Ave.

Service Bldg., 15th and Lewis Streets

Fax ......766-4040

Service Desk ......766-6225


If No Answer After Hours, Call Central Energy Plant ......766-2139


Mike Samp, AVP for University Operations ......766-2593

Custodial Services

Tod Scott, Deputy Dir ......766-6554

John Johnston, Jr., Zone 3 Asst Mgr ......766-2722

Vicki Olson, Zone 4 Asst Mgr ......766-5663

John Hill, Zone 5 Asst Mgr ......766-5661

Newt Bleak, Zone 6 Asst Mgr ......766-5662

Perry Knox, Zone 7 Supv ......766-2368

Business Services

Darcy Bryant, Dep Dir ......766-2268

Ryan Sprague, Information Spec ......766-4370

Heather Earl, Coord Contracts .....766-6883

Alison Shaver, Business Mgr ......766-6642

Andrea Bazan, Acct ......766-6849

Julie Becker, Office Assoc .....766-2376

Paula Strong, Office Assoc, Sr ......766-2266

Service Desk ......766-6225

Central Stores Warehouse

Main Office .....766-2001

Julia Weaklim, Stores Supv ......766-2326

Peter Wolfinbarger, Materials Hdlr, Sr …..766-2326

Brian Sherwood, Materials Hdlr, Sr ......766-3997

Material Services

Jacob Marquez, Material Services, Mgr .....766-2409

Recycling .....766-3590

Shipping & Receiving .....766-2304

Shipping & Receiving Fax .....766-3691

Surplus Depot .....766-2340

Facilities Construction Management

Jennifer Coast, Deputy Dir ......766-2537

Josh Decker, Proj Mgr, Sr .....766-2937

Sam Farstad, Proj Mgr, Sr ......766-2024

Dan Leatherwood, Jr., Proj Mgr, Sr .....766-4211

Vacant, Space Allocation Mgr .....766-2846

Matthew Newman, Campus Architect .....766-2407

Facilities Engineering

Facilities Engineering Students .....766-2009

Frank Barrows, Fac. Eng Mgr ......766-4974

Brad Gill, Proj Mgr, Construction & Design .....399-2694

Charlie Jahner, Proj Mgr, Const & Design ......760-0815

Nat Dyck, Design Engineer ......766-2083

Sterling Leinen, Design Engineer ......766-6660

Randy Layton, Design Engineer ......766-6669

Dave Turula, Design Engineer ......766-2040

Vacant, Design Engineer ......766-2033

Vacant, Project Mgr, Constr & Design .....766-8510

Michael Ziemann, Engineer LEED .....766-2226

Central Scheduling

Fax ......766-3557

Mgr ......766-6717

Safety Office

Main Office .....766-3277

Chad Bade, Dir Emergency Mgmt, Health & Safety .....766-2649

Bailey Wallace, Industrial Hygiene Specialist .....766-3203

Kevin Macartney, Chem Safety Specialist .....766-6116

Gary Egge, Fire Safety Specialist .....766-3285

Steve Musser, Safety Specialist .....766-4936

Kodi Bernaski, Coord, Injury & Illness Prevention .....766-2250

Regulated Materials Management Center (RMMC)

Fax .....766-3699

Main Office .....766-3696

Rene Mendez, Supv Haz Materials .....766-3698

Sarker Ramproshad, Haz Mat Spec .....766-3697

Facilities Management

Steve Fletcher, Dep Dir ......766-2034

Mechanical Trades

Justin Pickard, Control Shop Mgr ......766-5573

Mike Zook, Preventive Maint Mgr ......766-2021

Richard Bazan, Electrical Shop Mgr ......766-5106

Jay Schuckman, Plumbing Shop Mgr ......766-4210

Structural Trades

Woody Lundmark, Stuctural Trades Mgr .....766-3301

Paint Shop ......766-4125

Sign & Glass Shop ......766-5494

Curtis Wasinger, Lock Shop Mgr ......766-5397

Equipment Services

Paul Bernaski, Mgr ......766-5208

Grounds Services

Jason Moore, Mgr, Landscaping Svcs ......766-3330

Utilities Management

Shantel Smith, Deputy Dir .....766-2831

Kirk Scheffler, GIS Specialist .....766-4374

Joe Wheat, Bldg Automation Spec .....766-4353

Mike Mueller, Bldg Automation Spec, Sr .....766-4362

Central Energy Plant

Erik McCartor, Mgr .....766-2139

Technical Services

Caleb Hebbert, Tech Services, Mgr ......766-5664

A&S ......766-5183

Fine Arts .....766-3963

University Police Department

Dept. 3124, 1000 E. University Ave.

1010 Ivinson

Dispatch .....766-5179

V/TTY .....911

Josh Holland, Chief .....766-5179

Brenda Aguirres, Office Assoc .....766-5188

Kelsey Anderson, Sergeant .....766-5480

Shane Woods, Sergeant .....766-5629

Andy Vielhak, Investigations .....766-5781

Jason Satkunam, Supv, Emergency Communications .....766-5122

Text Tips .....Keyword UWYO to 847411 (TIP411)


University Public Relations, Division

Dept. 3226, 1000 E. University Ave.

Bureau of Mines Bldg. Rm. 136

Fax .....766-6729

Kass Sprague, Business Mgr, Exec .....766-2379

Department of Institutional Communications

Dept. 3226, Bureau of Mines Bldg. Rm. 137

Fax .....766-6729


Office .....766-2379

Chad Baldwin, Assoc VP for Communications and Marketing .....766-2929

Media Relations

Milton Ontiveroz, Communications Spec .....766-6709

Ron Podell, Communications Spec .....766-2353

Missy Samp, Communications Spec .....766-2426

Jane Wolfinbarger, Office Assoc .....766-6822

Department of Institutional Marketing

Dept. 3226, Bureau of Mines Bldg. Rm. 215

Chad Baldwin, Assoc VP for Communications and Marketing .....766-2929

Kass Sprague, Exec Business Mgr .....766-2379

Institutional Communications

(University Public Relations)

Dept. 3226, Bureau of Mines Bldg. Rm. 137

Fax .....766-6729


Office .....766-2379

Chad Baldwin, Assoc VP for Communications and Marketing .....766-2929

Media Relations

Dept. 3226, Bureau of Mines Bldg. Rm.105

Milton Ontiveroz, Communications Spec .....766-6709

Ron Podell, Communications Spec .....766-2353

Missy Samp, Communications Spec .....766-2426

Jane Wolfinbarger, Office Assoc .....766-6822


Institutional Marketing

(University Public Relations)

Dept. 3226, Bureau of Mines Bldg. Rm. 215

Chad Baldwin, Assoc VP for Communications and Marketing .....766-2929

Kass Sprague, Exec Business Mgr .....766-2379

Michelle Eberle, Dir, Brand & Marketing .....766-3325

Justin Rowe, Assoc Dir, Retention Marketing ......766-2344

Miles Englehart, Retention Marketing Spec

Cody Schofield, Marketing/Communication Spec, Education .....766-2066, 

Michaela Jones, Marketing/Communications Spec, Arts and Sciences .....766-4106

Mark Belcher, Marketing/Communication Spec, Health Sciences .....766-3244

Caitlyn Spradley, Marketing/Communication Spec, Engineering

Julie Sheldon, Enrollment Marketing Strategist, Graduate Education .....766-2846

Jennifer Kirk, Marketing/Communication Spec, Libraries .....766-5630

Micaela Myers, UWYO Magazine Managing Editor

Joe Myers, Office Asst, Sr

Amyntas Hinckley, Marketing/Communication Spec, Business .....766-4185

Matt McDermit, Assoc Dir, Enrollment Marketing .....766-3876, 

Institutional Digital Team

Mindy Peep, Assoc Dir, Digital and Content Strategy .....766-3256, 

Shelby Gunter, Website Strategist

Akriti Subedi, Web Site Designer/Developer, Sr

Caroline Bragg, Website Coordinator

Emily Hakert, Website Coordinator

Hannah Ellis, Social Media Strategist

Taylor Dowlin, Marketing Coord

Enrollment Marketing

Justin Rowe, Assoc Dir, Retention Marketing .....766-2344

Miles Englehart, Retention Marketing Spec

Creative Services

Dept. 3441, Bureau of Mines, Rm. 107

Emily Edgar, Assoc Dir, Creative Services .....766-3280,

Ted Brummond, Mgr, Photographic Services .....766-6500

Mary J. Jung, Video Producer .....766-3574, 

Ali Grossman, Video Producer 

Kyriessa Lane, Videographer

Andrew Wee, Photographer & Video Producer

Casidy Mittelstadt, Graphic Design Specialist

Brittny Wroblewski, Marketing/Graphic Design Spec

Fernando Lechuga, Graphic Design Specialist


University of Wyoming Extension

Dept. 3354, 1000 E. University Ave.

Ag Bldg Rm. 102

Fax .....766-3998

Ann Roberson, Busn Mgr .....766-3566

Rebekah Vandiver, Office Assoc .....766-5124

Bridger Feuz, Assoc Dir .....766-5124

Matt Helie, Assoc Dir .....766-5124

Mandy Marney, Assoc Dean and Dir .....766-5124

Glenn Owings, Capacity Building Spec .....766-3562

Vacant, Federal Relations/Employee Success .....

Vacant, Small Acreage Coord .....766-5124

Jeff Edwards, Pesticide Coord .....(307) 837-2956

Cent$ible Nutrition Program

Ag Bldg Rm. 3004

Mindy Meuli, CNP Dir .....766-5181

Kali McCrackin Goodenough, CNP Marketing Coord .....766-4147

Kira Winters, CNP Prog Mgr .....766-5375

Abby Rux, CNP Trainer/Staff Development .....766-5375

Communications and Technology

Ag Bldg Rm. 23

David Keto, Mgr/Media Producer .....766-5695

Jeremy Cain, Graphic Designer .....766-5656

Derek Osterlund, Instructional Technology Ed Specc .....766-3559

Brooke Ortel, Writer/Editor .....766-6342

Maya Gilmore, Writer/Editor .....766-5626

Priyanka Ahuja, Website Designer/Developer .....

Peter Bishop, Digital Marketing Spec .....766-5157

Sean Thornton, Media Producer .....

AG Resource Center

Ag Bldg Rm. 35

Fax .....766-6345

Office .....766-5124


Samantha Krieger, Program Leader .....766-5683

Vacant, Volunteer Dev Spec .....766-5027

Ellie Riske, Youth Livestock Coord .....766-5679

Vacant, Office Assoc .....766-5170

Rylie Ogden, Events Coord .....766-3430

4-H Foundation

Steve Mack, Dir .....766-2528


Agricultural & Applied Economics .....766-2386

Animal Science .....766-2224

Family & Consumer Sciences .....766-4145

Molecular Biology .....766-3300

Plant Sciences .....766-3103

Ecosystem Science and Management .....766-2263

Veterinary Sciences .....766-5059

UW Extension County Offices

Albany County

3520 S 3rd St, Ste A, Laramie, 82070 .....(307) 721-2571

Big Horn County

208 S. 5th St., Basin, 82410

Mailing Address: PO Box 587, Greybull, 82426-9604 .....(307) 568-4160

Campbell County

412 S. Gillette Ave., Gillette, 82716 .....(307) 682-7281

Carbon County

215 W. Buffalo St., Carbon Bldg, P.O. Box 280, Rawlins, 82301 .....(307) 328-2642

Converse County

1839 Madora Ave., Suite 4, Douglas, 82633 .....(307) 358-2417

Crook County

309 Cleveland Street, P.O. Box 368, Sundance, 82729 .....(307) 283-1192

Fremont County

420 N. 2nd St., Rm 315, Lander, 82520 .....(307) 332-2363

1010 Fairgrounds Road, Riverton, 82501 .....(307) 857-3654

Goshen County

4516 US Hwy 26/85, Torrington, 82240 .....(307) 532-2436

Hot Springs County

328 Arapahoe, Thermopolis, 82443 .....(307) 864-3421

Johnson County

30 Fairgrounds Road, Buffalo, 82834 .....(307) 684-7522

Laramie County

1400 E. College Dr., Pathfinder Bldg. Rm. 406, Cheyenne, 82007 .....(307) 633-4383

Lincoln County

150 S. Washington, P.O. Box 309, Afton, 83110 .....(307) 885-3132

215 Hwy 233, Suite B, Kemmerer, 83101 .....(307) 828-4091

Natrona County

2011 Fairgrounds Rd, Casper, 82604 .....(307) 235-9400

Niobrara County

4080 US Highway 20, P.O. Box 210, Lusk, 82225 .....(307) 334-3534

Park County

1501 Stampede Ave. Ste. 2080, Cody, 82414 .....(307) 527-8560

655 E 5th, Powell, 82435 .....(307) 754-8836

Platte County

57 Antelope Gap Rd, Wheatland, 82201 .....(307) 322-3667

Sheridan County

1090 Dome Loop, Sheridan, 82801 .....(307) 674-2980

Sublette County

9660 Highway 191, P.O. Box 579, Pinedale, 82941 .....(307) 367-4380

Sweetwater County

Western Wyoming Community College, Rm 1336, 1339-1342

2500 College Drive, Box A-700, Rock Springs, 82901 .....(307) 352-6775

Teton County

255 W Deloney, P.O. Box 1708, Jackson, 83001 .....(307) 733-3087

Uinta County

228 9th St, Evanston, 82930, 783-0570

Washakie County

1200 Culbertson, Suite G, P.O. Box 609 Worland, 82401 .....(307) 347-3431

Weston County

204 W. Main St., Newcastle, 82701 .....(307) 746-3531

Wind River Reservation

3 Ethete Rd., PO Box 248, Ft. Washakie, 82514 .....(307) 332-2135


University of Wyoming-National Park Service Research Station

Dept 3166, 1000 E. University Ave.

1 AMK Ranch Road

Hilary Rollins, Station Mgr 

Hill Hall Rm. 639

Michael Dillon, Interim Dir .....307-314-9833

Bonnie Robinson, Office Mgr .....766-4227


University Store

Dept. 3255, 1000 E. University Ave.

Wyoming Union

Fax .....766-3221

Office .....766-3264


Misty Eaton, Mgr .....766-3264

Lara Ratterree, Asst Mgr .....766-3264

Nicole Farner, Mkt Coord .....766-3232

Shawn Hampton-Lyon, Physical Op Supvr .....766-3264

Business Office

Karin Garrison, Accountant .....766-3264

Cyndi Cowardin, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-3264


Linnea McGraw, Buyer .....766-3451

Vacant, Asst Buyer 766-3264

IDR Sales & Art Supplies

Justine Meyer, Buyer .....766-3264


Justin Meyer, Buyer .....766-3464

Clothing & Gifts

Lara Raffertee, Buyer .....766-3270


University Studies/Academic Affairs

Dept. 3302, 1000 E. University Ave.

Old Main Rm. 312

Fax .....766-2606

Coord .....766-4287

Aneesa McDonald, Staff Asst .....766-4287

University Testing Center - See Testing Center

University Wellness Center - See Student Health


UniWyo Federal Credit Union

2020 Grand Ave, McWhinnie Hall

Phone .....721-5600

Fax .....721-5603

Dave Krause, President .....721-5611

Member Services

Tara Springsteen, VP Ops .....721-5619

Emily Clark, Branch Mgr, 2020 Grand Ave .....721-5622

MJ Spomer, Branch Mgr, UW Branch McWhinnie Hall .....721-5675

Loan Dept

Shelley Morton, VP Lending .....721-5617

Loan Officers .....721-5600, Option 2

Marketing/Financial Education

Mindy Uitterdyk, VP Marketing .....721-5632


David Hansen, VP Finance .....721-5626

Myranda Sirdoreus, Accountant .....721-5625

Patrick Raymond, Accountant .....721-5621

Information Technology

Bill Froehlich, VP IT .....721-5623

Human Resources

Jason Courtney, VP HR .....721-5647


Upward Bound ­- See Student Educational Opportunity

Upward Bound Math Science - See Student Educational Opportunity



125 College Drive, Casper, WY 82601

Toll Free .....(877) 264-9930

Office .....(307) 268-2713

Fax .....(307) 268-2416

Brent Pickett, Dean ..... (307) 268-2432,

Carrie Gomez, Program Coord Sr .....(307) 268-3756,

Rochelle McCoy, Dir, BAS .....(307) 268-2398

Valorie LeeLyman, Academic Advising Professional, Sr .....(307) 268-2635,

David Eastes, UW-Casper IT Tech .....(307) 268-2439,


UW Machine Shop

(College of Engineering & Applied Science)

Dept. 3295. 1000 E. University Ave.

Phone .....766-4243


Spencer Miller, Technical Engineering Mgr

Gary Puls, Master Tech

Jason Haney, Master Tech

Brad Orr, Engineer

UW Postal Service -  See Post Office, UW


UW Presents - See Buchanan Center Special Events


UW Science Communication Initiative (WySCI)

(Dept. of Zoology & Physiology)

Dept. 3316, 1000 E. University Ave.

Biological Sciences Bldg., Rm. 408


Bethann Garramon Merkle, Dir


UWyo Magazine

(University Public Relations)

Dept. 3226, 1000 E. University Ave.

Bureau of Mines Bldg. Rm. 139

Fax .....766-6729

Micaela Myers, Managing Editor .....766-5456

The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.

Undergraduate and Graduate

Got a Question?

(307) 766-5160

Information Technology

(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)

Academic Support - Student Computing

Ask IT - Online Resources

Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292


International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193

Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300

Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175

(307) 766-5272

Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116

Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160

Contact Us

If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.